Many people are skeptical about this matter.

  Who is so big, sending hundreds of millions directly? It's not like having money for fun!

  In other words, this is P's?

  But soon someone came out to talk, it's true.

  The manor is real, and they have also inquired clearly. The manor has changed owners a few days ago.

  【Fuck! Is the rich world so headstrong? ! 】

  【My God, I don't want a manor, I just want a down payment for a house! 】

  【Qin Shaoyu is crazy, right? Dare to accept such a gift? Isn't it just being wrapped up? 】

  【If someone is wrapped up, how can you put things on the table? Do you really think everyone is as stupid as you? 】

  【Hundreds of millions! Damn, how many zeros are there? He has made hundreds of millions when he was only 18 years old, so I am still gritting my teeth to make a down payment for the house! People are really maddening than people! 】

  【But, for such an expensive thing, does Qin Shaoyu really want to accept it? Is it too bad? 】

  In fact, not only passers-by, but even the heavenly soldiers and generals are also a little worried.

  Never mind if it is other gifts, this is a manor with hundreds of millions of dollars!

  Even if you sell Qin Shaoyu, you may not be able to afford such a manor!

  Although they believed that Qin Shaoyu would definitely go further and make more money in the future, but before he made so much money, such a gift was too much?

  When everyone was talking about it, Yuanguang Entertainment issued a statement.

  As stated in the statement, this manor was presented by a friend of Qin Shaoyu.



  Fuck it! Where did Qin Shaoyu come from such a generous friend? !

  Why don’t they have such friends?

  And such a statement did not let everyone let go of curiosity, but more curious.

  What kind of friend is this? You can even send such a valuable thing!

  【Isn't it really covered up? Damn it! The amount of information here is so huge! 】

  【Wipe wipe! This is a manor! Not a house! What kind of friend is so generous? ! 】

  【Qin Shaoyu really treats everyone as fools? That's the case? friend? Friends send the manor? Fudge fool! 】

  [Actually, I think they should become friends after giving away the manor! 】

  【Now that I want to be friends with idols, do I have to give such expensive things? 】

  【I used to brag about myself so pure and great, but now someone sends the manor away? Haha, if there is no PY transaction here, my head will be cut off as a stool! 】

  [It’s not that I said, it’s just a gift like this... Isn’t it too much? 】

  Billions of manor! Just accept it? !

  For a while, everyone was a little silent.

  Usually, many fans give idols gifts, bags and clothes, and tens of thousands are common things.

  There are also some artists who have made a lot of troubles because of receiving gifts.

  If this kind of thing is not handled well, reputation will be affected.

  So, everyone is a bit shy about giving gifts and receiving gifts.

  But now, Qin Shaoyu has accepted such expensive things under everyone's eyes. Is this a bit wrong?

  【You guys are thinking too much, I think it may be a gift from a good friend of the Royal Emperor! 】

  【Haha, a friend gave a house? Do you have such a friend? 】

  【I don’t have such a friend, but would you not let the Emperor have such a friend? 】

  【Haha, do you really treat Qin Shaoyu as a god? You don't feel bad when you say this! 】

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