When Xiao Bo received Lin xiaorou's call again, it was two hours later: "are you finished?"

"Yes." In the empty bathroom, Lin xiaorou is lying on her back in the prototype Jacuzzi: "I'm tired. I'm sweating all over. I'm in the bath."

"Have you had breakfast?" Asked shobo.

"Not yet." Lin Xiaorou used his fingers to play the bubble in the bathtub and said with a smile, "what about you? Have you had dinner yet? "

"I've got a bellyful of gas, isn't it?" Xiao Bo asked with a smile.

"Oh, who dares to make my favorite angry?" Lin xiaorou raised a smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Who else can it be." Xiao Bo took a deep breath as if he was trying to suppress his anger: "I don't want to see her at all!"

"Don't be so angry." Lin xiaorou turns over in the bathtub, lies on the edge of the bathtub and holds the mobile phone, chuckles and says: "if you hate her so much, my plan It will be difficult. "

"Plan? What are your plans? " Asked Shaw, frowning.

"This..." Lin Xiao's soft eyes turned. After a pause, she said with a smile, "now, I need your help."

"Help you? How can I help you? " Asked shobo.

"I want you to be nice to Fang Yuan." Lin xiaorou paused and said, "no, I want you to be very kind to Fang Yuan."

"You..." Xiao Bo was stunned. "Aren't you kidding me?"

"Why?" Lin xiaorou chuckled, but her eyes gradually darkened and said, "listen to me. I want you to be very kind to her. I want her to fall in love with you and be willing to be our chess piece."

Fang Yuan wants to overcome Fang Lian's obstacle It's so important.

"Good." Shobo answered.

"I miss you so much." Lin xiaorou once again turned over and reclined in the bathtub. She spoke softly in her mouth.

The door of the bathroom is open, facing the double bed in the room. A blonde man in his early thirties leans on the bed. His eyes are wide and round. His face is white. There are traces of blood splashing on his chin. There is a blood hole in his throat. The whole sheet is mottled with blood.

The scene in this bedroom is very gloomy, which is in sharp contrast to the bright and warm bathroom with the bath lamp on.

In the bathroom, the woman is still talking to her lover. The languid voice lengthens the ending and makes her charming.

After hanging up, Xiao Bo left his cell phone aside, looked at the time and went to the bedroom.

Before entering the door, Xiao Bo was upset when he heard a burst of crying.

He's not dead yet. What's the loss of crying this big night!

Holding back his displeasure, Xiao Bo took a deep breath and pushed the door open and walked in: "Yuanyuan."

Fang Yuan is lying on the bed crying. Seeing Xiao Bo coming in, she turns away from him.

"Don't cry. Your eyes are red." Xiao Bo sat beside Fang Yuan and raised his hand to wipe her tears. "Like a rabbit"

"you don't have to worry about it." Fang Yuan, don't make face, don't let Xiao Bo touch her.

"Be obedient!" Xiao Bo frowned, pinched Fang Yuan's chin in one hand, and wiped Fang Yuan's tears out in the other: "there is something to cry about, I just said not to have children for the time being and never said not to."

"But..." Fang Yuan looks at Xiao Bo. "Why don't you?"

"We are still young." "I don't want to let children in early," said shobo

"Children are the crystallization of happiness, love, not trouble." Fang Yuan said and lowered her eyes: "and you, you are so fierce Still slapping the table... "

"Maybe I'm not mature enough." Xiao Bo gave Fang Yuan a kiss on the forehead and said, "when you think of having a child, you will always surround him. I'm not the only one in your eyes anymore, so I can't stand it. I'm jealous, so I lost my temper with you and made you cry..." Xiao Bo's eyes were full of remorse: "I'm sorry."

Hearing Xiao Bo's words, the grievances in Fang Yuan's heart suddenly disappeared without trace. Fang Yuan thought that Xiao Bo would be jealous for the future children, and Fang Yuan thought that he was a little cute.

"Yuanyuan, I want to be the only one for you. I've been busy these days. I just hope that after everything is stable, I can have time to accompany you and live in our two people's world." Xiao Bo embraces Fang Yuan into her arms and whispers, "don't talk about children again, OK? At least not in recent years. "

"Yes." Fang Yuan nodded and nestled in Xiao Bo's arms: "OK, I won't mention it." Extending her arm around Xiao Bo's waist, Fang Yuan raised her head and said, "honey, I want to."

"Good." Xiao Bo bowed his head and kissed Fang Yuan's forehead, then reached out and took out a Durex from the drawer at the head of the bed.

Fang Yuan took a look at Durex in Xiao Bo's hand and hesitated. "What if I'm pregnant?" she asked

"Are you pregnant?" Xiao Bo's eyes suddenly changed.

"No, I mean later." Fang Yuan asked.

"Later?" "If we have contraceptives and are pregnant, it's a gift from heaven. It's a gift from heaven. We should treasure it," shobotton said with a smile"Yes." Fang Yuan smiled sweetly and stretched out a pair of lotus arms on her back: "husband, kiss me."


Xiao Bo got up at the first light of the day, looked at Fang Yuan, who was still sleeping nearby. Xiao Bo's eyes flashed a dark shadow. He got up to put on his clothes and went downstairs.

"Breakfast, sir." Said the servant on the side.

"Yes." Xiao Bo sat at the table and said, "prepare a cup of hot milk for my wife in the morning."

"Yes." The servant nodded his head.

"Put the emergency contraceptive in the hot milk." Said shobo.

"Yes?" The servant was stunned.

"I forgot to use contraception last night." Xiao Bo looked up at the servant and said, "don't let your wife know about this."

"Yes." The servant nodded. Things in the big house are very messy. She is just a small servant. It's better not to talk too much.

"Just tell her that I specially asked you to prepare the milk." After finishing his coffee, Xiao Bo got up and went out.

Fang Yuan woke up an hour after Xiao Bo left. When she woke up, she found a needle and thread and made a small hole in all the covers in the bedside drawer.

Although Xiao Bo said that, but women, still have a child is more secure, and when the time comes to find a gold nanny, she can also with Xiao Bo double world.

After putting the covers back in the drawer, Fang Yuan took a bath and went downstairs for breakfast.

"This cup of hot milk was specially prepared by my husband for my wife." Said the servant.

"Is it?" Fang Yuan's eyes brightened and a happy smile hung on her lips. Take up the hot milk, Fang Yuan quickly drank it.

It seems that Xiao Bo really loves her and prepares hot milk for her. The more so, the more she wants to give Xiao Bo a child that belongs to them.

Watching Fang Yuan drink a little, the servant's heart is beating the drum, which is very nervous. At the same time, it gives birth to a sense of revenge.

Three days later, Xiao Bo asked the servant to prepare hot milk and emergency contraceptives. The servant hesitated for a moment.

Five days later, Xiao Bo asked the servant to prepare hot milk and emergency contraceptive again. The servant didn't answer this time, but reminded: "Sir, take the emergency contraceptive at most three times a year. Within a month, take the emergency contraceptive no more than once, or it will affect his wife's pregnancy later..."

"You can't worry about it." Xiao Bo looked up at the servant and said, "you just have to do it."


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