As time went by, Jiang mengshuang felt more and more nervous.

Something I want to say has been brewing in my heart many times.

Nearly ten years.

How many decades can a person have in his life?

Jiang mengshuang doesn't know, but she knows that no matter how many years there will be in the future, the martial uncle will still stay in the most important position in her heart.

No one can replace it.

There was a footstep behind him, and Jiang mengshuang's heart suddenly raised to his throat.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang mengshuang feels the footsteps behind her are approaching, and her hands are tightly clenched into fists on her side.

After sipping her lips, Jiang mengshuang turned around and looked up at her. Her eyes were full of tender feelings of spring water.

As soon as the confession was about to come out, Jiang mengshuang seemed to be suddenly pressed the pause button. The whole person was stunned and looked at each other.

"Both." The other party is also looking at Jiang mengshuang, full of tenderness in his eyes: "Mom, it's hard to find you!"

“……” Jiang mengshuang felt as if she had been struck by a flash of lightning. She looked at the woman in front of her eyes, which was somewhat similar to her own, and the valve of memory seemed to be suddenly opened.

The distant memories seemed to come back to her mind at this moment.

Yes, she has a mother herself.

"Both." Jiang's mother looked at Jiang mengshuang up and down. Her eyes first swept over her face, which was more and more like her own, and then fell on the valuable necklace between her necks. Her eyes were full of love: "you have grown so big..."

Two steps forward, Jiang's mother wants to give Jiang Meng both a hug.

"Don't touch me!" Jiang mengshuang instantly changed his face, stepped back and said in a sharp voice.

"Shuangshuang..." Looking at Jiang mengshuang in disbelief, Jiang's mother's voice trembled: "I, I am my mother, it's me!"

“……” Jiang mengshuang's lips are tight and her jaw is tight.

"Shuangshuang, don't deny your mother." Step by step, Jiang's mother walked up to Jiang mengshuang: "look at my face, we look so alike, you look at my eyes Shuangshuang, when you were young, my mother knew that you would grow into a beautiful woman. My mother knew that

“……” Jiang mengshuang looks at Jiang's mother, and still seems unable to accept her sudden appearance.

Yes, a long time ago, she heard Xia Xiyue say that someone saw Jiang's mother in Kyoto.

But that's what she's been avoiding. She doesn't want to see Jiang's mother.

"Shuangshuang, are you still blaming mom?" Jiang's mother asked tentatively, her eyes covered with a layer of water mist: "mom had no way at that time. Suddenly, your father was killed by them. I had no other way but to escape with your little aunt! You don't want to watch your mother and aunt die? "

"All these years, my mother is thinking about you all the time." Jiang's mother moved forward a little bit: "you are in my dream every day, Shuangshuang. My mother really miss you so much!"

"Now that you have left, why come back?" Jiang mengshuang looked at her mother and said in a cold voice, "you shouldn't have come back."

"Shuangshuang, what nonsense is that?" Jiang's mother said, "you are my daughter. Even if I go to the ends of the earth, I still can't put you down. Although I'm not in Kyoto, I've been searching for your information."

“……” Jiang mengshuang's hands trembled slightly at her side.

"I know, you are not very good either. After you were adopted to the current head of the Jiang family, you were soon driven abroad by her mistress, and only came back in recent years." Jiang's mother said, "knowing that they are not good to you, I really regret leaving you here."

"Regret?" Jiang mengshuang seems to have heard something interesting: "will you regret it?"

"Of course I regret it!" Jiang's mother immediately said: "Shuangshuang, mother loves you. You are the meat that fell off your mother's body. How can mother not love you? Pregnant in October is everything to mother."

"At the beginning, I didn't take you, because after I left Jiang's house, my mother had nothing left. My mother didn't want you to suffer with her." Jiang's mother was tearful: "you have been spoiled since childhood. Where can you bear such hardships?"

"My mother hopes that when the day is stable, she will take you to live with her." Jiang's mother cried in front of Jiang Meng's face: "mom loves you, Shuangshuang..."

“……” Listening to Jiang's mother saying these words, Jiang mengshuang feels that she has an indescribable feeling in her heart.

The feelings of grievance, pain and pain are interwoven with a trace of joy and comfort.

It turned out that she was not left because she was useless.

It turned out that she was not the one who was abandoned.

For so many years, she has been calling Xia Xiyue Xia's mother because she knows she has a mother.

Although she didn't want to see Jiang's mother again, she was happy at this moment.

She has a mother

Jiang mengshuang's eyes turned red and her lips trembled slightly. It seemed that she was trying to suppress the impulse to cry, but in vain.Tears or big big big drop down, an indescribable feeling let her whole person uncontrollably cry.

"Shuangshuang..." Seeing Jiang mengshuang's appearance, Jiang's mother immediately stepped forward and hugged her daughter.

Nestling in Jiang's mother's arms, Jiang mengshuang has a rare sense of peace of mind.

Just like when she was a child, her favorite is the arms of ginger mother.

Warm as before.

The lack of maternal love for such a long time seems to have been satisfactory at this moment. Jiang mengshuang no longer blames her mother for her indifference for so many years.

After all, Jiang's mother loves herself.

She knows, she feels.

Jiang's mother is getting older these years. Her skin is no longer as delicate and smooth as she remembered, and her figure is not as graceful and slender as that. However, her facial features have not changed much. Looking at her beautiful apricot eyes, Jiang Meng always feels that she is looking into the mirror.

yes, as like as two peas.

Holding her daughter, Jiang's mother's eyes flashed a touch of love, gently patted Jiang mengshuang's back, and Jiang's mother said, "Shuangshuang, mom is here to take you away."

"Take me? Where are you going? " Jiang mengshuang raised her head and was slightly stunned.

"Mom has a stable job now and can support you." Jiang's mother took Jiang mengshuang's hands and said, "after waiting for so many years, mother can finally take you out of here. Mother has a lot of words to tell you. Shall we go now?"

"Now?" Jiang Meng was stunned: "so anxious?"

"Yes, mom has already bought the ticket." Jiang's mother said, "we have to leave as soon as possible. Shuangshuang, you are the daughter that my mother loves most. How could mother cheat you? Go with your mothe

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