Isabella was very annoyed about this. Qin Shaoyu had been dead for so long, and it was really hateful that Qin Shaoyu could still affect Sikongni in this way!

  Two years ago, they asked Alec to deal with Qin Shaoyu. Originally thought it would succeed, but unexpectedly, Alec failed.

   What's more unexpected is that Alec failed, Qin Shaoyu also disappeared soon!

  Some people think that Qin Shaoyu really has a physical problem and has gone through cultivation, but Isabella knows that Qin Shaoyu is missing and dead.

  She is so excited, isn’t this God helping her?

  This is great! She can be with Sikong Ni!

  Unexpectedly, Si Kongni was so cold and indifferent, and didn't give any face at all.

  Even if his father threatened him with company affairs, he did not waver at all.

  This made her half to death, and she felt a few more wrinkles on her face.

  Two years later, Isabella’s patience was also exhausted.

  After careful consideration, she finally decided that she must get Sikong Ni this time!

  So, she threw a party and invited Sikong to come back.

  Sikong Ni was unwilling to come, but was forced to come out by Sikong Boyang.

  Sikong Boyang means that the two are partners, and the children have a little connection, which is good, and multiple friends are good.

  Sikong Boyang doesn't ask how many people his son can know, but he can't shrink himself in the room as cold as before.

  When I saw Sikong Ni before, he thought his son had become a robot!

  Although he still eats and drinks Lazar, but the human emotions seem to have disappeared.

  This made Sikong Boyang a headache, and he could only force his son to go out for a walk.

  He felt that the banquet hosted by the Reese family was quite good, so he asked Sikong Ni to come out to attend.

  Unexpectedly, he pushed his son into the hands of a female pervert.

  This time, Isabella got some powerful charm from Gu Shixian's hands.

  As long as you take these charm...

  These charm drugs were developed by Gu Lihua himself, and the effect is absolutely outstanding!

  Soaking in ice water or something, it is absolutely useless. Only by venting it out can it succeed.

  Furthermore, this charming medicine is colorless and tasteless, making it hard for others to prevent.

  Isabella is very excited. So she opened this party and waited to give Sikong Ni the medicine.

After   , she really found an opportunity for Si Kong Ni to drink the glass of wine.

  It was just this process, she almost vomited blood.

  She told Si Kongni about other things, but she couldn't get any response at all, at most she got a little cold eyes. Only when Qin Shaoyu was mentioned, did he get his slight reaction!

   also mentioned Qin Shaoyu, so Si Kongni drank the glass of wine!

   However, no matter what, as long as Si Kong Ni drank this glass of wine, it was a success.

  I just didn’t expect that Si Kongni frowned just as he drank this glass of wine.

   "What did you put?"

  His brows were furrowed, and his eyes looked at Isabella coldly and fiercely. The fierce light in his eyes made her tremble.


  Isabella tremblingly shook her head, reaching out to help him.

   "This... shall we go to dance..."

  Before he finished speaking, Si Kongni pushed aside.


  Isabella screamed, attracting the attention of everyone around.

  But Si Kongni didn't care about her situation at all and left quickly.

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