Although Noah knew that Qin Shaoyu was very enchanting, he did not expect that he actually won the championship! Aren’t there two people in the water at that time?

   Those two also lost! ?

Although he lost to Qin Shaoyu, Noah never thought that Qin Shaoyu would win the championship!

   Click on the video again, and see Qin Shaoyu’s ruddy expression, his teeth rattle when he is not affected at all.


  How could he be so perverted! ?

  Look at the following comments again, without exception, they are all amazed.

  【This is amazing too! He actually stayed in the water for twenty minutes. After getting up, nothing happened? ! 】

  【My God! Is he an iceman? Otherwise, why is there no response at all? ! 】

  【He is still not human? ! I don't dare to go out on this kind of day, let alone go into the water! Why does this world have such an existence that is not afraid of cold? 】

【sky! too horrible! 】

  【Isn't this Qin? Isn't he a singer? How did you go to participate in this kind of challenge? 】

  【Fuck! Still an artist? This is too great! 】

  【Looking thin, I didn't expect it to be so powerful! 】

   Seeing everyone's admiration for Qin Shaoyu, Noah gritted his teeth.

  If it hadn't been for Qin Shaoyu's provocation, he would not have participated in the competition, nor would he be like this!

  Suddenly, he received a message on his account, he clicked on it, and his expression immediately turned blue.

  【Noah, have you also participated in the competition? Is it hurt? How is the situation? 】

  This is the fan’s Aite, and this is just the beginning.

   Soon, Aite’s information became more and more, and Noah also found that his video was also spreading online.

  Everyone knows that the champion of this competition is Qin Shaoyu, but he doesn't pay much attention to others.

   But when Noah also appeared, everyone was shocked. He actually came to participate? !

  【Noah, you are so amazing, I even persisted for ten minutes! 】

  【Noah, you are great! I dare not go into the water at all! 】

  The blessings and encouragement of fans were quickly dissipated by other people's messages.

  【Noah also participated? And took fourth place? This ranking... is actually pretty good, but Qin also participated, which seems a bit...]

  【Is this a coincidence or an appointment? When they participated in parkour before, the two participated together. Participate in the Glacier Challenge now, are they together? They have such a good relationship? 】

  【Bah! How could a good relationship be possible! The two are enemies! But Nuo Asia Pacific is pitiful, and has never won so many times! 】

  Noah and Qin Shaoyu are both Asians, although Qin Shaoyu is completely Chinese, Noah is a hybrid of South Korea and Japan. But in the eyes of foreign fans, people with black hair and black eyes are all from the same place.

  So, the skin and hair of both sides are the same, and the two have participated in the same competition, and not only once, who can not link them together?

  So, many media also issued news, using the battle of "Asian actors" as a stunt, which successfully attracted many audiences.

  It’s nice to watch them kill each other.

  It's just that the comparison between the two sides is a bit cruel.

  Everyone likes Qin Shaoyu's beauty more than his face value.

  Comparing strength, parkour games and glacier challenges, everyone can see the gap.

  Look at the comparison between the two in the same field...It’s not a comparison at all! Qin Shaoyu properly crushed!

  Combined, Noah suffered a fiasco!

  This made Noah gritted his teeth with hatred, and wished to kill Qin Shaoyu!

  Hated and hated Qin Shaoyu is shooting a very amazing scene.

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