Of course, Qin Shaoyu had prepared these evidences a long time ago.

  Xu Jiayan’s video was taken before.

  Fortunately, she left the video before, otherwise, it is really hard to say.

  There was no video testimony. Even with the help of Lin Xilu and others, if Xu Jiayan killed them and squeezed her out, it would be difficult to explain clearly.

  Even if everyone comes out to accuse Xu Jiayan, they are not as simple and rude as the video.

  As for the other video, of course it was taken by Chaos.

  That night, Qin Shaoyu and Chaos went out looking for food.

  Sikong Ni originally wanted to go out, but received a call before going out, so he stayed.

  After going out with one person and one cat, Chaos was so excited that he quickly ran to the front.

  So, it happened to hear the conspiracy of that group of people.

Qin Shaoyu originally wanted to avoid it, but after thinking about it, why did he avoid it?

  Next, she chooses to count.

  She took out a small video camera and let Chaos take it with her.

  She said something to the camera first, and after proving her innocence, it really started.

  After those people called the police, she did not refuse, and went straight to the police station.

  However, although she had evidence of their touching porcelain, she did not immediately reveal it, and asked the police to help her conceal it.

  Sure enough, such news appeared on the Internet soon.

  However, the focus of these people was on her fandom, and they did not stare at other places.

  So, she had time to play with them slowly.

  As for Xiang Jie'an's song, it took her half a day to finish the song.

  Half a day did not affect her filming at all.

  And in those two days, the atmosphere in the crew was not very good.

  Because Xu Jiayan took a bite back, everyone was in a bad mood. After all, everyone is a party and knows what's going on.

  In those two days, Lin Xilu had a grumpy temper. At the end, everyone had a day off.

  Fortunately, their scenes are not in time, otherwise Lin Xilu will be more irritable.

  After letting them all come out and jump around, Qin Shaoyu only shot and killed him with one move!

  She also knew that her actions were too arrogant and would be criticized.

  However, she had already figured out a solution.

  No, now everyone understands what she meant.

   is a friend, with good wine and good food.

enemy? Then don't blame her for being rude!

  And this time, she also discovered that her position in the circle is still not enough.

  Of course, she does not need others to help her, she can tear up these mental disabilities by herself.

  However, she also needs support when encountering things.

  That’s why she chose to see Jiang Xinyuan and Xue Lijie.

  Slowly, her contacts came up, and other people have to think about it if they want to deal with her.

  Holding this idea, she did the same.

  Now it seems that the effect is pretty good.

  After solving the matter, she devoted herself to filming.

  In only half a month, her role was finished.

  On this day, Lin Xilu and others were particularly reluctant, and the smiles on Lin Xilu’s face increased a lot.

  I originally thought that those things would have a big impact, but I did not expect that Qin Shaoyu's performance would be so good, and it seemed that he was not affected at all.

  Moreover, under his leadership, the performance of others has also made a qualitative leap.

  No, I can finish shooting in such a short time.

   "Waiting for your birthday, I will give you a big gift!" Lin Xilu said.

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