If Bao Zi doesn't want to go to the friendship, but their president can especially fool you.

  Clearly simple things, what she said in the end was particularly important.

  So, the next day, Bao Ziruo still went with them.

  There is no way, the head of the house said, this is a collective action in the dormitory, and it can’t be left behind.

  So, Bao Ziruo could only follow. Anyway, she has done everything in school, and the company has been on vacation, so it's okay to go out and relax.

  So, everyone quickly arrived at the last hotel.

  Returning to a familiar place, Bao Ziruo's expression was a little dazed.

  At the same time, she is also a little worried, will she still be the group of Ye Zizheng, right?

  However, Chief She said, it’s not the same group of people last time, so she doesn’t have to worry about it.

  The opponent arrived soon. Although there are one or two of them I have seen last time, Ye Zizhen is indeed not there, and Bao Ziruo is calm.

  The two groups of people gathered together, both young people, eating, drinking and chatting, and soon became one.

  "Hello, my name is Zhang Pinghe, can I call you Baozi?"

  A young and handsome little handsome guy sat next to Bao Ziruo and said with a smile to her.

   "Hello." Bao Ziruo smiled at the boy and nodded.

   "You look so good when you smile!" Zhang Pinghe said in surprise.

   "Really?" Bao Ziruo's smile remained unchanged, "You look good too."

   "It's fair." The boy's smile was also very enthusiastic.

  Looking at the two people chatting here, Zhang She and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although they don’t know what happened to Bao Ziruo, but thinking about her attitude when talking about Ye Zizhen before, they knew that the two had probably fallen out.

  How can this work? This is a flower in their bedroom!

   Therefore, the elders will work hard to show the friendship this time.

  No, the effect is pretty good.

  Seeing Bao Ziruo chatting with the boy happily, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

  A beauty like Bao Ziruo should be smiling all day long!

  In the toilet in the private room, a boy hid in.


Ye Zizheng answered the call and rubbed his eyebrows, "Pang Yang? What's the matter?"

   "Are you free now, come here quickly!"

   "What's the matter? I am very busy here."

  "Are you busy dating?" Pang Yang quipped.

  "Fuck you! I really have something to do here! There are too many things in the company."

  Because of the popularity of "Shocking Snow War", their Yuanguang Entertainment also has more cooperation invitations.

  As the person in charge of the company, Ye Zizheng has been busy these days and has no time to date.

  Furthermore, even if he wants to date, he can’t find anyone!

   "So busy..."

  Pang Yang realized that Ye Zizheng is not an ordinary student, but the president of the company!

  But because Ye Zizhen usually has a very good relationship with them, everyone gets along well, and he has no arrogance, so everyone does not treat him as a boss.

  However, no matter how approachable, Ye Zizheng is the head of a company with a different identity.

   "Although you are very busy, you can't forget this girlfriend."

  Pang Yang was bitter, feeling that Ye Zizheng's head was green.

   "What did you say?"

   Ye Zizheng tilted his head and held the phone, "I'm really busy here, I have something to say!"

Hearing his displeasure, Pang Yang quickly explained, "It's the girl who had a good chat with you last time, she's here again this time!"

  "Here again? What are you here?" Ye Zizheng didn't react yet.

   "Friendship! Someone wants to pry your corner!"

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