"Shocking Snow Battle" tells a story of love and courage.

  In fact, it is a bit more popular, it is about the story of a few superheroes saving mankind.

  In the past few years, this type of film has appeared frequently, but some are good and some are bad.

  Some of the story lines are weak and the character set is not prominent enough, but the box office is good because of the good special effects.

  In the words of the audience, they are in a bad mood, watching the explosions in the movie, and they are in a good mood.

  This kind of popcorn movie can be used to relieve stress. After all, the pressure is so high in normal times. You don't want to use too much brain, just want to watch it lightly.

  Of course, if it is really bad, the audience is not a fool.

  However, as soon as this trailer came out, the response on the Internet was particularly intense.

  【This is the movie made by the Emperor? Go ahead! 】

  【It's only a few minutes, but it's just addictive! 】

  【Have you guys read it before commenting? Didn't you see the performance of Lord Yuhuang in it? Yuhuang-sama is so handsome! 】

  【My Emini! so beautiful! 】

  【Fred is so handsome! That muscle! That abs! Damn, the saliva is all down! 】

  【Why do you just watch actors? Don’t you watch the plot? This plot is obviously very exciting! 】

  【I am different from you, my focus is on the queen! I always feel... this queen is a bit familiar? That figure is very familiar! 】

  【I feel familiar too! But, who is the actor of this queen? Does anyone know? 】

  【Didn’t it mean that this queen was also played by Qin Shaoyu? Why can't I see the face? 】

【No way? This queen is also played by the emperor? But why not give a face? Obviously so good-looking! 】

  【Isn't this just to leave a suspense, let everyone enter the cinema to watch it. 】

  【I don't watch actors, I only watch special effects. This special effect looks so good! Much more real than the ones I saw before! Is this really a heavyweight? 】

  For a time, various discussions arose on the Internet.

  This is the work of Director Cyril. The name Cyril itself is synonymous with strength, and of course everyone has no doubts about this movie.

  Moreover, this trailer made everyone very excited.

  In fact, the story is very simple, that is, a group of people is saving the world. However, all the protagonists are tall and tall!

  Such a beautiful protagonist is really exciting!

  The most important thing is that the special effects here are also very real, as if they were taken in real scene.

  Whether it is because of actors, special effects, or plot, everyone is interested in movies.

   [See you in the cinema in half a month! 】

  Someone immediately started calling friends.

  Heavenly soldiers and generals are also very helpless.

  If you are a fan of other people, you don’t have to be so pitiful at all.

  Although Qin Shaoyu has photographed magazines, but not many. And the frequency of appearances is much lower than before.

  Everyone is still worried about whether she has left the entertainment circle and went to the mixed medicine circle.

  If this is the case, then they will have to cry to death!

  Fortunately, the appearance of this trailer made everyone understand that Qin Shaoyu still likes filming.

  So, everyone is very excited and hope to increase the box office of this movie. In this case, Qin Shaoyu will know that this circle is more suitable for her!

  In order to keep Qin Shaoyu behind, everyone worked hard.

  Qin Shaoyu, who had been trying hard to stay, flew to Country M.

  This time, she was going to talk about the theater.

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