"Shocking Snow Battle", as the name suggests, is a story that takes place in ice and snow.

  This is a world of supernatural powers.

  The whole world is covered by ice and snow, and everyone is working hard for the emergence of sunlight.

  Several young men and women gather together to fight the big devil and look for sunshine.

  Qin Shaoyu plays two roles in it, one is the queen and the other is a young hero.

  One man and one woman, two roles, but there is no sense of disobedience.

  The acting skills of other actors are equally outstanding.

  Of course, what attracts everyone the most is the magical special effects besides the excellent acting skills of the actors.

  As soon as these special effects came out, everyone was in an uproar.

  This is too real!

  Especially those strange and strange species, even the hair is so real and smooth.

  This is a 3D version of the movie. After wearing the glasses, everyone can see more clearly, so you can see the agility of these creatures more clearly.

  Director Cyril’s skills are very strong, and his narrative skills are not bad, and he has a good grasp of the tones, without the tones of spicy eyes.

  【Worthy of being a great god! That's awesome! The rhythm of this story is simply amazing! 】

  【Turn fans to Qin Shaoyu Road! so amazing! Whether it's men's or women's clothing, they are so amazing! I finally know why Director Cyril hasn't filmed in the past two years, it turns out that there is really no suitable actor! 】

  In so many comments, everyone discussed the scene where Qin Shaoyu came out of the water.

  The ice and snow, the transparent and clear lake, and the clean and clear sky, all make people feel refreshed, and I can’t wait to be drunk in it.

  Under such a beautiful scenery, a beauty came out of the water with an aura of two meters and eight meters. The appearance was so beautiful that people's heartbeat stopped.

  The success of this scene left a deep mark in everyone's hearts.

  Qin Shaoyu is so beautiful! Absolutely classic!

  When Qin Shaoyu’s face appeared on the big screen, few on-site audiences were not shocked!

  Especially when she held out her hand to them indifferently, everyone could not wait to kneel down and call the queen!

  Too beautiful and too powerful!

  In order to watch it again, we will continue to use the second and third brushes.

  Only a big screen can show the beauty of Qin Shaoyu to the fullest!

  A beauty like this makes everyone's eyes green.

  【I am so envious of Ni Shao! It's so happy to be with Yuhuang-sama! 】

  【I also envy Ni Shao! I really want to take Master Yuhuang home! This face is so pretty! 】

  [I have to say, Qin Shaoyu’s face is really immortal! Moreover, Director Cyril's skill is really strong, and she has taken all her beauty. It's really beautiful! 】

  【My phone is already flooded! Licking! 】

  At the time when the box office was soaring, someone also cut out the two roles of Qin Shaoyu in the movie and turned them into CPs.

  Watching Qin Shaoyu’s self-attack in the video, the following comments screamed.

  This pair of CP fans quickly surpassed Niyu CP. The fans below kept their nosebleeds and begged frantically for food, and the team quickly grew.

  In just one week, the box office broke through one billion M yuan, breaking many records.

  As a result, other actors have gained more popularity, whether it is Emini Fred or the new actor, they are equally sought after by fans.

  It's just that, their popularity combined, they are not as much as Qin Shaoyu alone.

  Her scenes add up and she is a well-deserved protagonist.

  In addition to her outstanding acting skills, she succeeded in attracting attention.

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