Night falls.

In the Oil City, more and more zombies gather in front of the wall formed by stacked containers.

After Li Yu solved Guan Zhongjin, Sanshu and others connected the oil connected to the walled city with a hose to a spray gun, and sprayed the oil along the wall outside the walled city.

After spraying a circle, a large amount of oil was used, and a strong smell of oil could be smelled on the entire fence.

Some of the oil was sprayed on the zombies, and the black oil covered the zombies' surfaces, making it even more difficult to see clearly in the dark.

The third uncle took a box of matches, lit a cigarette for himself, and then flicked the match to the place where the oil was sprayed.


When the sparks came into contact with the oil, they instantly caught fire and spread extremely quickly. The flames circled the oil city like a fire dragon.

The entire oil city suddenly became brighter, and the firelight illuminated the inside and outside of the wall.

Outside the wall, the zombies with oil sprayed on their bodies burned like devils coming out of hell.

But this fierce flame burned them to death.

The third uncle and others standing on the wall covered their eyes with their hands. The fierce flames could still feel the scorching temperature even though they were three or four meters away.

During the spraying process, they tried to spray the oil as far away as possible, but it was inevitable that some would drip under the container.

The fire spread, and some of it burned under the fence, making the container very hot. Fortunately, the container was made of iron sheet, otherwise the fire might have burned down the fence.


The third uncle smelled the smell of burnt insoles, and quickly raised his feet. He saw that the soles had been softened by the heat, so he said to everyone: "Go farther away, be careful not to get burned."

After saying that, the third uncle jumped down from the wall.

Fires were everywhere, flames were burning, and the temperature of the oil city surrounded by flames slowly increased as time went by.

Li Yu felt the temperature rise and walked out from the residents of the oil city.

As soon as his eyes lit up, he saw that the surrounding walls were filled with flames, and he knew that Uncle San and the others had spilled the oil and set it on fire.

He was not surprised. His third uncle and the others had already told him about it just now.

Slowly walking towards the wall, the higher the temperature can be felt.

At night, the temperature drops significantly compared to the daytime temperature.

But the temperature now is even higher than during the day.

After many people came down from the wall, their faces were red, obviously from the flames outside.

As the temperature rose, everyone took off their explosion-proof suits and were already covered in sweat. After taking them off, they were filled with the sour smell of sweat.

Li Yu also took off his explosion-proof clothing, climbed on the roof of the RV and looked out.

I saw that outside the wall, it had become a sea of ​​​​fire, and the zombies outside were engulfed by the flames. It looked like hell on earth.

Li Yu wiped the sweat from his face and looked at the fire, slightly dazed.

From a distance, these zombies look exactly like human beings unless you look carefully.

These zombies are not afraid of fire at all, or zombies don't know what fear is.


Fortunately, zombies are unconscious, otherwise humans would never survive until now.

Ever since Uncle San and the others sprayed out the oil, and with the blocking of the wall, the wall was safe.

It was too hot outside, so Li Yu got into the RV, turned on the air conditioner, and lay on the bed to rest in the cold wind. They would get up early tomorrow morning and had things to do.

Some people were left on duty to observe the situation of the zombies, while others found their own places to rest.

Lao Bi has not been idle. After capturing the oil city today, he has been cleaning out the enemies inside. He hasn't had time to search inside the oil city yet.

Looking at the Petroleum Walled City from a distance, the flames shone brightly, turning the whole place red.

It is more than ten kilometers away from the Oil City.

The motorcycle party lair.

At this time, it was miserable.

The old ghost values ​​​​the Oil City Walled City very much, so when something happened in the Oil City Walled City today, he took away most of the people and cars, leaving only a handful of people watching the lair.

Unexpectedly, not only the entire army was wiped out, but his own life was also involved.

Some people escaped quickly and returned here before dark, telling those who stayed behind what happened in the Oil City Walled City.

When the people who stayed here learned the news, the entire motorcycle gang nest was in chaos.

Some of them escaped death and came to their lair.

A man sitting on the roof of the car looked at the dense crowd of zombies outside and slapped his thigh in annoyance.

"Damn, if I had known, I wouldn't have come back this time. Those people might come here early tomorrow morning. I won't be able to escape by then. Taisheng, you are a bitch. If I had known, I wouldn't have listened. Yours."

