If Xiao Yuhan hadn't stopped her, maybe Isabella didn't know what to do.

  Of course, even though Xiao Yuhan stopped his daughter, it didn't mean that the matter was over.

  After knowing that Qin Shaoyu was a woman, and having developed such a miraculous drug, Xiao Yuhan had a worse impression of Qin Shaoyu.

  Sure enough, she is the daughter of that **** Guru, who can always toss around!

  Isabella watched the interview with Qin Shaoyu on the TV, and directly smashed the remote control, almost smashing the TV.

  "Don't cry." Xiao Yuhan comforted the crying Isabella: "Don't worry, Mommy will help you solve it."


  Isabella cried bitterly, "I want her to die!"

  The more beautiful Qin Shaoyu is, the more embarrassing she will be.

  Every time she looks at Qin Shaoyu’s various happy scenery, her heart seems to be burned by flames, wishing to destroy the whole world!

  Now, she doesn't care about Sikong Ni anymore, she just wants to make Qin Shaoyu feel embarrassed, it's best to kneel in front of her and beg for mercy.

  If it weren't for Qin Shaoyu, she wouldn't be so embarrassed now, she wouldn't even dare to go out in the usual communication.

  Every time I go out, I will see others come over with a friendly smile and ask her whether the things she said at the banquet were true or false.

  These problems have burned her internal organs, and she can’t wait to kick these people out.

  Someone even asked about her relationship with Alan.

  At the beginning of this question, she was confused for a while, and finally understood what it meant—they thought they were with Alan, so they attacked Qin Shaoyu!

   But she was wrong, these statements are still very basic operations.

  After a banquet, she accidentally heard others gossiping about herself.

  Those people said that she must have been with Alan before, but because Alan couldn't satisfy her, she would go to Sikong Ni.

  Forget it, she also asked Alan to hook up Qin Shaoyu, just to destroy Qin Shaoyu.

  The final conclusion of everyone is that the most poisonous woman's heart!

  This kind of statement almost didn't make Isabella jump up, and they were too capable of making up for it!

  And they also said it was plausible that they had seen her and Allen date together before.


  Isabella almost didn’t explode. When did she have such a close relationship with Allen? !

  Although everyone has known each other a long time ago, she has never gone out alone with Alan before.

  In this case, they can even say that there are noses and eyes, which is terrible!

  But this is not the point. Later, she heard others say that Allen admitted that he had an unusual relationship with her, and said that he would get such a disease because of her indomitable demands.


  This kind of statement is too vicious!

  Is she still in good condition!

  Isabella almost went crazy! What the **** is this Allen said? ! All the mistakes were pushed to her body!

  She went to Alan to settle accounts later, but the ending was abhorrent.

  After Allen ran up to everyone and said these things, he never went out after that. She never had the opportunity to come to his house to ask for an explanation.

After   , it was not easy to find Allen, but Allen's reaction shocked her.

  Allen meant that he did say so, but it was all because Isabella was unkind, so he was unrighteous!

  Isabella almost never gave up her breath when she met Allen's crazy eyes.

  After this, she did not go out to participate in various dance parties.

  In addition, their business also plummeted.

  If it were not for the big sign of the Reese family behind, Isabella would be even worse now.

  How can she not hate this?

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