Rebirth of the Burning Era

Chapter 235: Oriental medicine

At 8:20 in the morning, on the street of Cuisine in Binhai City, Nanjiang Province, the gate of the People's Bank of China.

The bank has not yet opened, and the door has been surrounded by water, three circles in and out.

This is really not an adjective, it is very realistic: the outermost is a group of onlookers eating melons, and the middle floor is a circle of well-armed policemen who have drawn up a cordon to separate the inside and outside;

On the first floor of the inner circle, there are tall and short cameras and media personnel with badges from all over the world;

On the inner floor, the bank's own security guards stood under the stage with their hands behind their backs facing out, surrounded by a group.

The so-called 'table' is a temporary set up. It is on the marble floor at the entrance of the business hall. It is about four or five square meters. It looks like one meter over the ground. There is a big red carpet and a big red table. microphone.

At 8:30, the bank did not open for business as usual, but opened a side door for those who want to do business to enter and exit.

Going to the banking business these days is not as crowded as later generations, and it is normal working hours. There are not many people who come to do business, and they all gather at the door to watch the fun.

With such a big battle, what is it?

At 8:45, there were more and more people, and at this moment, a siren sounded from the road not far away.

Everyone looked at the sound.

I saw on the road, a small convoy of three cars, driving slowly towards this side, led by a police car with its lights flashing, followed by a bank's money-saving car, and finally, It's a black Audi.

The three cars drove leisurely, parked on the side of the road, followed closely, the security guard and the police standing at the door separated from the crowd, and the people in the middle of the car opened and jumped down, two wearing body armor , Helmets, armed with shotguns, depositors.

Then came a thin man in a suit.

Seeing this man, the audience was buzzing with excitement, and the cameras of the media turned to start recording.

It is Lu Renkang, the head coach of the Lujia Army who has returned with honor.

It is interesting to say that other world champions are famous for athletes, and coaches are often unknown and behind-the-scenes heroes, but Lu Jiajun is the opposite. The athletes who have won gold medals are not as famous as the head coach.

Being stared at by everyone, Lu Renkang raised his left hand and waved with a smile.

At this time, everyone noticed that he was carrying a password box on his right hand, and the handle of the box and his right wrist were handcuffed together.

Escorted by security guards, depositors and police officers, they walked through the crowd and walked a short ten meters to the stage at the entrance of the bank.

At this time, a man in the same suit and leather shoes walked out of the bank. He was in his thirties, with a vigorous pace, and came to the rostrum.

He first shook hands with Lu Renkang, then picked up the microphone and said, "Hello, friends from the media and comrades, my name is He Xinfu, and I am the deputy general manager of Huaqiang Factory. Today, I represent our Huaqiang Factory to officially purchase deer. Coach Renkang's exclusive secret recipe, Chinese Turtle Essence! The purchase price is one million yuan!"

When it comes to the word one million, the crowd is buzzing again. For the vast majority of ordinary people, one million just breaks the psychological bottom line of 'high price' and is a watershed for the rich. to the money.

As He Xinfu's words fell, the door of the back bank opened, and two money transporters, also armed with live ammunition, came out. One of them was also carrying a password box in his hand, also handcuffed to his wrist.

When the money carrier came to the stage, He Xinfu took out a key and opened the password box. Lu Renkang also took out the key and opened the 'secret recipe' box in his hand.

The two boxes were presented in broad daylight, and the onlookers at the back couldn't squeeze in. One by one stood on their toes and stretched their necks to look at the stage. The reporters in the front row had an advantage. There were a few with special permission. Then, point the camera at the box.

In a box, there was a thick cowhide envelope with the words "Chinese Turtle Essence" written on it;

Another box was filled with stacks of brand new hundred-yuan bills.

The reporter took a photo, and two security guards erected the box so that everyone present could see it clearly. Then, He Xinfu and Lu Renkang exchanged boxes, with two security guards, two money transporters, and two police officers. , Under the whole process of the camera, he walked into the bank, went through the passage to the back safe vault, and stored the secret recipe in the safe.

After performing this series of procedures, although it was of little practical significance, but with a very strong sense of ceremony, which could cause a sensation and attention, Lu Renkang and He Xinfu returned to the outside stage and began to answer questions from reporters.

The reporter from Nanjiang Province and Taiwan took a good position. In the center of the reporter group, the first one asked: "Coach Lu, may I ask the magic medicine of the Lu family army that has been rumored to win the championship these days, is it the Chinese turtle essence just now? "

"That's right." Lu Renkang replied in Mandarin with a local accent, "I have said on TV before that my secret recipe is based on the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, specifically for the Chinese people's constitution, extracted from soft-shelled turtles. Hence the name Chinese Turtle Essence."

"What's the effect of that?" the reporter asked.

