Elizabeth’s words shocked everyone, and they turned out to be true!

  Qin Shaoyu wanted Alan to give her something, but after being rejected, he slandered others and wanted to insult himself. This is too much!

  Everyone's condemning eyes turned to Qin Shaoyu.

   Si Kongni's face suddenly became cold, and the storm was about to come in his eyes. But before he moved, Qin Shaoyu held him back.

  Qin Shaoyu gave him a soothing smile.

   "Really? Miss Elizabeth, you heard so clearly?"

   Before Isabella spoke, Jason yelled, "You are too shameless! It's obviously that you are the first to pick the matter, so you dare to beat it!"

  Qin Shaoyu glanced at Jason indifferently, the coldness in his eyes made his heart tighten.

  He couldn't help frowning, this woman's eyes were very lethal! Is it really just an ordinary star?

   Before he could speak, Elizabeth spoke.

   "Of course!" She said righteously, "I really can't stand you slandering people! It's obviously that you did the wrong thing yourself, but you pushed everything to others, you are so unkind!"

  Qin Shaoyu raised an eyebrow to look at her, "Really? What did I do wrong?"

  "You seduce Ellen first and let him give you things! And you have a lot more! Allen says you are whimsical, so you'll give it a go!"

  Her explanation made the eyes of everyone around Qin Shaoyu even more disdainful.

  Elizabeth is the eldest lady of the Reese family. Of course everyone believed what she said.

  After all, Elizabeth is more credible than the statusless Qin Shaoyu.

  If it weren’t for Sikong Ni, everyone couldn’t help but spray Qin Shaoyu to death!

  This kind of person is too much!

  Seeing everyone's contempt for Qin Shaoyu, Isabella was even more happy, "Miss Qin, am I wrong?"

   "Hehe..." Qin Shaoyu sneered, "I really admire Miss Elizabeth's ability to open her eyes and tell lies!"

   "You!" Elizabeth glared at Qin Shaoyu, "Do you still dare to deny it?!"

   "Why don't I dare to deny it?"

  Qin Shaoyu’s smile was cold, "I have a good boyfriend like Si Kongni by my side, who is still single-minded to me, why should I look for this kind of stuff?"

  Although there is no word "junk", the irony and disdain in her words are already obvious.

  This also made Jason very angry.

   Although her younger brother is pretty, she is not something she can despise!

  Furthermore, my brother is better than her no matter how!

   "Who knows what you mean." Elizabeth stared directly at Qin Shaoyu, and was bound to suppress her.

"But I think, you should be looking for a spare tire?" Elizabeth's expression was very determined, "Although others don't know, but I know very well. You are just an orphan without a father and no mother, your father is a An illegitimate child. After your parents eloped and left, the two families broke off their relationship with them. You are just a little orphan fostered in Sagong’s family! I know you have no sense of security, so I want to find a spare tire, but you can’t So unconscionable!"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but stare.

  Fuck! The amount of information here is so huge!

   Elizabeth didn’t finish her words, “You put that pure appearance in front of Sikong Ni, but you have another appearance in front of other people. Do you treat us all as fools?"

  The words fell loudly, and everyone's eyes looked at Qin Shaoyu even more contemptuous.

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