Such remarks are strange.

  Qin Shaoyu is beautiful and smart, isn’t this a good thing?

  However, in some people’s words, Qin Shaoyu was attacked because of such beauty.

  Forget it, if it was her own accident, everyone would sigh with emotion and scold the extremists.

   However, when this matter involved other people, they put the blame on her instead.

  For a time, these unreliable remarks quickly popped up.

  This theory of victim guilt quickly swept the entire network.

  Although there are many people who still have normal three views, when these speeches increase, they are easily brainwashed-these seem to be quite reasonable!

  If it weren't for Qin Shaoyu, no one else would be affected!

   Even if the accident happened on her own, why does she bother other people? That is the loss of the world!

  It is precisely because of the brainwashing of these strange statements that many people have a worse and worse impression of Qin Shaoyu.

  Looking at the above remarks, Ye Zizheng was so angry that he almost smashed the computer.

  Damn, he asked people to check it, and found that there were several forces pushing behind!

  So many forces are concentrated together, it is difficult for him to deal with it for a time.

  This makes him very angry, who is going to put Qin Shaoyu to death?

  If it is just a struggle in the ordinary entertainment industry, there will be no such result. At least he thinks that Yuanguang Entertainment has a lot of face.

   But, I don’t know where the external force came from, and now their situation is getting more and more troublesome.

  He was so anxious that he wanted to contact Sikong Ni, and wanted to know Qin Shaoyu's situation.

  The current situation is very troublesome.

  If any expert has an accident, everyone will really put all the blame on Qin Shaoyu. By that time, things will be even more troublesome!

   Although I don’t know why those people believe this kind of shit, but Ye Zizheng can’t change that.

  He can only expect that Qin Shaoyu has nothing to do.

  However, he is very worried, the possibility is a bit low

  Qin Shaoyu is not an ordinary person, and should be able to keep himself safe, but what about others?

  If something happened to others, then Qin Shaoyu would be scolded to death!

   Ye Zizheng was so anxious that the phone on Sikong Ni finally got through.

  When he knew Qin Shaoyu was okay, Ye Zizheng almost didn’t jump on the table to dance!

Very good!

  Qin Shaoyu is fine!

  Sikong Ni also said, other experts are fine.

  Everyone is fine, Ye Zizheng finally let go of his heart.

After    hung up the phone, Ye Zizheng's expression was also a little distorted.

  There is a scary sneer smile at the corner of his mouth.

  Since they want to play, play with them!

  He sent a message directly with his account.

  [Some people say that it’s Qin Shaoyu’s problem. She is injuring everyone. What she said is conclusive. I want to know, are you connected with that organization? Otherwise, why do you know the so-called inside information so much? 】

  Behind this, he also circled a few people, all of whom were very good at jumping up and down.

  Moreover, these accounts represent different powers.

   Before, Ye Zizheng used the official account of Yuanguang Entertainment to go back, but now he uses his own account.

  As soon as this news came out, everyone was taken aback.

  Someone finally reacted, yes! They said so clearly, are they connected with terrorist organizations?

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