"Gao Fei, Qin Hao, you two have no sound when you walk. It's a ghost!" Yu Jiajia was startled. Her face changed. She didn't know whether she had heard Shen Xiangyang's bad words before.

"How long have you been with us?" Xiaolin asked curiously.

"Who's following you, just in time to hear you two say the last math problem." Gao Fei said: "our two classes are not the same math teacher, the progress of the two classes is the same, so is the math homework."

"I didn't do that either." "It's estimated that Shen Xiangyang is the only one in the two classes who can do it," Qin said

"Not necessarily..." Yu Jiajia's tone was a little overcast.

All three were uncomfortable, but no one said anything.

After all, I have known Yu Jiajia for so many years, but her mouth is broken.

Yu Jiajia has the best results among them. Usually, she will explain what she can't do after class, even though she will dislike them for being stupid.

Yu Jiajia doesn't care what the other three think, but looks at Shen Xiangyang's back and grinds his teeth.

The first class in the afternoon is math class. The math homework collected in the morning is also distributed in this class.

"I've read all of your math homework. The knowledge points of class A are really good." The math teacher pushed the glasses on the bridge of nose with his hand and said: "this set of questions is printed by the math group. The difficulty of the last question has indeed improved, so we will not talk about this question. After the class, the class representatives will copy it on the blackboard, so you can have a look."

"In addition, there is a problem that everyone can't solve intentionally in the set of questions printed by the mathematics group, because there was a problem in the senior high school entrance examination last year that was also a little beyond the outline, involving some high school mathematics knowledge."

"Some students are confused when they find out that the questions are beyond the outline in the examination room. As a result, they are not sure about the other questions they would have."

"In the face of examinations, the knowledge accumulated usually is on the one hand, and the psychological quality is on the other hand. Don't be baffled by the questions. You can't lose points if you can. It's very likely that everyone won't be able to."

After a pause, the math teacher felt that he was not very strict in saying this, so he pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose again and said, "only Shen Xiangyang in the whole year answered this big question correctly."

"Wow..." People immediately looked at Shen Xiangyang with envy in their eyes.

"Let's clap for encouragement." Said the math teacher.

Sitting in the front row, Yu Jiajia secretly rolled a white eye. Although she was not happy, she was still perfunctory.

Shen Xiangyang pursed his lips to show a shallow smile.

Shen Xiangyang's deskmate is a round faced girl. She looks like Wen Wen quietly and says, "Xiangyang, you are so powerful, I can't do it. I'm too stupid."

"No, your achievements in English, history and politics are very good." Shen Xiangyang whispered.

"I can only learn by rote. I can only do this if my brain is not flexible." The girl sipped her lips and whispered, "Xiangyang, can you tell me that math problem after class?"

"That question is really beyond the outline, involving high school things. Now we can only talk about a little understanding." "Shen Xiangyang seriously replied:" the mid-term exam will not test

"But the teacher said that last year it was beyond the goal." The girl whispered.

"It's OK, no one will." Said Shen Xiangyang.

Otherwise, the teacher will not deliberately come up with such a question to exercise everyone's mentality.

Last year's super class problem was just a multiple choice problem. In fact, the super class problem can be solved by using the middle school solution.

The proportion of points is not big. This time, I deliberately made a big problem and put it in my homework instead of in the monthly exam. I have already taken care of some students who are vulnerable in their hearts and given them a shot to strengthen their hearts.

This problem involves a lot of knowledge. To tell you the truth, she has to talk about half of her senior two math books.

At that time, we will be able to absorb much more, but even the knowledge of junior high school will be confused.

The gain is not worth the loss.

"But you will." The girl looked at Shen Xiangyang and said, in a tone that seemed a little anxious.

“……” Shen Xiangyang blinked, and she didn't know how to explain.

At the moment, the girl seems to realize that she has said something wrong, and what she said behind her is a bit urgent. It seems that the front and back tables have heard it, and now they have seen it.

Originally, the white skin is even more red now, apologizing and explaining: "Xiangyang, I'm sorry, I don't mean that."

"Nothing." Shen Xiangyang shook his head, looked at the girl as if she really cared and thought for a moment and said, "well, I'll write some formulas for you. Go back and check for yourself. If you really don't understand, come to me again."

That's how Zhang Ya taught her, and Shen Xiangyang also liked this way of teaching.

“……” Now, the blush on the girl's face spread to the root of her ears. The voice was like a mosquito and a fly saying, "thank you...""Nothing." Shen Xiangyang did not pay attention to this matter any more. He only focused on the direction of the podium.

Next to the girl will quietly look at Shen Xiangyang, eyes some envy also some other things.

It's good to be a smart person. If she can also be a smart person, she won't study hard every day, or this unbeatable achievement.

At the end of the class, the class representative wrote the answer directly on the blackboard, and the students took out paper and pen to take it down.

Shen Xiangyang also tore off a post it note, wrote several related formulas on the post it note, and handed them to his deskmate.

"Xiangyang, thank you." The girl smiled at Shen Xiangyang, reached for the post it note, folded it and put it down in the middle of the page, then she got up and went to the bathroom.

Shen Xiangyang put away his books with a smile and put them on the table for the next English lesson.

The book is open. On the page to be talked about today, there is a big word "death" written in blue ink.

Each stroke is very sharp, even cut through the page, seems to carry a huge hatred.

"Ah..." Looking at this page, Shen Xiangyang sighed, brushed the scratches on the page with his fingertips, and echoed what Zhang Ya had said to her.

Xiangyang, people are very vulnerable in the face of fear and jealousy. They will pour all their malice on you. You need to know that it's not your fault. Excellence is never a fault. Because you are not wrong, you can live openly. Don't pay attention to those people. A person who doesn't even have the courage to stand in front of you and fight you squarely, No Worthy of your attention, this kind of person is doomed to live in the fear of their own weaving, humble and pitiful.

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