Qin Shaoyu’s method is very simple, since they don’t know themselves, then they have to know themselves!

  It is very difficult for others to spread their reputation in a short period of time, but for her, it is not a troublesome thing.

  Qin Shaoyu called Cheng Shulang.

"What's wrong?"

  Cheng Shulang is a little puzzled, is it possible that Qin Shaoyu will not participate in the audition?

  "Will you not not attend the audition? Don't you be so stupid!"

   Cheng Shulang is anxious, "Although people are being laughed at now, they will shut up after you take the role!"

  Qin Shaoyu hadn't spoken yet, when he heard him crackling and talking, he couldn't help but laugh.

   "Don't worry, I'm not going to give up, I'm not that stupid."

Cheng Shulang breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, I thought you were going to give up!"

  If this is the case, it would be a shame.

  With Qin Shaoyu's ability, if he wants to give him a platform, he will definitely shine.

   "Uncle Cheng, I have something to ask you for help."

"You said."

   "Can you help find a recording studio?"

"What do you want to do?"

   "Nothing, I just want to record a song."

  Not only Cheng Shulang, but even Bao Rutong and Sikong Ni were stunned.

  Record a song? Recording songs at this time?

  "You want to record a song?" Cheng Shulang was surprised, "What are you going to do?"

  This is too weird, why do you want to record a song suddenly?

   "There happens to be a Christmas song, I want to sing it."

  Qin Shaoyu made it lightly, but the others were bewildered.

Cheng Shulang was dumbfounded, "Do you want to sing a Christmas song?"

   "Yes." Qin Shaoyu nodded, "Isn't this just right?"

  Although it’s only November now, it’s not long before Christmas in December. At this time, there were already Christmas trees in many places outside, and some cheerful Christmas songs sounded in the streets and alleys.

  At this time, many singers have also released Christmas songs, and they want to take advantage of this time to increase the popularity, after all, it should be the scene.

  If the popularity of the song is high enough, people can follow it and become famous.

Cheng Shulang was surprised, "You already have a song?"

   "Yes." Qin Shaoyu didn't change his face, "So I want to take advantage of these few days to get it done."

  If you fly back to China to record, it will take a lot of time in between.

  Wait until the recording is over before flying to the U.S. The time in between is too long.

   Therefore, Qin Shaoyu decided to solve it on the spot.

   Originally this kind of thing was handled by Bao Rutong, but this is the United States, Bao Rutong can't play a big role, so he had to find Cheng Shulang.

  After all, Cheng Shulang grew up here, and his connections are not weak.

  "Well, I'll help you contact me, and I will inform you later."

"Okay, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Shaoyu looked suspiciously at Shang Bao Rutong.

  "Do you want to sing a Christmas song? Did you make it yourself?"

   "That's right." Qin Shaoyu nodded, her face didn't change her face, she did already have a draft, as long as she adjusted it, she could use it.

   "Are you planning to post a song here?"


   "But, even if you sing here, you may not be able to sing it!"

  There are so many singers here, so many excellent songs, how can Qin Shaoyu, an outsider, easily attract everyone’s attention?

  Bao Rutong understands that he wants to raise his eyebrows and let others know him, but the problem is, this kind of thing is not that easy to do!

   "Don't worry, I'm naturally confident."

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