Part-time workers came over to help carry things to the car, and the women next to them also came over to carry them. After a while, all the supplies were carried to the car.

Li Yu looked at Teacher Liu and Song Min and said, "Get in the car, I'll give you a ride."

Song Min nodded, called everyone, and got into the car without hesitation.

Li Yu was not in the same car with them. Song Min and others were in another car, sitting with the part-time workers, silent all the way.

Soon we arrived at the outskirts of the county.

From a distance, everyone saw a large building over there. It turned out that this was an industrial factory, with many electronics factories, clothing factories, and some wholesale markets for building materials.

Vehicles moved from asphalt roads to cement roads, and then to cement roads with some potholes.

With the arrival of the end of the world, this place has become extremely desolate. Originally, there were many workers here.

But after the end of the world, human presence is rare.

At the edge of this building, everyone saw a row building with 8 floors and a yard in front. Although the yard was not high, it was close to 2 meters, with an area of ​​almost 50 square meters.

In this building, there is no building 20 meters around. This building is the tallest building here.

Outside the yard, there is a silver iron gate, which is open.

As the vehicle approached, Li Yu saw overgrown weeds inside the iron gate. In the last few months, the vegetation grew extremely fast. Through the door, he could vaguely feel a dilapidated and desolate atmosphere.

Li Yu patted Li Tie in front and asked him to stop.

After getting off the car, Li Yu saw Song Min and others also getting off the car.

Li Yu said to Song Min and others: "What do you think of this place?"

Song Min took a closer look at the building in front and felt that it was still very good. Firstly, it is not far from the main traffic road. Secondly, there is a walled yard. Thirdly, there are no taller buildings around it.

The most important thing is that I don’t know which rich man built this small building. It looks well decorated on the outside, and it shouldn’t be too bad on the inside.

So I chatted with the sisters behind me, and they all agreed that this place was very good.

Song Min walked up to Li Yu and said, "Thank you very much. We are very satisfied. Let's move it ourselves."

Looking at the sky, it was already a little late, but the afterglow of the sunset was still lingering there.

Li Yu directed the workers to help move things down.

After moving, he placed it at the door, nodded to Song Min, then looked at the building, narrowed his eyes, and said: "That building should be good, but before moving in, search for zombies first. I'm leaving. "

Song Min nodded. She understood this. After all, when she lived in the center of the county, she often had to go out to look for supplies, sometimes in various houses. Occasionally she would encounter zombies hiding in a dark corner.

After encountering them more often, Song Min and others also developed their own methods to defend themselves against zombie attacks.

Li Yu saw that the things had been put down, and then turned back.

I saw the steady man and the young man in the group just now.

Li Yu did not kill the two of them. If the steady man said it according to what he said, then he had not harmed Zhao Dapao's family, and this steady man was quite obedient.

So he kept their lives for the time being. This life would still be useful to him when he goes to the city later.

However, their eyes were covered with black cloth, and Li Gang and Zhao Dapao were always watching beside them.

Li Yu turned around, waved to Song Min and others who were looking at them from behind, and stepped into the car.

go home!

It was already getting late, and going to the city center for revenge required planning and couldn't be done overnight. The distance wasn't very far anyway. 80 kilometers.

Go home first, discuss the countermeasures and plan carefully, and then set off after making a plan!

The vehicles faced the setting sun, and the convoy got further and further away.

Song Qi stopped what he was doing and kept watching their vehicle go away, feeling a little reluctant to leave.

Song Min, who was next to him, patted his head and said, "Hurry and move things. It will be too late and the zombies will come out."

Song Qi didn't respond.

Song Min patted him again and said, "What?"

Song Qi said sadly: "Sister, when will I be as strong as them! I want to join them. If I join them, I won't be bullied. They are actually quite nice people."

When Song Min heard this, he sighed quietly and said, "I have thought about this issue too, but he didn't say anything. It's good now. At least, we should be friends. Well, I think he is a friend. I don't know how they will view it. .”

Then he felt a little confused and said, "I can't see through them."

However, Li Yu didn't know what they were talking about, and was speeding on the national highway facing the afterglow.

Originally, before the apocalypse broke out, there were very few vehicles driving outside because of the day and night problem. But after the apocalypse broke out, Li Yu and others would clear the vehicles on the road every time they came to the county town.

After several trips down the road, the road became smoother and smoother. Even because there were no other vehicles on the road, Li Yu and others drove faster than before the end of the world.

After a while, Li Yu and others arrived at the base.

Opening the gate of Wengcheng, the second uncle was very happy to see some medical machinery and some medical supplies on Li Yu and others' vehicles. However, when he saw two blindfolded men getting out of another car.

Suddenly he became wary and asked Li Yu: "Who are these two people?"

When Li Yu heard this, he told him everything he had encountered in the county.

The second uncle nodded, looked at Zhao Dapao, sighed, and finally said: "What you mean is, are you going to the city center next?"

Li Yu nodded.

The second uncle looked a little grim and said: "They have guns. Although they don't have many guns according to what they said, they still have guns. And there are so many of them. You will be in greater danger in the past."

Li Yu said: "Cannon has been joining the base for some time, and he also protected Third Uncle and the others when they came back. During this time, he also went out to take risks with him. He didn't say a word. He treated us as family, and we also Gotta help him."

When the second uncle heard this, his face looked a little tangled, but in the end he remained silent.

Li Yu saw his second uncle's expression and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely be considerate when doing things. I will not take action until I know the enemy's strength. If I take action, I will be 100% sure." Can be solved."

The second uncle felt more at ease when he remembered the way Li Yu had always handled things.

So I didn’t say anything more.

Those two people were locked up in the small house next to the breeding farm by Li Gang and Yang Tianlong.

That small house is still vacant and has an iron door that can be closed inside.

So Li Yu personally tied the hands and feet of the two people, and finally blocked their mouths and still covered their eyes with black cloth.

Then he closed the iron door tightly, and finally spoke to the personnel on duty in the monitoring room today, asking them to focus on what was going on here.

In the end, it still felt unsafe, so I asked my third uncle to come over and monitor them.

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