"Let's go and have a look at the next store." Ilanyou takes out her mobile phone and tells the driver Laoyu to give the address.

After parking at the door of the store, the three got out of the car and entered the store. This time, they were waiting for a younger young man, wearing silver rimmed glasses and white shirt. He looked fresh and fresh, and had a good attitude. The shop looked good and the price was reasonable, but before he said a word, the young man began to move.

The three men got out of the store and got on the car again. Zhang Ya was speechless. "Who are these people? The scum. "

"Poof." Yilanyou, who was also angry, could not help laughing. This Sven is really lying on the gun.

"You laugh." Zhang Ya stares at Ilan you and asks, "how many other shops do you want to see?"

"And the last." Elanyou said to Lao Yu, "if this shop can't do any more, let's go to the agency directly, so as not to meet the scum again and spoil our mood."

"Yes." Wang Xiaoman nodded. He didn't think it would be so troublesome to rent a shop. He thought it would be enough money.

When I arrived at the last store, I received a middle-aged man, about 40 years old, with a polite attitude. After a brief introduction to the surrounding area and their own stores, they didn't speak again. They were allowed to visit ilanyou freely, only answering a few questions occasionally.

"It's OK, but I feel a little bit biased." Zhang Ya frowns a little. This shop is still a little far from the main road. After all, the restaurant is a business of greeting and sending. Is it difficult to do business?

"I have another store on the main road." "If you want to see it, I'll take you to the past, but the price of that shop is a little more expensive than this one. After all, the geographical location and layout are better than this one."

"Far away?" Asked ilanyou.

"Not far away, on the main road ahead." The man said, "just walk there." He raised his wrist and looked at the time on the watch: "that shop was also visited this morning. I just wore the key on my body. Let's go and have a look first. If you look at the price, we can discuss it. That shop is exactly the original restaurant. Everything is still there."

"OK." Ilan you nodded. There were two scum in front of her to contrast. Ilan you thought the landlord was reliable.

A few people left the store to go to the main road. They walked for about three or five minutes and arrived. The location of the store is very good. The layout is very good. There are all kinds of dining tables and kitchens. Basically, they can receive the guests if they rent them and tidy them up for a day or two.

"What do you think of this?" Asked the middle-aged man.

"This is very good." Three people are quite satisfied: "how much is this?"

"Two hundred and fifty thousand a year." The middle-aged man said, "this is the lowest price. You can have a look and discuss it."

"250000?" Wang Xiaoman was stunned for a moment, which was beyond her budget.

"How about Zhang Ya?" Yi Lanyou looks at Zhang Ya.

"Yes." Zhang Ya nodded. The store in the boundary is definitely worth the price. The landlord didn't cheat people Ilan you nodded.

"I don't have enough money." Wang Xiaoman bit his lower lip.

"I'll take the extra part." Yilanyou patted Wang Xiaoman on the shoulder and said, "if I lent it to you, I'll deduct it next time I pay."

"Yes." Wang Xiaoman nodded gratefully, looked at the middle-aged man and said, "then we want this room."

"I'll take this store." A man's voice rang behind them with a little anger.

Several people immediately turned around, Wang Xiaoman saw that person a Zheng, in the heart a Deng.

"Don't you think it's too expensive this morning?" The landlord was stunned.

"I don't think it's expensive anymore. I'll make it now." There was a flash of displeasure in the man's eyes. He used to be optimistic about the store, but he thought that the rent of 250000 yuan should still be watery, and it should be reduced a little, so he pretended not to. Who knew that someone would come to see it again so soon.

"But I said I would rent it to them. "The landlord is a bit embarrassed. He didn't expect this man would come back suddenly.

"Always be careful about coming first and coming later." "I saw the store first," the man said in a loud voice

"Don't you say no first?" Said the landlord.

"Who says I don't want it? I'm thinking about it. I'm thinking about it now." Said the man with a rogue expression.

"Here..." The landlord was in a bit of a dilemma. He turned to ilanyou and others.

The man just looked at the three girls who were looking at the house. When he saw the girl standing on the left, the man was shocked: "Xiaoman?"

"Dad?" Wang Xiaoman's throat is astringent. Yilanyou and Zhang Ya also recognize this man. At the centennial celebration of Han Jinxiang's family, this man left money on Wang Xiaoman's face.

"Why are you here?" The man looked disgusted and said, "are you finished? Poor crazy, right? I'll tell you I won't give you another cent! ""Who wants your stinking money?" Zhang Ya pulls Wang Xiaoman down behind him: "we are here to rent a shop."

"Just you?" The man's disdain on one face: "three little kids can bring out 250000? Are you kidding me? " After that, the man looked at the landlord and said, "do you believe these three children's words? How could they have paid? "

"Why can't you take the money? Do you think Xiaoman is still the former Xiaoman? " Yilanyou sees this man and gets angry: "she can afford this money, Xiaoman! It's you. " Yilanyou looked at the landlord and said, "it's still up to the character of the renter to find a renter. For example, the scum who abandoned his wife and daughter and ran away with Xiaosan with all his belongings, you have to be sure."

Hearing yilanyou say that, Wang Xiaoman's father's face is blue and white for a while.

"Here..." The landlord was stunned for a moment. How could the house rent a family ethics play? But the little girl was right. This kind of person can't rent a house for him. The landlord looked at Wang Xiaoman's father and said, "come on, my shop won't rent it to you."

"You!" Wang Xiaoman's father trembled angrily: "you wait for me!" After that, he went out of the door in a huff.

Wang Xiaoman looked at the figure of his father leaving, only felt the sadness in his heart like the surging waves, which raised a hundred feet high and then beat it down hard.

The next thing is much simpler. After paying the deposit and rent, Wang Xiaoman took out his ID card and signed a rental contract with the landlord. After renting the store, Wang Xiaoman was not as happy as expected. Her father's appearance made Wang Xiaoman's mood fall to the bottom.

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