Everyone was shocked to hear what longtianqi said.


This is a crucial annual project. At present, it has reached the final stage of personal approval by long Hanmo. In the early stage, the whole company has invested so much energy and capital. How can we say to suspend it when it is suspended?

Is this a child's family?

"Dragon less!" The person in charge of the project also froze: "we spent a lot of effort in the early stage of this project, and President long..."

"I think you may not have understood the first thing I announced. If any of you don't understand, you can raise your hand." Said long Tianqi.

“……” There was no sound, no one raised his hand.

"Just understand." After looking around, long Tianqi put his eyes on the project manager who got up and said, "then I will give you a final explanation."

“……” The project leader Gulu swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at long Tianqi nervously.

"Long Shi, I took over." Long Tianqi's words are simple and clear.

The meaning is very simple. From this moment on, there is no need to mention the Dragon calligraphy, let alone the view of the Dragon calligraphy on these projects. What is important is his view of dragon Tianqi.

"Long Shao, it's a matter of long Zong..." The secretary was so upset that it was a little more than expected.

After all, this matter involves the cooperation with Fengshi. There are many other things in it. It's not easy to explain to Fengshi if we pause.

"You're fired." Long Tianqi glanced at the Secretary and said.

"What?" Secretary is also a Leng, she has been in Longshi for so many years, from a secretary assistant to the Chief Secretary beside longhanmo, how could not have thought that she would lose her job because of a word from longtianqi.

"Long Shao This... " As soon as everyone's face changed, who didn't know that this secretary was the Chief Secretary of long Hanmo, how to say that he was dismissed?

"The dragon family is not a place to raise idle people." "I don't want everyone to be outstanding, but at least one who understands people's words and has a brain," said long Tianqi

“……” All of them swallowed a mouthful of saliva and understood that the reason why the Chief Secretary of long Hanmo was dismissed was that after the second time that dragon Tianqi said that sentence, the Secretary mentioned president long again.

It's a living example for all of us. We dare not mention the coming of longhanmo.

"Long Shao, I'm the Chief Secretary of President long. If I'm going to be fired, it's just that President long himself can give me instructions." The Secretary changed his face and then straightened up.

She has been in the company for so many years, without any credit or hardship. Moreover, she is still the person who her wife put in the company herself.

Even the dragon that appeared on the first day would not be dismissed by his wife because of her trust.

"Yo." Sven suddenly laughed and said, "do you know whose chief secretary you are?"

“……” The Secretary clapped at the words.

Is her little action discovered by long Shao?

Go to see long Shao again, but it's just the scorn in the eyes of Shanglong Tianqi and the scornful smile on the corner of his mouth, which makes the Secretary burst into cold sweat.

"I don't care whose secretary you are, but I can officially inform you today that you can go. I will give you a day to hand over the work to Sven. You won't be on the dragon family from tomorrow." Xialong Tianqi said: "if you can, it is better not to appear in my sight."

“……” The Secretary felt that he was shivering.

People are you look at me, I look at you.

"How many projects are still in the early stage or approval stage?" Longtianqi asked again as if nothing had happened.

At this time, several people continued to stand up and report the current projects of the long family to long Tianqi one by one.

"This project is suspended." Long Tianqi said when he heard about the second project.

"Long Shao, this project will officially start tomorrow. Everything in the early stage is ready. Now the suspension will bring great loss to long family!" The person who is reporting said immediately.

"Next." Longtianqi continued as if he had not heard.

“……” People hold their breath and stare at each other. Few of them have a good expression.

"Here Yes. " Then a man stood up and reported.

The ignored person pinched his fist and sat down unwilling.

The man next to him clapped his arm and winked at him again.

"This pause." After listening to the report of three people, long Tianqi said.

"Long Shao, we have paid the down payment. Now if we want to suspend..." Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by long Tianqi.

"Next." Said long Tianqi.



Towards the end of the report, few people stood up or sat down with good looks.

Long Tianqi seems to be listening carefully, but he seems to answer perfunctorily.He only uses silence or pause to express the past or the past of the project.

Moreover, it doesn't listen to people's explanations and doesn't give people the opportunity to explain. It seems that they never worry about the deterioration of these actions to the long family.

This makes everyone feel a little uncomfortable.

They all know that the relationship between longtianqi and longhanmo is rigid, and that longtianqi and Longshi are not right.

But such a deliberate act still makes these people uncomfortable.

Finally, after long Tianqi once again said suspension of the project], the person reporting the project was angry: "long Shao, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation!"

“……” They took a breath of cool air and looked at the man as if they were looking straight at the real warrior.

"A reasonable explanation?" Long Tianqi looked up at the man and asked, "what kind of explanation do you want?"

"I'd like to know your explanation that you are determined to terminate so many projects at your own will regardless of the interests of Longshi!" Said the man with a gnash of his teeth.

“……” There was no one out of breath at the scene. Everyone looked at the Dragon Tianqi with burning eyes.

They want this explanation, too, but it's really the person who put it forward This is the only one!

"These items are unreasonable, so they need to be suspended." Long Tianqi looked at the man and asked, "is this explanation reasonable?"

"Is the project unreasonable or is it unreasonable because the partner of the project is Fengshi?" Asked the man again.

“……” It seems that all the suspended projects today are really Fengshi's

“……” Long Tianqi did not answer, but looked at the person who raised the objection.

“……” The man was staring at longtianqi a little uneasy, secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said bravely: "I, I realize that there is no problem with the project I am in charge of now, and I don't need to pause, I......"

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