Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 794 Typhoon Warning, Cai Guo Ancient City Ruins

Return the way you came.

Everyone on the road was in a good mood. Not only did they get a military radio station, but they also harvested so many military supplies.

These things are the basis for their survival in the apocalypse and their ability to resist zombies and other forces.

Whether it is in the end of the world or before the end of the world, strength represents the absolute right to speak.

But it will be better before the end of the world. At least we don't have to worry about food, drink, or personal safety.

But it's different in the apocalypse. If you don't have strength, others will chew you to pieces.

Returned with a full load.

Li Yu was sitting in the armored RV and saw Yang Tianlong driving as the co-pilot. Tianlong's driving style was completely different from Li Tie and Cannon's style.

Generally speaking, when a cannon is driving and sees a larger pit ahead, it will slow down to reduce the vibration of the vehicle.

But Yang Tianlong is different, one word is rushing.

Reckless to the end.

Regardless of whether there are pits or rocks in front of you, just rush over.

If this car hadn't been an armored RV with a very high floor, if it had been replaced by a car like that, the floor would have been destroyed.

Since coming here in the morning, until almost two o'clock now, he hasn't eaten anything. Li Yu felt a little hungry, so he took the dry food and ate while thinking.

At present, the motorcycle gang's matter has come to an end, the military radio station has been obtained, and the oil city has also made plans.

It just needs to develop slowly.

As the Da Zhangshu base expanded, he gradually felt a sense of insecurity.

There is no other, mainly in the end of the world, other hidden forces, the advantage of information is very important in the end of the world.

For example, when you know the existence of other forces, but that force does not know you, then you have the initiative.

The solution to this problem is quite simple. It is still the same as the Da Zhangshu Base. It adopts the cooperative personnel model to expand its influence. In this way, these cooperative personnel are like a network and can spread out.

Having made up his mind, Li Yu concentrated on the food in his hands.

After saying it for so long, he also wanted to go back.

When I went to the Western Conference before, it took more than half a month.

Thinking of this, Li Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Originally, after he was reborn, he just wanted to stay in that place with his family and friends. However, with the development of time and the increase in personnel, the current Da Zhangshu Base has exceeded his expectations.

Fortunately, due to his steady approach, there was no internal struggle or food crisis caused by the increase in staff.

Li Yu looked at the trees blown by the wind outside the window, but thought of another thing in his heart.

He vaguely remembered that in the second year of the end of the world, many horrific natural disasters broke out.

High temperature, earthquake, acid rain, heavy snow, flood

All this killed too many survivors.

But in the middle of that year, he clearly remembered that everyone thought the weather had returned to normal, and other than being a little hotter, there was no problem.

But in July of this year, a horrific typhoon broke out.

It was still June, so the time was not tense, but he felt a lingering fear when he thought of the typhoon.

At that time, he was not inland, but in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. When the typhoon was raging, he saw with his own eyes that some houses were blown away by the typhoon.

He didn't know how many levels the typhoon had, but he knew it was the biggest typhoon he had ever seen.

He once saw with his own eyes that a three-story building was uprooted by a typhoon and blown hundreds of meters into the sky.

I have also seen the scene of zombies flying everywhere in the heavy rain.

Imagine that in the heavy rain, the zombies' mobility has improved a lot. At this time, these zombies come out of the dark corners where they are hiding.

Then it was blown up by the typhoon, and the zombies in the sky were like huge drops of rain, carried by the typhoon, and then fell somewhere.

No one knows where the zombies fell, but once they fall, if there are humans in the place where they fall.

Then those humans will be overwhelmed by zombies falling from the sky.


Although the typhoon is scary, what is even more terrifying is the zombies blown up by the typhoon. Some zombies fly from high in the sky, ignore the walls, and fall from the high sky.

Most of the zombies were killed by the fall, but a very small number of zombies survived the fall because the height they were blown up was not too high.

Some zombies even had their legs broken, but their heads were not fatally injured and they were still able to crawl with their hands.

This is the most terrifying thing.

The roaring typhoon lasted for a long time.

When the typhoon ended, everything became a mess.


With the windows closed, the wind outside was isolated by the windows, making the car much quieter.

