"No?" Long Tianqi glanced at yihaofeng indifferently. He knew everything about yihaofeng's family. Now he has no good feelings for yihaofeng. His words are full of coldness.

"Long Shao is joking." Yi Haofeng is boring and doesn't hold his breath. He knows a lot about the dragon family. He doesn't need to hold his breath with a dying man.

"Long Shao, Sven." After eating the dumplings, ilanyou asked with a smile, "it seems that people in the north prefer dumplings."

"Yes." Sven nodded.

"I've heard meat talk about dumplings before." Yilanyou glanced at yihaofeng on the same table and said, "it's said that it's delicious but not dumplings. It's funny but sister-in-law." After a pause, yilanyou looked at yihaofeng, who had obviously changed his face, and asked with a smile, "uncle, have you heard of it?"

“……” Yihaofeng's heart suddenly missed several beats.

"When it comes to mischief, my father is always loyal. He doesn't have so much fuss in his stomach. He can't compare with your uncle." Yilanyou stood up with his hands on the table, his upper body forward, his eyes mocking at the eyes of yihaofeng: "why do you think my father left? How clean do you think you do that little thing? "

“……” Yihaofeng's chopsticks fell out of his hands. Although he knew the affair with Fangfang was disgraceful, he never expected to be embarrassed by his niece one day.

"Is it fun?" Yilanyou picks up the eyebrows, and the corners of her mouth rise like a female ruffian.

To the eyes of ilanyou, yihaofeng felt her contempt and contempt, which almost made yihaofeng out of control. He slapped his hand on the table, his face turned red and he was angry.

"Yo? Angry? " Yilanyou stood up straight, patted his chest and said, "uncle, you can't make fun of it. Come on, I dare not talk to you later." And then he sat back in his chair.

People around me were shocked to hear the voice of yihaofeng slapping the table, and looked back one after another.

Looking around, Yihao calmed down, took a deep breath and said, "I'm full. Please use it slowly." After that, yihaofeng turned around and left his seat and walked away with his head held high.

"Hum." Yi Lanyou snorted, and didn't see what he was. Fortunately, he wanted to teach her a lesson.

"Your family is in a mess..." Sven looks up at ilanyou while eating dumplings.

"Our family is not in disorder." Yilanyou said with a smile, "it's their Yijia who is in disorder."

She has decided to set up her own door. This Yi family] is not the other Yi family] any longer.

"That yihaofeng is a villain." Long Tianqi put some cold dumplings in yilanyou's dish: "be careful."

"Yes." Yilanyou nodded his head and took a bite of the dumplings delivered by longtianqi, which was not as hot as before. The dumpling skin is thin, soft and glutinous, the filling is full and tight, the steamer is locked and fresh. After tasting one, yilanyou is not interested in eating another. Eating dumplings reminds you of yihaofeng, a disgusting guy.

"Don't want to eat?" Asked long Tianqi, observing Yi Lanyou's expression.

"Yes." Yilanyou replied, "I want to eat wonton."

"I'll get it." After hearing this, long Tianqi stood up and went to find wonton for ilanyou.

"I said little beauty." Sven said after the Dragon Tianqi left, he swallowed the food in his mouth and supported his chin with one hand. "You are really a good trainer."

"What do you say?" Yilanyou's cheek is a little hot: "what trainer..." Her engagement with long Tianqi was also fraudulent. Don 't say what kind of trainer they were. The two of them are not even lovers now.

Since longtianqi said that last expression in C City, although the action is the same as before, she has never said love or expressed love to her again.

Today, I just understood my heart and heard Sven's teasing. Yilanyou gave him a look that he didn't like: "just you talk a lot."

"I talk a lot about where it is." Sven said with a smile, "I've known long Shao since she was born, but he's never been so nice to a person as he is to you."

“……” After listening to the words of Sven, ilanyou's heart was filled with joy, and the corners of his mouth were full of smiles.

"Really." Looking at ilanyou's head lowered, Sven thought she didn't believe it and said, "he doesn't know how many times he called you in his dream."

"Is it?" Ilanyou was more happy. She could hear her laughter in her voice.

"Yes, with strange sounds." Sven thought to add.

“……” Ilanyou's smile froze. He looked up at Sven's side face. This strange voice? Calling her name with strange sounds? Elan you is stunned. It's not really what she thinks

At this time, dragon Tianqi also came back. He put a bowl of wonton in front of ilanyou: "taste it. I don't know if you like the fresh shrimp."

"Well Thank you Yilanyou responds and moves the chair aside to keep a certain distance from longtianqi. Although she can understand the needs of normal young men, who are 18 or 9 years old, there will be some aspects for them to be young and vigorous, she still feels strange when she hears this. How can she look at him directly after thatAware of yilanyou's weird, longtianqi just frowned and didn't say much.

After a few quick bites, ilanyou took the excuse to go back to the room.

On such a big round table, long Tianqi turned around and looked at Sven: "when I went to get wonton, someone came?"

"No?" Sven replied.

"No one said anything to her?" Longtianqi asked, no, if no one said anything, how could she suddenly be cold to herself.

"No, I talked to her for a while. You'll be back before we're finished." Sven replied.

"What are you talking about?" Asked long Tianqi, it's hard not to say that this happened to Sven.

"Of course, to help you say good things." Sven said, "say you're kind to her. Even dream of calling her name."

"That's it?" Long Tianqi frowned, not to mention. Isn't it that she doesn't want to accept that she's stressed out?

"Yes, I also said that you called her name at night with strange sounds." Sven said that he didn't find that long Tianqi's face was dark. He continued solemnly: "but don't worry about long Shao. I have checked it. You have bruxism. You are too nervous. Maybe you are too tired in this period of time. Just relax and take some Chinese herbs to recuperate."

“……” Long Tianqi can be sure that he didn't say anything after that.

"You see, brother enough?" Sven picked his eyebrows and was proud.

"Can I beat you..." Long Tianqi said, squeezing his fist and staring at Sven.

"Huh?" Sven looks confused. What do you mean? It's not the same as you think. Hello

On the other side, ilanyou kept shutting himself in the room, comforting himself and saying, "it's nothing It's normal Whoo It should be normal A boy of eighteen or nine Almost all... " But thinking about the future king of Z, ilanyou still thinks the contrast is a little big.

This hiding, she directly hid until Zhang Ya and his party arrived at G City in the evening.

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