Sikong Ni was found by Jason, Ellen’s elder brother just now.

  However, when he was discussing business with other people, his mind was also on Qin Shaoyu.

  Next, he also discovered that other people intentionally left him in place.

  In this case, he immediately thought of Qin Shaoyu.

  Although with Qin Shaoyu's strength, he doesn't have to worry at all, but he is still worried about what Qin Shaoyu will encounter.

   Therefore, when others were pulling him to go outside, he resolutely refused and hurriedly left.

  When he came back, he realized that Qin Shaoyu had been bullied!

   Seeing that Alan was about to fight Qin Shaoyu, he rushed forward directly.

  Others were taken aback by his actions, he dared to be so crazy! This is the Morton family, is he not giving face?

  But where is Si Kongni taking care of so much, his girlfriend is being bullied, if he continues to swallow, is he still called a man?

  He stared at Ellen, and Lucia on the side, with a grim expression, "I want to know what my girlfriend did and asked you to do something to her!"

  Lucia met his ferocious eyes, her heart trembled a few times.

  These eyes are too terrifying, like bloodthirsty wolves, if they move a little bit, they will directly rush to bite them!

  Alan lay on the ground with his belly in his arms, moaning, not getting his breath for a while.

  If it weren’t for the cooperation between Jason and himself, and the place was wrong, Sikong Ni would make him look better!

After kicking Alan out, Sikong Ni looked at Qin Shaoyu with a nervous expression: "Are you okay?"

  Encircle the audience:...

  Is it Allen who is in trouble?

  Having just been hit by Qin Shaoyu 360 degrees in all directions, there is hardly any merit. Then I was kicked out by Sikong Ni... Now it is hurt and heartbreaking!

  As for Qin Shaoyu, she also attacked Allen with words, how could something happen!

   "Sikong, what's going on?"

  Jason ran over and found the situation here, his brother was lying on the ground, his face blackened.

"I'm going to ask your brother about this!" Si Kongni was in a bad mood, "My girlfriend was a little uncomfortable just now, so she was resting here. At that time, Alan was also here. I thought they would get along well. Unexpectedly, when I came back just now, he would hit my girlfriend!"

   Sikongni's expression is ugly, "I want to know what my girlfriend did to let a big man hit someone!"

  Jason's face was also ugly, and he cursed inwardly.

**** it! Allen, the bastard, is messing around again!

  He looked around, then fixed his eyes on Lucia.

   "Miss Lucia, do you know what happened just now?"

  Lucia’s face was a bit pale, she did not expect that Sikong Ni would have such a violent side!

  His kick just now was terrifying!

  Alan said he was a man of more than 100 catties, but he was kicked out!

  And looking at the arc, it turns out to be quite high!

  His power is too terrifying!

  In this case, Lucia's heart trembled a little.

  However, looking at how Si Kongni was so careful and caring for Qin Shaoyu, the resentment in her heart deepened.

   "I found out that there was a dispute on their side just now, and then came over to find out the situation, but this lady scolded Alan..."


  Qin Shaoyu interrupted her with a smile, "Miss Morton, when you said this, didn't everyone around you exist?"

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