For what Qiu Zhenmei said, Bao Ziruo was very calm, but just glanced at her.

  To be honest, she never expected that Jerry would be so cruel to Xie Shiling.

  He pushed Xie Shiling's strength before.

  Now, Xie Shiling's hand is broken and she has to be put in a plaster. Moreover, her head has been hit hard. I don't know what it will be like after waking up.

  Think about what Xie Shiling said before, it would be even more ironic.

  She said that she did this for Jerry, so she did it.

  But unfortunately, people don't put her at ease. Seeing that something was wrong, she immediately pulled away, what else could she do?

  Bao Ziruo believed what Xie Shiling said.

  With her personality, she would do this kind of thing, not only for herself, but also for Jerry.

  Just, who asked her to find such a boyfriend?

  Flying separately, Jerry did it properly.

  Looking at Bao Ziruo's calm appearance, Qiu Zhen gritted her teeth with hatred, and she wanted to rush to take a bite!

  Xie Quanshen also spoke, but what she said made her very angry.

   "Zi Ruo, what the **** is going on? Who did it?"

  Qiu Zhenmei was angry, "She must have done this! Do you still have to ask!"

  Bao Ziruo smiled, "I really did it..."

   "Look! It's this bitch!"

  Qiu Zhenmei was immediately excited, and she couldn’t wait to let Bao Ziruo pay for her life immediately.

  However, Bao Ziruo smiled again, "However, I just hit a few times, she will become like this, you have to ask your daughter’s dear boyfriend."

  Qiu Zhen's eyebrows froze for a moment, and then became even more annoyed.

   "What are you talking about! It's obviously something you did yourself, how dare you to shirk responsibility?!"

  But when she saw Jerry's reaction, her heart went cold.

That is not true, is it?

   Before she broke out, the police came over.

  A few police officers came in and looked at the situation inside. They were a little surprised, but they followed the procedure and started to inquire.

"Who called the police?"

  "It's me." Bao Ziruo raised his hand.

   "What exactly happened?"

  As soon as the police spoke, Qiu Zhenmei said loudly: "She beat my daughter! I want to sue her for hurting people!"

  The police stunned for a moment. The person who wounded the person called the police? This operation is really amazing.

  I have never heard of such a thing.

  After hitting someone, but instead of leaving, he took the initiative to call the police?

  "Comrade police, I did hit her, but what I caused her was only a skin trauma. As for her serious injuries, this person caused her."

   Bao Ziruo unceremoniously pushed the responsibility back to Jerry.

  The face of Jerry on the side was pale.

  Regardless of the country, who wants to deal with the police?

   "You nonsense! You did it!"

Qiu Zhenmei became even more angry.

  At this time, Bao Ziruo even dared to open his eyes and talk nonsense!

Ye Zizheng on the side of    finally spoke, "We have evidence here that proves that it is not our problem."

  He had received the basement monitoring from that restaurant before, so he could naturally see who did it.

  Jerry's face turned paler.

  The surveillance was sent over quickly. After watching these surveillances, the police looked at Jerry and said, "Did you beat him?"

Ye Zizheng called the doctor again.

  Doctor explained Xie Shiling's situation again.

  Xie Shiling did have injuries on her face, but it was just a skin injury, and the marks could be removed within a few days at most.

  It was the head injury that caused serious harm to her.

  As a result, Qiu Zhenmei and the others are going crazy.

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