After putting things away, Brother Feng came to them and said to eat together.

  Although I ate some on the plane, the food on it did not taste very good, so I had to eat it outside.

  So, a few people went out together again.

   However, when they went out, the door was opened next to them.

   Brother Feng was taken aback when he saw the man just now.

  How do you feel that this person is a bit familiar?

  The man frowned when he saw Brother Feng looking at him, then glared at him and left.

   "What's wrong?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

   "Nothing." Brother Feng shook his head, "This person seems to belong to Jace and the others?"

   "Yeah." Qin Shaoyu nodded, "I didn't expect it to be so coincidental, right here."

  Brother Feng also sighed a little, but he did not expect to be so coincidental that he met again here.

   "However, I always feel that he is a bit familiar."

Brother Feng hesitated for a long time, but couldn't remember the identity of this person.

  In the end, he could only give up, "It may be the face of the public."

  Of course, this is just a joke.

  The man is not at all popular.

  Brother Feng called out the others again, and everyone went to the restaurant to eat together.

  I just didn’t expect that when I arrived at the restaurant, I ran into Jace and his party.

  When the two sides were facing each other, they rolled their eyes at the same time. How could it be such a coincidence? !

   Really fate!

  However, the two sides did not quarrel.

  If there is a quarrel here, it will affect other people, and it may also affect their game.

  Before the game, they can't make trouble.

  They’ve heard of it before, and if something happens, they won’t even be able to participate in the competition!

  So, everybody just slapped their mouths at most, and didn't dare to make a big fuss.

  Someone once had a fight before, which made a lot of noise and had a very bad influence.

   Therefore, the organizing committee has also stipulated that if there is a disturbance, it will be disqualified directly!

  Everyone came here all the way, how could they be willing to leave so embarrassed?

  So, no matter how uncomfortable, everyone can only bear it.

  Jace and they looked here, snorted contemptuously, and turned their heads back.

  Luo Wenhao and others also took the same attitude.

  Both sides found a place to sit down.

  The two sides face each other far away, but they are all at ease.

  As soon as I started ordering, there was a little movement in the restaurant.

  A few people looked over and saw a few girls excitedly surrounding Jace and theirs.

  To be precise, they were surrounded by the boy. Qin Shaoyu felt very familiar with the excitement of the girls.

  She reacted very quickly. Isn’t this how fans usually react when they meet an idol?

  That boy... is a star?

Brother Feng on the side of    also reacted.

  "I remember who he is!" Brother Feng was a little excited, "That man is a star in Hollywood! His name is Noah!"

  When he mentioned this, the others were still a little confused, "You said Noah...where did I hear it!"

   "That's the actor of "Labyrinth"! But not the protagonist, but a small supporting role." Feng Ge explained.

   "It turned out to be him!" Then the others suddenly realized.

  Everyone has watched this drama, but everyone went to the protagonist. If the supporting role is not too brilliant, they will not remember it very much.

  I just didn’t expect that this person is also a star!

   "I'm going! He actually came to participate in the competition?!" Everyone was a little surprised.

  Qin Shaoyu smiled, "I'm here too, what's so great about this?"

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