Li Yu looked at the trees outside the window, swaying in the wind, and felt quiet in his heart.

The Dazhangshu base is located in the mountains. At least it is blocked by mountains and rivers, so the impact should not be great.

Oil City Walled City is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, hundreds of kilometers away from the Yellow River. When a typhoon comes, the impact will be much smaller.

Looking back at the big camphor tree base, the reason why Li Yu keeps building higher walls is to deal with various problems.

The wall is thirty meters high. Even if a typhoon enters Gan Province, the typhoon will be weakened by the blocking of mountains and forests, and the tall wall will block it, so the risk should be minimized. However, Li Yu still feels that waiting for this time to go back After that, before the typhoon comes, do some more preparations.

Although Jiangxi Province did not have a strong sense of existence before the end of the world, it has a great feature, that is, stability.

The overall terrain is surrounded by mountains and is far away from various volcanic and seismic zones. Generally, serious natural disasters will not occur.

Even in the last days, compared with other places, the impact here is relatively small.

This is also an important reason why Li Yu chose to come back here after his rebirth.

Vehicles were speeding.

Before he knew it, Li Yu had finished eating the food in his hand.


Suddenly, Ju Tianrui's message came over the intercom.

"Mr. Li."

"You say." Li Yu sat up straight and replied with the walkie-talkie.

He had told Ju Tianrui before that he would pay attention to the situation of the military radio station at any time. After the military radio station was plugged into the car, it could be used.

Looking at the watch, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Counting the time, Uncle San and the others should have arrived at the Oil City Walled City.

After Ju Tianrui heard Li Yu's voice, he immediately said: "Mr. Li, there is news from Captain Li. The military radio station is available!"

"Okay!" Li Yu was overjoyed when he heard this.

But he said that after his third uncle left Zheng City.

Flying in the low altitude all the way.

Since there is no aviation kerosene and diesel fuel is added, it is inevitable that the engine will not burn sufficiently. During the flight, some minor failures occurred at one time.

It's the kind of glitch that suddenly drops and then pulls up.

This made Da Pao and Li Gang a little regretful, why did they come up here to die.

But after they saw the calm faces of Ant Lao Qin and others, even though they had fallen hard just now, their faces remained calm.

After all, these people in front of them are all older than them. As a young man, can't he be more courageous than his father's generation?

The helicopter was very noisy and they were all wearing sound-isolating headphones, making it difficult to communicate with each other.

However, as they looked down from the air, it was the first time they saw the post-apocalyptic world from this perspective.

Although it can also be seen from the drone, the feeling is completely different.

There are mostly plains in Henan Province, so you can see very far away at a glance.

Since they were flying in a helicopter, they didn't have to walk around the city to avoid zombies, so they flew in a straight line.

On the way, they saw some ancient walls standing on the outskirts of the city.

Viewed from a high altitude, the buildings on the ground are in dilapidated condition and covered with various mosses. The whole city seems to have been taken over by plants, and it is green to the eye.

But there was no trace of anyone on the road.

Seems confused and lonely.

After the helicopter flew for half an hour, it suddenly saw a gathering point to the west of Runan.

The third uncle signaled, and Jackal controlled the helicopter to fly in that direction.

Buzz buzz——

Soon, they saw it more clearly.

I saw in that direction a group of somewhat ancient buildings, city walls, gates, and moats.

The third uncle looked at the map, picked up the walkie-talkie microphone, and motioned for everyone to put on the walkie-talkie headphones.

"This should be the ancient city of Cai State. I didn't expect it to develop into a gathering point. Let's fly over and have a look."

Everyone lay beside the helicopter window and looked over there.

I saw that the ruins of the ancient city must have been repaired, and the collapsed walls were rebuilt.

After being piled up, it is very obvious compared with the wall next to it. The wall built before was made of rammed earth and has lasted for thousands of years and is very stable.

These newly built walls are all in different colors.

"I don't think I've heard Zhong Chuchu and the others mention this place before." Jackal just glanced at it and said loudly.

Third Uncle and the others looked down from the air and saw that this ancient city was not big. To be precise, the gathering place they built was not big.

