The first thing that is unlucky is of course the sunspots on the Internet.

  They jumped up and down in the matter of Qin Shaoyu, so excited, they wanted to suppress Qin Shaoyu.

  Although Qin Shaoyu is a genius, they hate such a genius and want to destroy her.

  I just didn’t expect that Qin Shaoyu’s counterattack caught them off guard!

  They didn’t know how Qin Shaoyu did it, they found out their identities!

  If they just simply send a lawyer's letter or something, they are not too nervous.

  Anyway, they have seen a lot of this kind of thing, there is nothing remarkable, just apologize casually.

  But when their lives were threatened, they immediately knelt down and called Dad.

  The situation was the same as that of the netizen before, and several similar things happened afterwards.

  Several people have been refused treatment!

  These patients are all confused, so why don't they treat themselves? Why are these doctors so awesome? Are you afraid of losing your job by complaining?

  However, they later discovered that their complaint did not work at all, and was instead blacklisted by the hospital!

  Now, they are even more daunted.

  What kind of development is this?

  In anger, they complained online. Soon, they got help from netizens.

  If this happens for the first time, netizens will definitely be very excited.

  However, this has happened once before, and everyone is calm.

  Some netizens suggested that these patients go back and check if their relatives did something bad.

  The patients looked confused, but they went back and checked it again according to everyone's suggestions.

  After they figured out the situation, they almost couldn't help strangling the instigator to death!

  Sure enough, these people made trouble!

  It was his relatives who offended Qin Shaoyu, so they will be refused treatment now!

  The sick patients are all angry. It turns out that they are all held back by their own family members!

  Although it was not the fault of my immediate relatives, the relationship between everyone is still very close.

  So, these errors are directly attributed to them.

  Never mind if it is normal, but after suffering from such a terrible disease as cancer, they are about to collapse, and they are even dragged down. Isn’t this terrible?

  So, within a few days, a few of them almost killed their lives.

  Become a keyboard man and a black man on the Internet, usually young people. Their status in the family is generally not high, after all, they are juniors.

  But what they have caused has affected the health of the elders!

  So, they experienced firsthand what karma is!

  If they hadn't caused these things, their elders would not be implicated!

  In fact, they all felt that what Qin Shaoyu said was an exaggeration.

  No matter how awesome she is, can she be even better than the country? Can you control everyone's life and death?

  But only now did they know that Qin Shaoyu could really do it!

  Although they are young and strong, they are not seriously ill, but their health does not mean that family members or relatives and friends are always healthy!

  When they needed a doctor, they finally realized that what they had done before was really unkind.

  In this case, they have no chance of luck.

  They also deeply regret the mistakes they made before.

  It’s not that you don’t report, it’s just not the time.

  So, just a few days later, the famous tweeters on the Internet all posted apologies, saying that they would definitely change their minds in the future.

  This time, everyone was shocked.

  Fuck! Qin Shaoyu still has such ability!

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