When Alec knew that Qin Shaoyu was a woman, he was shocked.

  She turned out to be a woman? !

  Of course, even if Qin Shaoyu is a beautiful woman, he cannot forgive her.

  If it weren't for her, she wouldn't quit the entertainment circle. You know, the entertainment industry comes in very quickly.

  Of course, with Alec’s character, he is more interested in Qin Shaoyu.

  Before Qin Shaoyu destroyed so many things, it is impossible for Alec to let her go.

  Before in the entertainment industry, after all, he was a big star, and Alec was still a bit reserved.

  However, after quitting the entertainment circle and regaining his original identity, Alec is completely different.

  Without the concealment and restriction of this layer of identity, Alec opened up more than before.

After all,    is mixed with the dark, and I am used to non-disruptive methods, so acrylic can do more.

  After having been with Alec for so long, Xiao Yuhan certainly knew what his personality was.

   "So you can rest assured, he will never let Qin Shaoyu go."

When Xiao Yuhan said that, the smile on the corner of his mouth was very cold.

  What about even a genius doctor? What about big stars?

  In the face of truly powerful strength, she has no way to escape!

  Acrylic used some simple methods to destroy Qin Shaoyu. It was just unexpected that Qin Shaoyu's reaction was stronger than they expected.

  But it’s okay, if you don’t work soft, you can come hard.

  For Alec, brutal force is what he is best at.

   is the heir of the Gary family after all, with blood in his bones.

   "So, Qin Shaoyu will be miserable soon?"

   At this point, Isabella's eyes lit up, as if she had seen Qin Shaoyu's tortured scene!

  No way, the Gary family is the guarantee!

  I didn’t know that Alec was a member of the Gary family before, and Isabella was a little worried.

   But now that she knows, she has more confidence.

  The Gary family where Alec belongs is involved in military...fire!

   There is a saying in Huaguo-no matter how high martial arts is, one is afraid of kitchen knives.

  No matter how strong a person is, he is only a flesh and blood body, and he can't hold back a weapon attack.

  Thinking of this, Isabella is finally happy.

   "Okay, let's wait to see her fate!"

   Thinking of this, Isabella finally feels better.

  Where did Qin Shaoyu know that someone was peeping at himself like this from behind.

  She had already left Alec behind.

  Moreover, there is no memory of Alec in her impression, after all, it was two years ago.

  As for the woman who was pregnant with her “child”, she did not associate it with Alec.

  She is busy filming now.

   While she was busy tossing on cancer drugs, Director Cyril had also found the actors she needed.

  Emini and Fred’s schedule has also been adjusted, and this time I can finally start shooting again.

  After two years, Director Cyril has more insights about the play, and the script has also made a little adjustment.

  The adjusted script also has a little more depth, and it also requires the actors to perform better.

  The new actor is a newcomer who has emerged in the past two years. His acting skills are very good, and most importantly, he has a very good personality.

  Because of Qin Shaoyu’s identity, when he watched Qin Shaoyu, he always used the scumbag to look at the worshiping eyes of the **** of learning, which was not the same as Alec did before.

  In this case, everyone’s cooperation is also very pleasant.

  In a pleasant atmosphere, the shooting progress is getting faster and faster.

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