Ten minutes later, Noah went up, Qin Shaoyu was still in the water.

  It should be said that besides Qin Shaoyu, there are only two people left.

   These two people are in their forties and are residents here. They have participated in such challenges many times, and they have also achieved very good results.

   Therefore, they are also very confident in this year's challenge. As long as they persist, they will definitely get the first place!

  If you get the first place, you will have a very generous bonus.

  In order to get the first place, they took a long time to prepare and train.

  Seeing the surrounding players leave one by one, they are also very happy in their hearts.

   However, time has passed for so long, but there is still a strange boy standing not far away, which makes them a little depressed.

  Hesitated, they couldn't help walking towards Qin Shaoyu.

After they walked over, they discovered that Qin Shaoyu's face was still ruddy!

  What the **** is this? !

  Having soaked in ice water for so long, his face is still bloody? !

  Is this still not a human? !

  One of them shivered and asked: "Are you...Aren't you cold?"

   "It's okay." Qin Shaoyu nodded with a smile.

It's not bad? What is the answer? !

  Both of them are stunned, why is this kid so perverted? !

  This kind of coldness, they can't hold it for too long, why does he have nothing to do?

  It is obvious that you look so thin and weak, but why can you persist than them?

  Qin Shaoyu is of course no problem. These temperatures are very unbearable for others, but for her, they are similar to normal temperatures.

  Of course, the cold might have entered the body, causing illness and fever. She also exchanged a little faith value.

  Up to now, her belief value has exceeded one billion!

  One billion belief value, which she had never thought of before.

  With this belief value, her actions in the future can also be easier.

  She uses some belief points to practice every day, but because there are new accounts every day, her belief value does not decrease but increases.

  It's as if at this time, she was consuming faith points in the water, and the audience on the shore loved her more and more faith points, so there was no need to worry about losing money.

  So, she now feels in the water at room temperature, and she doesn't feel any cold at all.

  Even if she is allowed to stay in the water all day, there will be no problem.

  Of course, she will choose to participate in the challenge, but also to pit Noah.

  Who let Noah steal her things?

  She is a civilized person, so naturally she has to use other methods to solve it.

  She didn't fight back either, but her own physical condition was special. Noah wanted to fight with her. What was wrong... Then who could be blamed?

  Furthermore, Qin Shaoyu also did what to Noah, but when he was about to give up, he would give him more ridicule and let him hold on for a while.

  Noah’s physical condition is different from hers. It is a real mortal fetus who has been in the water for so long...everyone knows what will happen in the end.

  The two remaining players looked at Qin Shaoyu's calm and ruddy expression, and finally couldn't help it, and quickly landed ashore.

   "This is a monster! We can't match it!"

   "Where did the monster appear? It's so scary!"

  The two of them went ashore, shaking their bodies to reunite with their families, and their minds were about to froze.

  So, Qin Shaoyu was the only one left in the water.

  When he came up, the scene was silent.

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