At this press conference, Qin Shaoyu said a lot, and there were many professional vocabulary in it.

  For some ordinary people, these vocabulary is too high and difficult to understand.

  However, I don’t understand the content, but Qin Shaoyu’s awesomeness cannot be concealed!

  The reporters coming this time come from many countries. Not every reporter can speak English or Chinese. Some speak English with a strong accent, and it takes some time to figure out what they mean.

  There are several translators beside Qin Shaoyu, but they are of little use.

  A reporter was in a hurry and directly asked questions in his own country’s language.

  After completing the question, he found himself making a joke and immediately changed his English.

  But Qin Shaoyu’s reaction was shocking.

  She actually used the reporter’s language directly to answer!

  Of course, after answering, she switched back to English.

  This kind of operation makes everyone confused.

  【Fuck! This is too awesome! This language talent is so awesome! I can't even speak English well, and I'm even more spoken in other languages! 】

  【Mom, is this a genius? Can answer in another language, this is going against the sky! 】

  【I really want to know how Qin Shaoyu did it, how could he learn so many languages, and be able to answer in these languages? 】

  【I am a small language learner, I can say that Qin Shaoyu is very authentic! It can be said that she is definitely taught by a professional teacher at this level, or she has learned from recording! 】

  【I have learned English for so many years, have you fed the dog? ! Why does this exist in this world! 】

  The focus of a group of people was changed, but everyone could see that Qin Shaoyu was so awesome!

  As for some people's suggestion, the inventor of this drug is not necessarily Qin Shaoyu, he was sprayed back directly.

  This is an anticancer drug, not a common cold medicine!

  Those who can invent this miraculous drug are all geniuses!

  Generally speaking, it takes a lot of time to get results. If this is something other people are doing, then there must have been a bit of news.

  Even if you haven’t got a result yet, someone will definitely hear about it.

  However, no such news appeared before.

  So, this must be Qin Shaoyu's own credit!

  Furthermore, this kind of great credit is enough to be a great event in history, who wants to give the credit to others!

  If the identity of the inventor is revealed, it properly represents fame and fortune!

  Fame and fortune like this cannot be exchanged for an ordinary star.

  Even if Qin Shaoyu had the support of Si Kongni behind him, it was absolutely impossible to reach such a height.

  It would be even more ridiculous if Qin Shaoyu chooses to kill people for treasure.

  ——Do you really think there is no police in this world?

  The people who can invent this drug are all top-notch existences in various countries. If something happens, the country will not let the murderer go.

  So, this kind of speculation is too ridiculous. The sunspots were sprayed back before they appeared. The mentally retarded is not like that!

  Qin Shaoyu's performance at the press conference was wonderful, generous and generous, and he was very calm in answering, which made people unable to fault.

  Such an outstanding genius is really nothing to say.

After answering questions from reporters, Qin Shaoyu announced that she would donate half of the profit of the drug.

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