Relying on the original west wall and extending to the side, the total area is only 20,000 to 30,000 square meters and more than 30 acres of land.

Originally, the west wall of the ancient city ruins here was eight or nine meters high, and more importantly, it was more than ten meters wide.

In sharp contrast to the western wall, the walls in other directions are less than five meters high and two meters wide.

But everyone knows that it is not easy to achieve this step.

The width can reach two meters, which is enough to resist zombies.

At this time, they looked down from a high altitude and could see some people standing on the wall, looking up at the helicopter in the sky.

After taking a quick look, I saw that there were probably more than thirty people in sight.

The helicopter hovered in the air for a while, and suddenly it fell again. Then the third uncle said: "Let's go back to the Oil City Walled City first."

Jackal then controlled the helicopter and flew towards the Oil City Walled City.

After they left, the survivors in Cai Guo's ancient city had already spread the news.

Among them was a burly, bear-like man who looked at the direction the helicopter was leaving and murmured: "Seven grandsons, could it be that they are the motorcycle gangs they are talking about?"

Half an hour later.

Uncle San and the others took a helicopter and arrived outside the Oil City.

Xiao Jun and Lao Luo, who were stationed here, received news from the third uncle and the others on the walkie-talkie before they arrived.

If Third Uncle and the others ran over rashly, it would be bad for Xiao Jun and Lao Luo to bombard them directly with anti-aircraft guns.

Although Xiao Jun and Lao Luo had received the news from their third uncle just now, they were very happy to learn that they would come back by helicopter.

However, when they saw this helicopter appearing in front of their eyes, they still couldn't believe it.

He obviously just went to look for a military radio station, but when he came back, he brought a helicopter back.

This shocked them.

Not only him, but the other team members who stayed inside, and even Zhong Chuchu were shocked.

When Zhong Chuchu and the others heard the sound of a helicopter overhead, they came out of the cafeteria curiously.

I heard Xiao Jun sighing not far away: "Lao Luo, I'm so good. I never thought that Mr. Li and the others just went to find a military radio station. What did they bring back? Helicopters! This... this"

"Old Xiao, I don't have too many emotions right now. I'm just thinking that it might be a mistake for us to stay here to guard!"

"Why?" Xiao Jun looked at him with some confusion.

"I feel that we missed a lot of wonderful things." Lao Luo said with some regret.

Hearing this, Xiao Jun saw the helicopter slowly land in the open space in front of him, and he also had this feeling at this moment.

This feeling is like missing 100 million before the end of the world.

The other side.

Zhong Chuchu's eyes widened, and her mouth opened wide, forming an O shape.

Shen Xiaoxiao, who was next to her, also asked in shock: "Sister Chuchu, this is a helicopter!!! Where did they get it?"

"I don't know about this either." Zhong Chuchu stared blankly at the helicopter and said.

"It's so strong, it's too strong. With this, the strength of our camphor tree base will reach another level!"

Shen Xiaoxiao waved his fist as big as a sandbag, and he was like a tiger.

Inadvertently, she had completely regarded herself as a person from the Da Zhangshu Base.

Who wouldn't want to be a part of such a powerful base?

At this time, Zhong Chuchu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief after being shocked.

Fortunately, Li Yu asked her to follow him back to the Da Zhangshu base in the south. As long as she slowly completed the tasks, sooner or later she could become a non-staff member, and then a member of the outer city.

Because the sound of the helicopter was too loud, many people came out of the canteen.

Everyone was amazed.

"Holy crap, what is that? A helicopter?"

"Yes, it's so big and so strong."

"Where did they get it?"

"No matter where it comes from, we can't get it and we won't open it."

There was a lot of discussion, filled with shock and emotion that Third Uncle and the others were able to drive back in a helicopter.


The wings stopped rotating, and the third uncle came down carrying a green box.

"Find a place to charge, then adjust it, use the military radio to contact Li Yu and the others, and test it."

After the third uncle got out of the car, he said to Lao Luo.

Lao Luo, who looked shocked, came to his senses and said, "Oh. Okay. This way."

Ten minutes later, the military radio station next to Ju Tianrui, who was on the road, received a message from his third uncle.

(Please give me a monthly ticket~~)

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