Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1321: Dragon League

Zhang Yi's return has successfully inspired everyone's confidence.

At the same time, it also made the head of Luoxuegu completely admit his failure.

Zhang Yi was naturally lazy about the next thing, and he beckoned to Gu Yajun.

Gu Yajun quickly came to Zhang Yi, bowed and saluted:

"I wonder what the master has ordered?"

Zhang Yi said:

"Yajun, everything here is left to you. Try to integrate the power of the human race. If there is any news worthy of attention, call me at that time."

Gu Yajun is very capable, and for the capable subordinates, she should leave more things to her to handle, so that Zhang Yi will also be much easier.

After speaking, Zhang Yi soared away and disappeared into the horizon.

Gu Yajun answered in the direction of Zhang Yi's departure:

"Yes, master."

Afterwards, Gu Yajun faced everyone with his head high.

Her mood will inevitably become agitated, she knows that she will be known to the world, and she will begin to control the power of the world.

And all of this is what she dreams of.

Now it is Zhang Yi, who has given her everything.

Her refuge in Zhang Yi is also the most correct choice in her life. From then on, her destiny will be completely reversed, and she will also become a real phoenix!

Immediately, Mr. Gu Ya took a deep breath, and then his narrow phoenix eyes slowly scanned the crowd.

People were all silent, waiting for Gu Yajun to speak.

Everyone knows that at this moment Gu Yajun is Zhang Yi's spokesperson.

Just listen to the voice of Gu Yajun:

"You people, listen to me! The heads of the ten sects are morally depraved and tyranny! They betrayed the human race, took refuge in the ancient gods, ruled the people by stupid means, tampered with history and deceived! They even secretly colluded with the ancient gods and confiscated the people. Practicing classics, it is forbidden for ordinary people to practice, assassinating the strong human beings, blocking the future path of the human race, and reducing the human race to a lamb to be slaughtered! Until the arrival of the ancient gods, the human race will usher in a real crisis of extinction! Don't resist!"

When everyone heard this, their blood boiled over.

Gu Yajun made the crimes of the heads of the ten sects public to the world in a few words, which caused people to be filled with righteous indignation.

Just listen to Gu Yajun continue to say:

"Nine of the heads of the ten sects have been given the heads now, and only one person remains. Today's disasters are all caused by the heads of the ten sects, and only the gangsters are punished. If the rest are willing to change their minds, I can leave the blame! People of insight in the sect can take the responsibility, stand up and show their position, sever the relationship with the ancient gods, and safeguard the dignity and interests of our human race!"

As Gu Yajun finished speaking, people turned their eyes around and looked at the disciples of the Ten Martial Arts School present.

Today, not only the heads of the Ten Great Sects have been sent, but also many disciples and some high-level sects.

Now that the heads of the ten sects are finished, people want to know the choices of ordinary disciples under the heads.

Gu Yajun looked at the people of the ten major sects, and his eyes were calm.

Because she knows that everything will go according to her plan.

She had already asked someone to talk about what should be talked about.


I saw a middle-aged woman stepping out of the crowd.

As soon as this middle-aged woman appeared, people couldn't help but talk:

"This is Elder Cui Zilan Cui of Hua Diefang! Is she going to stand up now?"

"It is said that the relationship between Huadiefang and Zhang Yi has always been very good. Elder Cui has stepped up now, I am afraid that he is going to learn from the ancient Yajun and seek refuge in Zhang Yi!"

"This is not nonsense, don't our human race depend on the human race, but should go to the ancient gods?"


People have speculated, but the answer is already ready.

The facts are the same as people guessed.

I saw Cui Zilan approaching Mr. Gu Ya, bowed to Mr. Gu Ya and said:

"Gu Louzhu, my Huadiefang was deceived by the head of the family, which caused the whole school to be deceived by the head of the school and sat down with some wrong things. Now the truth is clear, all of us Huadiefang also know our mistakes. I, Cui Zilan, today, on behalf of all Huadiefang, assure the ancient host and all the people in the world that we, Huadiefang, will change our minds from now on, do our best to safeguard the interests and dignity of the human race, redeem our merits, and make up for the mistakes we have made! I also invite the ancient host to be able to. Give us this chance!"

People quickly realized what Cui Zilan said.

Now Cui Zilan is the first to stand up to represent the entire Huadiefang, so if she can keep the Huadiefang, she can establish prestige among the Huadiefang!

But now that the head of Huadiefang is dead, Cui Zilan has the opportunity to become the next head of Huadiefang by doing so!

Cui Zilan's choice now is very decisive and correct.

Just as people admired Cui Zilan's foresight, they saw someone stepping out from the crowd.

