Everyone is confused by these circumventions.

   When did Qin Shaoyu’s relationship with these people get so good?

  This end has just been finished, as if trying to beat the rhythm of the entire entertainment circle, and the other end will be fiercely fighting with other people. This is also amazing!

  Of course, the most amazing thing is the performance of these people.

  It can be seen that although these people are joking, they have placed themselves below Qin Shaoyu.

  This is the same attitude as Yue Chen before!

  Everyone is in this circle, even if their popularity is not as popular as Qin Shaoyu, they will not assume such a "humble" posture.

  But now, these people are doing this kind of action, and I have to make people curious.

  After seeing this photo, Yue Chen quickly sent out a blog.

  After seeing the photo above, everyone's mouth twitched and they were speechless.

  He actually put himself P into it! Also put on the same posture!

  However, he and Qin Shaoyu’s position is the closest, so you must not let others take his position!

  This kind of action made everyone speechless, he was too convulsive, right?

  This kind of favoritism has also been discussed enthusiastically for several days.

  Everyone couldn't help but wonder, how did Qin Shaoyu get along with them?

  It wasn't until Fang Zhuoliang solved the mystery that everyone was stunned.

  Fang Zhuoliang has always been a veteran cadre, so he decided to change. As for the direction of change-start with the game first!

  He was Amway, following the hottest mobile game nowadays.

  There are some levels that require a lottery so that you can continue to the next level. However, his hand is too dark, and every time he draws a lottery, he is the worst, and he can't draw what he wants.

  Seeing other people's luck and drawing the best card every time, his eyes are red with envy.

  By chance, Qin Shaoyu helped him draw an SSSR card!

After   , Qin Shaoyu helped him draw the best card every time he shot!

  Every time!

  Fang Zhuoliang was quickly overwhelmed by Qin Shaoyu’s European spirit, and followed everyone to call Lord Yuhuang.

  Fang Zhuoliang took Qin Shaoyu as a koi, but Jiang Xinyuan and Xue Lijie had both received his help.

  Just before filming, Jiang Xinyuan suddenly felt sick and her face turned pale.

   Originally wanted to see a doctor, but Qin Shaoyu stood up.

  Jiang Xinyuan is actually suffering from a physical illness, and she has also consulted a lot of doctors, but she hasn’t gotten better.

  Every time the eldest aunt came, she seemed to have a blender in her belly, making her want to roll on the bed.

  If there is no painkiller, she can't get up at all.

  Especially if you have soaked in cold water, it will be even more sad.

  She didn't believe that Qin Shaoyu had this ability, but after taking the pill he gave, the pain quickly disappeared, and then, the aunt was also normal.

  This is amazing too!

  Jiang Xinyuan was convinced by Qin Shaoyu.

  Before, when Qin Shaoyu stood up and said that she could help her, she couldn't help but despise him a lot. After all, he was a man and he was so young, how could he understand these things?

  But the final situation can be directly hit the face.

  But it’s really cool to hit the face! She willingly!

  For many years, this is the first time she feels such a beautiful day!

After   , she was even more shocked when she knew that Qin Shaoyu still had slimming pills in her hands.

  Fuck! Qin Shaoyu actually made the slimming pills? !

  Under the temptation of slimming pills, she quickly turned aside.

  As for Xue Lijie, the situation is similar to that of Jiang Xinyuan.

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