A man with blue hair who was standing on a pile of food and still sorting it looked at him and said:

"If we don't come back, we have no food, no supplies, even if we can escape, how long can we hold on? You know what to do if you think about it with your buttocks. Besides, wouldn't it be nice if we left early tomorrow morning."

The man sitting on the roof of the car said helplessly: "Look at there are so many zombies outside, how can we escape? Even if it comes tomorrow morning, we have to wait until the zombies leave before we can escape!"

"Don't worry, there is enough time, there are zombies here, and there will be zombies at the oil village, and they dare not take risks among the zombies, not to mention, they are so far away from here, don't worry, when they get here, We left long ago.”

"I hope so." The man sitting on the roof of the car sighed and said leisurely.

But his eyes were full of worry and panic.

There were also some biker gang members who were even more crazy in the lounge. The table fell to the ground and the bottles were scattered all over the place.

This was their last hurray, and they knew they would have no chance until tomorrow.

"The boss must be dead, but his wives are pretty." One of the men with a bald head and a tiger tattoo on his shoulder suddenly said, his eyes lit up after he was drunk.

In the motorcycle gang, the best and most beautiful women are the private property of their boss.

When the bald man said this, several people next to him looked at each other.

Started to laugh out loud.

However, just when they were laughing wildly and were about to walk towards the house where the old ghost lived.

An inappropriate voice appeared: "How dare you! When the boss comes back, you will be finished. I won't allow you to do this!"

"Idiot, didn't you see what happened tonight? The motorcycle gang is finished! With us little fish and shrimps, do you think we can still resist?

The boss is dead a long time ago. Since he is dead, his women should not be wasted.

Oh, it's you. You didn't go out today. I don't know what's going on outside. "

"No, you can't do this!" The man's face was filled with anger, and he stood up and stopped in front of these people.

"You bastard, I've been unhappy with you for a long time, and now you want to trouble me, right?"

The bald man picked up a wine bottle and threw it at the man standing in front of him.


The wine bottle shattered on the man's head, and bright red blood flowed from his head.

But his eyes did not flinch, but stared straight at the bald man in front of him.

He said with a somewhat crazy tone: "Bald Cai, I said, the boss will definitely come back, and you must not taint the boss's woman."

After saying that, he shouted towards the back: "Brothers, kill these bastards."

"Are you really idiots? The old ghost lied to you. Have you been brainwashed so badly? What a bunch of idiots!!!" Guangtou Cai said anxiously and angrily when he saw him call someone else.

However, even if he said so.

The man who was hit on the head had a look of disdain on his face and waved behind him.

He was one of the earlier ones to follow Lao Gui, and Lao Gui brainwashed them more seriously.

Therefore, after the old ghost left, the dozens of people who stayed behind were all people he trusted and were all his die-hard loyalists.

These people are actually similar to idiot fans. In their hearts, the old ghost has become the pillar of their hearts and will never die.

With a shout, more than a dozen people ran out from the side.

They stopped in front of Bald Cai together.

"Caoni Ma, I'm going to sleep with them tonight. It's no use even if the King of Heaven comes."


He raised his gun and fired at the man who had been blocking him.

The man's head had been hit by a bottle of wine and was bleeding.

At this time, he was shot in the head by a bullet at close range.

Following Bald Cai's shooting, a violent conflict broke out between those who escaped from the oil city and the diehards who stayed in the biker gang's lair.

Originally, these diehards didn't believe it when they heard the news about the group of people who had fled to their lair, but they couldn't get out in the dark.

What made them even more angry was that as soon as these people came back, they started carrying food and causing wanton trouble, which caused some physical friction.

With the sound of gunshots, both sides were completely torn apart.

These people who were able to escape were more afraid of death, and they didn't really believe in the old ghosts and the nonsense they told them.

The two groups of people have completely different ideas. One group regards the old ghost as the savior and sustenance of the soul, while the other group is self-centered. Better, now that the old ghosts are most likely dead, they won't pretend anymore.

After Bald Cai used his gun, the other side became even crazier, shooting from both sides.

The bullet hit a glass bottle in the lounge, and the dregs of the bottle were all over the floor.

The half-dressed women inside screamed and ran out of this dark place.

The two sides were fighting, and no one paid any attention to them.

Stab it!

