"The last level is the tacit understanding between the two sides." "The most important thing about double blades is this," he said Said in the remaining three groups of faces, said: "come."

The housekeeper immediately asked for the props prepared by Huo Teng.

A pair of open screens opened, and then moved the two long tables to the back of the screen. Several servants each carried a group of trays into the back of the screen.

"One takes things and one guesses." Said HOTEN.

"Yes." The three groups nodded their heads to show their understanding. This method is the easiest to measure the two people's understanding of each other. What the two sabres stress is the connection of heart and mind. The people who use the sabres must also be very familiar with each other.

"Make your own decision, who chooses and who guesses." Said HOTEN.

"You choose." Ilan you looks at Qiu Wu and says, "I'll guess."

"Good." Qiu Wu should step forward, and the other two groups also choose to guess.

"Now that you're ready, let's go to the back of the screen." "There are three groups," he said

“……” Ilan you looks at the figure behind the screen with his head askew and his mind set.

Qiu Wu is also staring at the choice when he comes to the screen. The three groups in front of the three are different. Qiu Wu looks at the first group. There are two flowers, one orchid and one rose. Without hesitation, Qiu Wu nodded on the orchid.

The person in charge of this group immediately wrote down Qiu Wu's choice and then held the tray out. Let Elan you choose.

The corner of the mouth goes up. Ilan you takes back his eyes to the screen and taps the orchid with his fingertips.

"The first group is correct." The servant looked at HOTEN.

"Yes." Huoteng nodded his head. The first group was not difficult. There was a blue character in the name of Ilan you.

Longtianqi and Sven have also passed the pass. After all, they are buddies from small to large. They still have some tacit understanding.

But the third group is not so lucky. The first group just picked up the item and dropped it directly.

The woman was annoyed: "are you a pig? No diamonds, no worms? "

"You are not a mantis..." A good one meter nine rough man, at this time it was a face of grievance stand hands.

"How many times! My name is Tang Ningyang, not Mantis! " Tang Ning stamped his feet.

She said many times that she was called such a beautiful mantis, thanks to the exit of those dead men.

After this episode, ilanyou still stared at the back of the screen and listened to Qiu Wu's voice.

The servant came out again with the tray, and without hesitation, ilanyou immediately made a choice.

"The second group is correct." The servant replied.

Huoteng's eyes are slightly bright. If the first group is lucky, there should be some tacit understanding on the choice of holding the silver cup and the gold bowl in the second group.

On the other side, dragon Tianqi also chose to solve the problem. There is an old gold lock on the tray brought out by the servant, and a hundred life lock worn by a baby.

These two things seem to have nothing to do with each other. Long Tianqi can only frown and reach out and click on the hundred life lock that the baby wears. No matter what, it will win 50% of the time.

"The second group here is correct." The servant in charge of the Dragon Tianqi group replied.

"Yes." HOTEN smiled with satisfaction.

People are staring at yilanyou and longtianqi. They are both in the last group now.

Yihaofeng's eyes were burning, his jaw was tight, and his back was stiff. He went out with fengchuxian and they didn't find a knife, but they lost it. Now they can only watch yilanyou smoothly enter the final checkpoint. How can he not be angry.

Then the most angry is not him, but Phoenix kitchen fairy.

If it's not for Yi Chengzhi, the villain, to cheat, if it's not for him to do that bastard thing, this ilanyou is the person under his door, and the most advantageous chess piece in his hand, then there will be one person competing on the top now, and it won't be for one of his kitchen immortals to come out and come back.

Shame! What a shame!

Seeing Ilan you standing there, many people are anxious and red eyed. However, there is only one Ilan family. Some of them have a much stronger background than the Ilan family. Now they can only watch a big miss of the Ilan family on it. That's the extreme jealousy.

What knife does a woman use? waste! What a waste!

Ilan you is not in the mood to care about how others arrange her in their hearts. All she cares about is Qiu Wu's choice.

Qiu Wu is also a little nervous. The last group is two knives.

Both of them are unfinished blunt swords. One is a sleeve knife with the palm size for assassination, and the other is a knife with a strange style.

In fact, the two knives are similar in appearance, and there are many connections between them.

If it's long and short, he can still choose a long Dao based on the previous events, but this moment is really irrelevant.

After biting his teeth, Qiu Wu reached out and chose the sleeve knife.In fact, Qiu Wu doesn't need to be so tangled. What psychological activities he wants to choose is very clear.

So as soon as the servant brought the tray out of ilanyou, he did not hesitate to choose the sleeve knife.

"The third group is correct." The servant reported.

All three groups are correct! This is the winner nailed to the board.

On the other side, dragon Tianqi saw that all three groups of yilanyou had guessed it out, and then directly called for abstention. The purpose of his visit to G city is to assist Ilan you in seizing the sword. He never joined the party himself.

"Congratulations." Long Tianqi turns his head to look at yilanyou.

"Thank you." Ilan you nodded to look at the Dragon Tianqi, which is why she chose Qiu Wu instead of the Dragon Tianqi.

She Can't see the heart of dragon Tianqi, can't hear his voice.

Although there is suspicion of cheating, this is her advantage. Why not take advantage of it.

Qiu Wu walks out of the screen and looks at ilanyou with a happy face. They will have their own twin swords. Does that mean he can fight for more?

The smile on the corner of Ilan's mouth was slightly stiff.

Her ability hasn't been recovered yet. Naturally, she heard Qiu Wu's psychological activities similar to the confession], and her eyes flashed a little complicated. She didn't say much but nodded at Qiu Wu.

It seems that Qiu Wu was stunned by the strangeness for a second. Before he could understand the reason, Huo daoshen said, "now please move to the next room and enjoy the banquet of daoshen." The dinner was finally served after the event.

"You two come with me." Huo Teng calls yilanyou and Qiu Wu.

"Good." Two people should go with Huo Teng, Huo Lenghan has been supporting Huo Teng in the side, eyes in yilanyou and Qiu Wu body glimpse.

After they left with Huo daoshen, the Dragon chef God tapped the Dragon Tianqi's leg with a crutch: "what's good to see when you're far away?"

“……” Long Tianqi takes back his eyes and looks at the Dragon Kitchen God: "Uncle......"

"What? Not easy? " Dragon Kitchen God smiled and said: "there are many good girls in the world, but there is only one who can really get into your heart. God is fair and never impartial. If you don't cherish nature, someone will cherish it for you. Think about it for yourself." With that, longchushen turned around and hummed the ditty in a good mood.

“……” Long Tianqi stands in place and has five tastes.

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