Rebirth of the Chief Male God: Inverse Young, Addicted To Pets

Chapter 811: Representing the entertainment industry

  Several seventeen and eighteen lines of small transparent, they even went to the bottom of the well, they really thought their faces were so big?

  Qin Shaoyu posted another blog post, and this time directly named those people.

  【If you have anything to say to me, I think I can still listen to your opinions. Maybe it’s because we haven’t met each other, so you guys think I’m doing something bad and vicious, affecting the appearance of the city, right? 】

  This Weibo slapped the artists in the face fiercely, and made the audience yell.

  【Fuck! It's so awesome! So domineering! 】

  【Wuli Yuhuang's domineering side leak! So handsome! These scums don't know you at all, and they are so disgusting that they are affecting the appearance of the city! 】

  【This kind of **** who upholds the high and the low, should beat them to death! 】

  Everyone is so excited, Qin Shaoyu’s words are really so relieved!

  These people are not well-known, but everything pops up, which is really disgusting!

  In fact, this kind of thing is also common in the circle.

  Something has happened to a certain artist, and other people, whether they know it or not, have to come out and say a few words-is it their business?

  Especially some artists who only need to be hot and shameless, they treat the heat as a lifelong career!

  This kind of scum will not be red on that day, but watching them run to rub the heat of their idols, everyone is also very angry.

   However, in this circle, you always have to give some face, and you have to maintain surface peace.

  So, no matter how annoyed they are, they will not tear their faces.

  So, every time I see these things, fans are stunned.

  But now, Qin Shaoyu is fighting back!

  That's it! It's time to fight back like this! Let these **** know that the heat is not so easy to rub!

  【So cool! It feels like my depression for many years is gone! Shuang Shuang Shuang! 】

  【I just thought of my idol to fight back against these **** like this! Don't slap them, do they really think no one dares to touch them? 】

  The artists looked at these comments, angry and annoyed, but in this case, they didn't dare to say anything at all.

  Qin Shaoyu’s momentum is too strong, especially the previous whitewashing operation, which directly shocked everyone!

  He is not afraid to offend others at all!

  When others encounter this kind of thing, no matter how angry they are, they must consider the general situation.

  However, his simple and crude straight ball makes it a little difficult for everyone to react.

  Even if they are ashamed and embarrassed, they dare not say anything.

  However, there were still some people who were frustrated and expressed their opinions in a trumpet.

  【It’s too arrogant, right? This is the meaning of enmity with the entire entertainment industry? 】

  Someone spoke, and someone followed suit.

  【So arrogant, do you really think you are the boss of this circle? 】

  Such comments made fans sneer.

  [The face is really big, your master who is muddled to the center of the earth can represent the entire entertainment industry? But a few idiots who can't be popular, really think of themselves as "Poon Choi?" 】

  【Arrogant? Isn't you arrogant? Dare to rub against any heat, not afraid of falling to death! 】

  When everyone was arguing, Jiang Xinyuan sent out a blog post.

  【Master Yuhuang, please take the flight~! @我是秦少御]

A photo was added after   .

  In the photo, Jiang Xinyuan and another actress Xue Lijie put their hands together and looked at Qin Shaoyu with bright eyes.

  Xue Lijie also sent the same words and the same photos.

   Then, Qin Shaoyu reposted their blog.

  These few blog posts made everyone confused.

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