There was already a lot of alcohol in the lounge, so the two sides exchanged shots, and the gun went off.

A small flame ignited and spread rapidly.

Soon, the entire lounge was filled with smoke and burning everywhere.

The women ran outside and screamed.

The screams made the zombies outside the walls of their lair even more crazy, and they kept hitting the door.

On the lair side, the original wall was not built, and in many places vehicles were just used to block the gaps.

Originally, the old ghost took away most of the people, and not many people stayed.

At this time, when he heard that Guangtou Cai and the others were going to taint the boss's woman, he was naturally unwilling to do so and quickly left his position on duty to stop Guangtou Cai and the others.


A bullet grazed the ear of the blue-haired man who was carrying food, leaving a trail of blood.

"Damn, they're crazy." The blue-haired man was concentrating on carrying the food, but he didn't expect to suffer such an unreasonable disaster.

"Lantian, look if there's a fire over there in the lounge." The man sitting on the roof of the car pointed to the lounge and said to him.

As soon as he finished speaking, a bullet shattered the car glass.

Immediately afterwards, several people ran over from the wall and shot at them.

"They're crazy!"

Lan Tian covered his ears and squatted next to the car. When he saw McDull still standing on the roof of the car, he pulled him down.

"Still standing so high, you are seeking death."

He looked at the thick smoke coming out of the lounge with lingering fear, frowned, and said with some concern: "The situation is not very good, maybe Baldy Cai and the others are causing trouble. Ghosts are very loyal people, those people are crazy, maybe we will be regarded as rebels by them."

McDull squatted next to him, leaning his big head on his shoulders and asked, "Then what should we do?"

"What else can we do? Cold salad. Hide."

Lan Tian climbed under the car. McDull watched him do this and climbed under the car with him.

After receiving the news through the intercom, those who were removed from the fence duty rushed towards the old haunted house in the center.

While running, kill the new ones with gunfire.

The two sides fought fiercely in the lair, with loud gunshots.

Lan Tian and McDull lay under the car, looked at the people running past, and breathed a sigh of relief.

They hid under the car and stayed out of the action.

Amidst the gunfire, hundreds of women ran out of the lounge, screaming and running away in a hurry, but they didn't know where they were going.

For a time, the motorcycle gang's lair was completely in chaos.

In the factory where the slaves were kept, several members of the motorcycle gang stationed here looked up and looked outside after hearing the gunshots outside.


The intercom on the waist of one of the handsome men rang.

"Bald Cai is rebelling, come to the central government for support! Come quickly, they are going to seize the boss's woman!"


The little boss suddenly stood up from his stool.

It's amazing that Bald Cai turned against them.

Although they heard what those people said, they did not believe it or that something would happen to the old ghost.

He picked up the gun and shouted to the people around him: "Let's go help!"

"What about them?" One of the boys asked, pointing to the slaves inside the iron bars.

"They are locked up and can't escape." After saying that, he ran outside the factory.

"Okay." Several younger brothers quickly followed him out.

In a hurry, someone dropped the key to the iron railing on his body.

The old man who had been leaning against the iron railing hurriedly shouted to the young man next to him, "Sun Zai, you have long hands, go and pick up that key quickly. Quick!"

The old man had gray hair, but he was in good spirits. He pressed his face against the iron railing, and his whole face was deformed.

"I'm not your grandson." The young man said helplessly when he heard this title. He curled his lips, but still slowly squeezed past.

"You call you daddy, right?"


"Your father calls me daddy, so aren't you my grandson?"

"But! But! This father is cheating on his son." The young man lamented, and then reached out to fish out the iron railing.

This young man who doesn't seem to be in his twenties has an unreliable father who always likes to recognize someone as a godfather. He has already met several "grandfathers".


The young man was tall and had long hands, and he was the first to get the key among the people who were locked inside and tried to grab the key.

After the young man got the key, he excitedly went over to open the lock on the iron railing.

When the old man saw this scene, he hurriedly stopped him: "Sun Sha, don't open the door! If you open the door, we will all die!"

As soon as he said this, the young man looked at him in astonishment, and the other slaves next to him also looked at him in confusion.

I have been locked up all this time, and now I finally have a chance to escape in the chaos. I still haven’t opened the door. Is being a slave addicted?

(Ask for monthly ticket)

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