When Ye Zizheng said this, Bao Ziruo was beating Xie Shiling violently.

  Thinking of what Xie Shiling did to herself, she wanted to beat her to death!

   Although the relationship between the two is not good, she never thought that Xie Shiling would dare to do these things to herself!

  If she really succeeds, won't she be ruined now? How much time will it take to cheer up afterwards?

  Thinking that because of this incident, Bao Ziruo became even more angry.

  For people like Xie Shiling, it doesn’t make sense to reason with her. There is only-punch!

  Bao Ziruo often exercises on weekdays, so her strength is much greater than that of ordinary girls.

  Moreover, she also learned a lot of skills.

  Xie Shiling only wanted to live a comfortable life. She lived for more than 20 years. She hadn't even run twice before, and her physique was even worse.

  So, she couldn't stop Bao Ziruo from attacking.

  Bao Ziruo is very cruel when hitting people. In addition to slaps in the face, she also specifically finds places that are painful but don't see too many traces.

  If you take off Xie Shiling's clothes, you will be surprised to find that there are not many marks on her body, but the whole face is almost invisible.

  Jerry was listening to Xie Shiling's screams, and his whole body was numb.

  He looked at Bao Ziruo in horror, and then at Ye Zizheng sympathetically.

  With such a girlfriend, if you really want to start, you really don’t know who will win and who will win.

   Although Jerry would do something about Xie Shiling, it was not to such an extent.

   Bao Ziruo's movements made him almost frightened.

  This is really horrible.

   Although she is good-looking, she is not the type that Jerry likes to be so violent.

  He also sympathized with Ye Zizheng.

  It should be very painful to meet such a girlfriend, right?

After more than 20 minutes of unilateral beatings, Bao Ziruo straightened up.

  Looking at Xie Shiling with a blue nose and a swollen face, she snorted coldly, "Don't worry, this is just an appetizer!"

  Xie Shiling was about to be driven crazy by her, and when she heard this, she almost didn't collapse.

  How dare she!

  Xie Shiling can't say clearly, she can only vaguely say: "You...do you dare!"

   "Why don't I dare?" Bao Ziruo shook her fist again, "If you dare to do this kind of thing, you must be mentally prepared to take responsibility!"

  She didn’t want to think, if this kind of thing really happened, it would be a girl’s life that would be destroyed!

  Xie Shiling is just being beaten now, not too miserable.

  Listening to Bao Ziruo’s anger, Xie Shiling was going crazy.

  She did not expect that what she did did not succeed, but was discovered, and now she was beaten!

  The most important thing is that she can’t call the police yet!

  If Bao Ziruo went to the police, no matter what, Bao Ziruo would only be educated or detained for a period of time, but if what she did was exposed, she would not be pleased.

  At this moment, she regretted a little bit. Why did she do things so hastily?

  If she hadn’t been anxious and asked Zhang Pinghe to do it directly, it wouldn’t be like this now!

  She should let Zhang Pinghe pursue Bao Ziruo, then control her in her hand, and then slap him severely!

  In this case, Bao Ziruo will experience more pain.

  Prescribing medicine is the simplest and rude way, and it is also prone to accidents.

  No, something happened.

  Where did Bao Ziruo know that Xie Shiling is still thinking about these things in her mind. After she finished venting, she shot Xie Shiling with a grim expression, "You wait!"

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