"Don't look at the rest?" The woman who handed the information to Fang Yuan asked curiously.

"No, I believe in eye contact." Fang Yuan said with a shallow smile, "I think it's good for Li Susu."

"Mrs. Shaw is very cheerful." Next to a broad too smile said: "Xiao is also fierce, young so promising, your little couple really let us envy ah."

"Where is it?" Fang Yuan chuckled, her heart full of pride.

"You've been married for a while, so..." Another broad too looks at Fang Yuan's abdomen.

"We are young and not in a hurry." Fang Yuan reached out and pretended to cover her abdomen inadvertently. She was still smiling, but she showed some embarrassment.

He and Xiao bo have been married for a long time, but from the time of marriage to now, the number of roommates is very small. Xiao Bo is very careful every time. She can't get pregnant with Durex.

"Also, it's not good to be bound by children at such a young age." "My husband and I also want to play for a few years, but my parents in law really want to have grandchildren," said a broad too shallow smile

"Are you pregnant?" Everyone was surprised.

"Well, the hospital just checked it out the other day. It's ten weeks pregnant." The broad old man was twenty-three-four, with a blush on his cheek.

"Don't you always have contraception?" Next to a very old broad too a face helpless said: "originally agreed to live a few days to Maldives, you are now pregnant, I'm afraid you can't go."

"Yes." The pregnant woman sighed and said, "my mother-in-law is so precious. I'm going to come out and get together with you and discuss with them for a while."

"How do you get pregnant with contraception?" Fang Yuan asked curiously.

"Poop." The pregnant broad too chuckles and says: "it's a little shy to say that. My mother-in-law really wants the tightness of her grandson. She found out a few days ago and then told us that the covers in my room and my husband's room were secretly pierced by her needles..."

"Ah? So? " The faces of all the people were full of laughter and laughter, and they said, "this method is really..."

"Well, my husband and I don't know what to say, but after I got pregnant, he worked less overtime. He spent more and more time with me. I'll admit it." That pregnant broad too is full of happy look.

"So..." There was a strange look in Fang Yuan's eyes, but it could still be like this

At this time, the pregnant broad too cell phone vibrates, she connects the phone: "husband? What's up? Ah? No...... " There was a flash of helplessness in his eyes, and he paused and said, "OK, I'll go right now, eh, OK."

Hang up her cell phone, she sighed and said, "my husband doesn't want me to come out too long, for fear of any accident to the child. No, I'm coming to pick me up. The person is at the door. I'll go first."

"Well, I'll make another appointment." The others waved.

"OK, but if you can't come out, don't make fun of me." The pregnant broad too cover mouth smile to carry their own satchel left with a smile.

Fang Yuan looks at her back, a flash of envy in her eyes.

Maybe She and shobo should also have a child of their own.

Thinking about this in her heart, Fang Yuan slightly lowered her head and flashed a calculation in her eyes.

"Mrs. Shaw, I'll fix this for you. I'll arrange for her to see you these days, and you'll think about it." Said the lady with the information.

"No more." Fang Yuan's mind is not here now, she said with a smile: "anyway, it's also a good job. It's not an interview employee. Just decide it directly. I have something to do now. I'll go back first."

"Ah? You're gone, too! " The broad lady beside froze for a moment.

"Yes, I suddenly remembered that there was something else to do at home." Fang Yuan said she got up and said goodbye and left.

After Fang Yuan hurried home, she immediately called the servant: "what time will Mr. Fang come back tonight?"

"Madam, sir didn't say it this morning, and I don't know." The servant shook his head.

"I don't know if I'm going to ask?" Fang Yuanbai looks at the servant. It's so stupid that she can only be a servant all her life.

"Shall I ask?" The servant was stunned. She was just a servant. How could she ask the master when he will come back.

"Otherwise?" Fang Yuan was annoyed: "forget it, don't use you, I'll ask myself."

"Oh..." The servant looked down at Fang Yuan and asked carefully, "what else can I do for you, madam?"

"Make a good dinner." Fang Yuan thought for a moment and said, "open another bottle of good red wine to sober up in advance. If there is nothing else, you can go."

"Good lady." The maid nodded and went out.

After the maid left, Fang Yuan went up the stairs and went back to her bedroom. She opened the wardrobe and picked out her favorite skirt. She looked in front of the mirror and smiled.With her beauty, Xiao Bo and her children must be very beautiful and lovely. No matter whether it's a boy or a girl, as long as it's her and Xiao Bo's, she will love this child all her life.

Take off the skirt and put on this favorite skirt again. The more she wears it, the more upset she gets: "strange, how can the zipper be so hard to pull?"

After trying several times, she couldn't pull it. Fang Yuan called the maid again, "pull it for me."

"OK." The maid immediately came forward to help: "madam, take a breath."

"Hiss..." Fang Yuan took a deep breath, and the line at her waist drew in a little.

The maid then pulled up the zipper with a strong force: "madam, it's done."

"Hoo..." At this time, Fang Yuan slowly breathed out a breath, but felt that the whole waist and abdomen were extremely uncomfortable. Facing the mirror, Fang Yuan frowned slightly and murmured, "am I fat?"

"What?" The servant didn't hear clearly. Thinking that Fang Yuan had any orders, he said, "madam, I didn't hear clearly."

"What can I do for you? Go away! " Fang Yuan exclaimed in a burst of annoyance.

"Yes..." The servant nodded and left in a hurry. It's depressing enough to be yelled at every day. Ah

Looking at herself in the mirror, Fang Yuan was not happy. Originally, she was very slim. After she wanted to get married, Xiao Bo didn't need her work and didn't need her school. Her life was to drink tea and eat sweets with the rich ladies every day, and she didn't seem to have any sports.

Reaching out and touching her waist, Fang Yuan sighed. It's not good to go on like this. What should I do?

The more she thinks about it, the more she feels upset. The more upset she feels, the more she wants to eat something sweet to relieve her psychological pressure.

While eating blueberry cake, Fang Yuan dialed Xiao Bo on the phone.

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