Before this, everyone’s impression of Si Kongni was-cold, elegant, domineering, courageous, and decisive...

  Anyway, all the positive vocabulary that he should have can be used on him.

  However, everyone never knew that he had such a side!

  He followed Qin Shaoyu to "apologize" to everyone like this. It was really the first time everyone saw him!

  Is this Si Kongni's own character, or was it caused by Qin Shaoyu?

  This kind of apology is really disgusting. It makes people half angry, but I don’t know how to refute it.

  Looking at the expressions of Ellen and the others, they were about to vomit blood.

  If Qin Shaoyu and the others took a tough posture, they might have something to say.

  However, Qin Shaoyu and Si Kongni took the initiative to "apologize" to them, which put them in an extremely embarrassing situation.

  This is even more disgusting than Qin Shaoyu's cursing at them!

  A sympathy surged in the hearts of the audience. Allen and the others lost so much that they didn’t even have pants left! At the same time, the expressions they looked at Qin Shaoyu and Si Kongni were more complicated.

  Anyone who can lay down his face and say something like this is not annoying!

  Aren't all the people crying without seeing Alan?

  Benjamin watched this scene, and after a long time, he realized what was going on.

  Although he has a nerd temper, it does not mean that he is a fool.

  Especially Qin Shaoyu’s apology just now, and he has already said everything.

  My own goddess was so slandered, which is too annoying!

  If it hadn't been for Claude to live by himself, he might have jumped out and cursed!

  Why are these people's thoughts so dirty? !

  Furthermore, what about Qin Shaoyu even if he did not go to university? If she wants to go to university, which university doesn't rush to get her?

  She is an absolute genius!

  But now, she was slandered for these inexplicable things, so shameless!

  Although Claude stopped him, he still couldn't get angry.

He also stood up and walked in front of everyone with a smirk, "Then I should apologize, in fact, the ones I just said are fake. In fact, Miss Qin is not a doctor at all, and she has never treated me. I’m sick, I’ve never been better..."

   Benjamin’s words twitched the corners of other people’s mouths.

  Fucking, what kind of medicine Qin Shaoyu gave him, made him desperately jump out to help him face!

  Everyone saw his excitement just now, and naturally they knew that what he said was true or false.

  Furthermore, his face is now ruddy, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that his body has improved.

  And all this was brought by Qin Shaoyu.

  However, he was not afraid of offending people like this, but instead helped Qin Shaoyu slap his face together, which was indeed justified.

  After several people took turns to apologize, the scene was deadly silent.

After all this was done, Sikong Ni said to Mr. Morton and the surrounding guests: "I'm really sorry, I still have business at home, I have to leave first. I'm sorry to disturb you Yaxing. We are young and naive, please Forgive everyone!"

   "I'm really sorry!" Qin Shaoyu also put on a pitiful appearance.

After the two apologized for themselves, Si Kongni took Qin Shaoyu's hand and left.

  The sound of their talking still lingers in everyone's ears.

   "After I go back, I will definitely work hard! There should be room for improvement on the previous materials..."

   "Well, I have to study hard, at least to distinguish between ED and cancer..."

  They walked for a long time, but the scene was still quiet.

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