This video completely washes away the black water on Qin Shaoyu's body.

  Everyone who has watched this video will be **** off.

  Although they knew that something very insidious would happen, they never thought that someone would do these things to Qin Shaoyu and then slander him!

  Qin Shaoyu didn't even know this woman before, but was slandered by them as a fan! Thinking of other things, everyone shuddered.

  【Damn, who wants to kill our Lord Emperor? ! come out! See if I don't kill him! 】

  Not to mention the heavenly soldiers and generals, even passersby can't pass it.

  The truth of the matter was so disgusting, and they were also deceived and became one of them. Thinking of it, they all feel chilly!

  Many fans of the artist also expressed their opinions.

  【Our brother was slandered like this before! If he had evidence, he wouldn't need to be confused now! These **** are so harmful! 】

  【Support Qin Shaoyu! Kill these people! 】

  【Support Qin Shaoyu! They must be killed! 】

   [Damn, where are these **** from? Human flesh them! Kill them! 】

  Seeing everyone so angry, Qin Shaoyu posted a blog post.

  [All things have been explained clearly, then, those people who asked me to die before...what do you think should be done? Who will die first? 】

  This Weibo silenced everyone.

  Before, when Qin Shaoyu was hacked, they also jumped out and condemned him like a messenger of justice and told him to get out of the entertainment circle.

  But now everything is explained clearly, they also know the truth, and when they think back to their previous comments, they feel panicked.

  Yes, they used to scold Qin Shaoyu before, what about now?

  【I have always supported Lord Yuhuang! I believe that Lord Yuhuang is innocent! 】

  【I also believe in Lord Yuhuang! 】

  【I also support Lord Yuhuang! 】

  The comments under this Weibo have all been turned into these contents, and there are not many comments by Heizi.

  Before the angry passers-by were silent, they couldn't help but think back, why did they scold Qin Shaoyu before?

  Now things turn around and their faces hurt!

  Qin Shaoyu once again issued a comment, [Your parents spend money for you to go to school, not to make you indiscriminate, but to let you know how to think, but unfortunately, few people seem to understand this truth. 】

  Fuck! Such a preaching tone is really unpleasant!

  If he dares to say these things in normal times, everyone will have to spray him!

  Where did his face say such things?

  But now, after such a rapid reversal, everyone has different thoughts in their hearts.

  They...maybe they really did something wrong, right?

  Of course, some people think that they are wrong and start to reflect on themselves, but after some introspection, all these responsibilities are attributed to Xu Jiayan and others!

  If it weren’t for misleading everyone because of the things they did, how could things turn out to be like this?

  So, it's all their fault!

  So, without Qin Shaoyu saying anything, everyone's firepower turned to Xu Jiayan and others.

  The girl who slandered Qin Shaoyu was quickly exposed to human flesh, and her home address was dug up. Every day, people came to their door to throw trash, making their family panic.

  This kind of life lasted for a long time, even if they moved, they could not escape everyone’s anger.

  As for Xu Jiayan and others, it is even more sad.

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