Faced with the director’s question, Qin Shaoyu finally nodded.

   "Yes." Qin Shaoyu nodded. Director Cyril would not cheat her anyway.

  Furthermore, she is really not afraid of the cold, so there is nothing to worry about.

   "Okay! That's it!"

  Director Cyril patted her on the shoulder happily, and then ran away excitedly.

  Looking at his back running away, Qin Shaoyu was a little dazed.

  Director Cyril often thinks that one come out is one come out, and it is precisely because of this that he has so long filming time.

  He had polished the script to perfection, but Qin Shaoyu’s actions brought him more inspiration.

  In order to achieve the best results, he has to change the script again.

After Qin Shaoyu came out, Emini leaned over, "What did the director tell you? Did you scold you?"

  There was a little sympathy in her eyes, and Director Cyril had a bad temper.

   "No." Qin Shaoyu shook his head, "He asked me if I could go into the water."

   "Into the water?" Emini was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly, "He watched your game?"

   "Yes." Qin Shaoyu nodded.

   "Then... Is he going to shoot a scene in ice water?"

  Emini was wondering about this problem, so she took a sigh of relief, "No way?!"

  Before, there were actors who had filmed scenes in the ice water, but the actor was very big, had a strong physique, and seemed to be very physically fit, so he dared to shoot such a scene.

  It’s just that it’s a painful thing to get into the water in winter, even indoors!

  Although they can change a hemisphere to film a scene, many of their scenes in this scene are in winter.

  In other words, Qin Shaoyu 90% wants to go down the ice!

   "I haven't heard the director say it before!" Emini was shocked, "He just watched your challenge video to have such an idea, right?"

  Everything she guessed was right, Qin Shaoyu could only nod her head, "Yes."

   "Did you agree?"


   "WTF?! Did you really agree?!"

   Thinking of the scene Qin Shaoyu was about to film, Emini got goose bumps all over her body.

  She wore a coat of fur, but couldn't stop the severe cold, Qin Shaoyu actually wanted to go into the water? !

  Director, this is killing, right?

   "Yes." Qin Shaoyu nodded.

   "You..." Before Emini's sympathy was finished, Qin Shaoyu was called over by the director.

After learning about his role, Qin Shaoyu was also surprised.

  She knew that she must be shooting underwater scenes, but she did not expect that she would shoot this subdivision with women's clothing!

Director Cyril was also very excited, "This will definitely become a classic! Absolutely!"

  Qin Shaoyu's mouth twitched.

  Director Cyril does have a lot of classic shots, but to shoot classic shots, it takes a lot of thought and repetition!

  Sure enough, after hearing about Director Cyril’s request, everyone else looked at Qin Shaoyu sympathetically.

  To become a classic in the eyes of director Cyril, how many times do you have to shoot!

  Moreover, this was still taken in ice water!

  The sympathy of others does not work for Qin Shaoyu, and no one can help her.

  Director Cyril was vigorous and resolute, and the next day he took a group of people to the scenic spots he had investigated before.

  In order to keep secret this time, except for Qin Shaoyu, other unrelated actors are not required to appear.

  This also makes everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and there is no need to follow along, which is great.

  Bao Rutong almost fainted after learning about this.

  This is too bad, right? !

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