Lu Renkang said: "The turtle has a strong vitality and can live for hundreds of years at any time. It has a fierce temperament and is full of power. The Chinese turtle essence is to extract the life essence of the turtle to get rid of its coldness. To prolong life, improve human endurance, explosive power, improve human immunity, and stay away from diseases, the key lies in enhancing people's physique and improving people's physical fitness in an all-round way! Our Lujiajun is an example, taking Chinese turtle essence for many years , the training effect is far better than other athletes, and won the world championship in one fell swoop!"

This **** is quite loud, but there are many people who can believe it.

Another reporter asked: "Manager He, may I ask, what's the next step after Huaqiang Factory bought the secret recipe?"

He Xinfu raised his chest slightly, cleared his throat, and said, "Actually, as early as a few months ago, our factory had contact with Coach Lu, and the two sides jointly verified the effect of the Chinese soft-shelled turtle essence formula, and jointly invited experts to carry out With further improvement and improvement, we have the official secret recipe today. Chinese Turtle Essence is a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, which can significantly improve the quality of the oriental medicine. In order to meet the market demand and improve the physical quality of all the people, Our factory has spent millions to acquire the secret recipe, and we have already spent 5 million for the pre-production…”

That's right. The compensation for the resettlement of laid-off workers, pre-production, purchase and repair of machinery and equipment, employee wages, etc. added together, there are indeed five million, which almost hollowed out Liang Yifei.

He paused and continued: "From tomorrow onwards, we will be able to accept orders from distributors. Next, our factory will increase investment in mass production, and strive to let the people of the whole country enjoy the magical effect of Chinese magic medicine. Our country's sports cause, the people's health cause, make a contribution!"

"Excuse me, Coach Lu, after the secret recipe of Chinese turtle essence is sold, can our Lu Family Army continue to take it?" a reporter asked.

Lu Renkang looked at He Xinfu, He Xinfu smiled and said: "Everyone can rest assured that although we have bought out the secret recipe, we will always provide Chinese soft-shelled turtle essence for the Lu family army for free to ensure that our track and field athletes continue to win glory for the country on the field. In addition, our Huaqiang factory and Lujiajun have a cooperative relationship. In the future, we will further strengthen exchanges and continuously optimize and adjust the formula according to the actual feedback and training situation of Lujiajun athletes to make it have better results..."

Opposite the bank, on the second floor of a KFC, by the window, Liang Yifei and Wu were sitting facing each other. On the table in front of them were two glasses of Coke, a box of Colonel chicken nuggets, and a big hamburger.

Early in the morning, there was no one at KFC, only the two of them on the huge second floor.

"Brother, why don't you attend such a big scene by yourself?" Wu San asked while sipping Coke in his hands.

Wu Sanshou had personally seen the opening of Lanyun Lake, lottery ticket sales, and model performances on the golf course. Although it was crowded today, compared to those few, there were indeed not many people.

But this scene is not weak at all, the police car clearing the way, the money carrier with the gun, the handcuffs, the safe, it is just like in a foreign movie, shocking and cruel.

However, Liang Yifei did not attend, but gave the limelight to He Xinfu.

"The factory is mine, and I won't lose anything if he is in the limelight." Liang Yifei laughed.

After all, such things as health care products are not the right way. This kind of showy work, I will not participate in it myself, and I should leave it to He Xinfulai.

Not only this time, Liang Yifei even felt that there would be no need to attend many scenes in the future, and let the agent expose the lights at the front desk, and he would control everything in the background, and be the big boss behind the scenes.

After all, in these years in the early 1990s, no matter what business you did, there was a lot of 'barbarism and disorder' in the exhibition, and exposure everywhere was not necessarily a good thing.

In front of him, he is in the limelight, but after a few years, he may be making a fool of himself.

"Anyway, I can see that the reputation of Chinese Turtle Essence will definitely be a hit this time! However, brother, other health care products factories have their own distributors, regional managers, etc. We are only one factory, can we play around? Who Help us sell it?" Wu Sanshou said.

"Regional manager? Why do you want a regional manager? These people don't need a salary for commissions? As for the dealers, don't worry, as long as the fame goes out, when people come to the door on their own initiative, they will be able to do it. Squeeze."

Liang Yifei is not saying that he does not want to establish a sales network at all, but firstly, the current funds are limited, and the conditions in all aspects are not mature; secondly, even if we want to establish a sales network, we cannot create a legion model like other health care products factories. A lot of money is spent on this.

Helios, Sanzhu, etc., are networked layer by layer, a province has a provincial branch, a city has a city branch, and even townships have set up points. The sales network is spread, but the management and expenses of these people are all enormous burden.

Later facts also proved that once these giant health care product companies encountered headwinds, the proud sales network would become a rope to strangle themselves.

In the future, Huaqiang Factory will indeed establish its own sales force. It does not need to be too bloated, but a shrewd team that is proficient in public relations, negotiation and business activities.


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