Qin Shaoyu had just arrived in the classroom for less than a while and was chatting with other classmates, but unexpectedly, there were a few gunshots outside.

  As the gun fired, everyone screamed.

  Qin Shaoyu brushed and stood up.

  ——Someone is shooting!

  The screams outside became more and more violent and panic, and the gunshots got closer and closer.

   "You stay in it!"

  Qin Shaoyu left a sentence and rushed out quickly.

  The students in the classroom are still a little unresponsive.

  After they understood the situation outside, their faces immediately turned pale!

  There have always been a lot of school shootings in the United States. Because their country cannot help guns, the cost of getting a gun is very low, so there are often some anti-social people shooting crazy with guns, causing very heavy casualties.

  I just didn’t expect that something like this would happen to their MBT University!

   Their hearts immediately sank to the bottom, who is shooting! ?

   Before they could figure out the matter, and even before they rushed out, the gunshots stopped outside.

  Next, they heard Qin Shaoyu shouting outside, "Come and save people!"

  The students in the classroom were taken aback, and rushed out quickly.

  Waiting for them to go out did they realize that there was a mess outside.

  A man has fainted to the ground with a gun in his hand.

  On the ground next to him, there were several wounded people, and there were blood stains everywhere.

  Qin Shaoyu lay down on one of them, his hands kept moving, dropping needles on his body.

  There were several people nearby, clutching their wounds and groaning.

  This scene made everyone's eyes split, their heads dizzy, and a little timid almost fainted.

  Qin Shaoyu's movements did not stop, "Quickly go over! There are a few shots next to him!"

  When she was reminded like this, the others reacted immediately.

Yes indeed! These people got shot! Although it is not fatal, if you don't do first aid quickly, it may be gone.

  Qin Shaoyu’s classmates are all medical students, and they are also juniors. They have solid theoretical knowledge and have begun to practice. They also understand first aid.

  Because of this, they immediately rushed up.

  For a while, this area immediately became busy.

  The person under Qin Shaoyu was shot in a dangerous position, and he would almost die on the spot.

  When she came out just now, after subduing the gunman, she immediately rushed towards these people.

  The man’s condition was the most serious, so she chose to save him first.

  Other students were so frightened by this scene that their heartbeat was out of balance. Someone has already called the police.

  Looking at this tragic scene, everyone’s tears and sweat came out.

  Especially the classmate of the man who Qin Shaoyu treated, crying bitterly.

  Looking at the blood on his body was really terrifying, and it always made people feel like he was going to die in the next second.

  However, the panic in their hearts finally calmed a lot after seeing Qin Shaoyu's calmness.

  Qin Shaoyu's hand movement was very steady. Although her posture for saving people was different from that of others, the blood on the man stopped when the silver needle in her hand was removed, instead of bleeding like before.

  If not, he is dead before the ambulance comes.

  Qin Shaoyu's expression was very calm, and there was no panic, as if the man on the ground was not at all serious.

  Seeing her calm appearance, everyone slowly calmed down.

  The injuries of other people were not too serious, and the murderer could not aim accurately, so the injuries of the students were not fatal.

  When the ambulance came, the students at the scene had already been rescued.

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