"I don't like you?" Ye Zizheng looked at Bao Ziruo in surprise, as if she was saying something strange.

Bao Ziruo's heart ached, but she still insisted, "Ye Zizheng, we are all grown-ups. This kind of thing happens, so there is no need to rest assured, let alone for the so-called It’s not a good thing for you or me to choose to be together."

  Bao Ziruo's words are long-hearted, but Ye Zizheng doesn't buy it.

   "Who said I don't like you?" he asked.

  Bao Ziruo was taken aback, and then hooked the corner of her mouth, "Didn’t this have been said a long time ago? You said, I’m not the type you like."

   "Yes, I have said that." Ye Zizheng thought for a while, and finally nodded.

   Bao Ziruo's heart was pulled, aching, and her expression changed slightly.

   "Since you have said so, we don't need to continue..."

   "You are indeed not the type I would like." Ye Zizheng interrupted her with a calm expression, "But who made me like you?"

  Bao Ziruo is still sad because of his first sentence, and takes off because of his second sentence.

   "You...what did you say?"

  Did she misheard it?

  What makes him like her?

  She got it wrong!

  Looking at the pale and surprised girl, Ye Zizheng's heart was aching aching, and he crawled over from the bed.

  He embraced Bao Ziruo’s waist and began to explain, “I really didn’t like your type before...”

  "What type of me is this?"

   "Rude, overbearing, violent, stubborn..." Ye Zizheng felt colder and colder as he said, "But, who made me like you?"

  Bao Ziruo felt as if she was in the clouds, she was in a daze, and her feet couldn't step on the ground.

   Ye Zizheng continued: “If I don’t like you, I wouldn’t rush over to find you in a hurry. If I don’t like you, what else can you do to me? Am I such a casual person?”

   Ye Zizheng was also a bit wronged. He did everything so clearly. Why is Bao Ziruo still suspicious of him?

  However, thinking of the conversation with Si Kongni last night, he immediately let go of his grievances.

  After the two people quarreled last night, Bao Ziruo fell asleep. He should have fallen asleep, but he received a video call from Si Kongni.

  He didn't respond at that time, so he picked it up directly, and when he felt it was wrong, Si Kongni had already discovered the problem.

  So, under Sikongni's compelling question, he said all his thoughts.

  It can be seen that Si Kongni wanted to come back and beat him, because his attitude at the beginning was indeed problematic.

  Since I don’t like other girls, is there no other way to solve this problem?

   Then, Si Kongni scolded him severely, and directly awakened him, and made him face his own heart.

  Sikong Ni let him know that if he likes Bao Zi, otherwise, how could the people get together?

  You must know that, as the person in charge of Yuanguang Entertainment, coupled with the appearance of no less than the little meat in the entertainment industry, many people want to take the initiative to seek unspoken rules. It's just that those people were rejected by him.

  And he will be with Bao Ziruo, of course, because he likes her. Otherwise, who can persecute him?

  Fortunately, Sikong rebelled against it last night. Otherwise, this morning, the two of them would definitely be a disaster, and it is possible that they will not be in contact with each other in the future.

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