These people are all middle and high-level executives among the nine major sects except Jingyue Tower.

I saw these people approaching Gu Yajun, bowing in salute and saying:

"Wen Lianghui, the elder of the Sundanese faction, on behalf of the Sundanese faction, request the ancient landlord to give us a chance!"

"The elder of Linghezong Huaan, on behalf of Linghezong, begs the ancient landlord to give us a chance!"

"Tian Zhezong elder Kong Mingjiang, on behalf of Tian Zhezong, beg the ancient landlord to give us a chance!"


All of a sudden, the representatives of the various sects expressed their opinions one after another, begging Gu Yajun for a chance to preserve the sect and make atonement for his sins.

These representatives had already secretly contacted and discussed with Mr. Gu Ya. They stood up at this time as Mr. Gu Ya's instruction, in order to show the ten major sects who are still hesitating, so as to stabilize the major factions.

At the same time, this is also in front of the people of the world, for the Gu Yajun himself.

Now, Gu Yajun watched as the ten powerful sects all bowed to herself, her expression did not fluctuate at all, but her heart was already excited.

Before taking refuge in Zhang Yi, each of these people in front of him were bigwigs of various factions, and Gu Yajun had to salute them seriously when he saw them, without the slightest offense.

But now, they instead salute themselves and plead.

This is the beauty|wonderful taste brought by power, which makes Gu Yajun enjoy the extraordinary.

Immediately, Mr. Gu Ya took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement a little, and then spoke to the representatives of the various martial arts:

"Representatives of the elders, please get up quickly! I have already said that only the head of the bandit will be punished, and the rest will only promise not to help the gangsters again, and I will bear the blame."

The representatives of the elders of the Nine Martial Schools got up one after another:

"Thank you Gu Louzhu!"

Gu Yajun continued to look at everyone and said:

"Everyone, today is my Gu Yajun's inauguration ceremony. I didn't expect so many things to happen. But since I have experienced so many, then there are two things, I will make it clear to everyone."

Having said that, Gu Yajun came to the head of Luoxuegu.

The head of Luoxuegu was the only one who survived among the heads of the ten sects. When he saw Gu Yajun approaching him, he knew that his judgment had come.

Just listen to Mr. Gu Ya said:

"First thing, please also ask the head of Luoxuegu to resign from his position and confess all crimes against humanity you have committed to the people of the world, and truthfully confess your associates and behind the scenes! If you plead guilty with a good attitude, then My Gu Yajun can fight for the Master Zhang to save your life."

Both grace and prestige.

Gu Yajun has established her prestige, so next, she will show her soft side.

The head of Luoxuegu originally thought that he was bound to die.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yajun was willing to fight for him a chance to survive. This immediately made him cry with excitement, and hurriedly knelt down to thank Gu Yajun:

"Thank you Gu Louzhu for your kindness! I confess, I am willing to confess everything!"

If it is certain that there is no doubt that death, then the head of Luoxuegu will definitely stick to his dignity as the head, and will not easily kneel to someone who is not as good as Gu Yajun.

But now that he sees the hope of life, then he can't take care of everything, just to be able to live.

Gu Yajun nodded with satisfaction to the head of Luoxuegu who knelt before him in gratitude.

Then she looked at everyone:

"The second thing is about the fate of the human race!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but **** their ears.

Gu Yajun continued:

"Now the ancient gods are about to invade our human world, trying to enslave the human race! In this autumn of human race life and death, my master Zhang Yi hopes that the world human race can unite and resist the invasion of the ancient gods together! This is not a matter of one faction, one country, this is the world's human race. The crisis we are facing! My master Zhang Yi once led the human race through the crisis of destruction fifty years ago, and now, he will inevitably lead all mankind to overcome the difficulties!"

After hearing this, everyone shouted:

"I'm waiting to support the Master Zhang!"

Now that people know that Zhang Yi is the master of Fuxingmen back then, they can't help but have full confidence in Zhang Yi, and they choose to believe in Zhang Yi without hesitation.

After all, the name Zhang Yi is a golden sign!

Gu Yajun continued:

"My master Zhang Yi is the dragon among the people, and what he leads is a global action to resist the invasion of the ancient gods! And the affairs of the dragon country, my master grants me full authority! The ancient gods are powerful, and no one country or one faction can resist. , So I plan to unify the Dragon Kingdom front and gather the most forces! If you want to gather power, you must unified command and dispatch. I decided to form the Dragon Kingdom Anti-Ancient God Alliance to lead everyone to respond to the call of my master and fight the ancient gods together!"

After listening to Mr. Gu Ya, everyone basically understood what Mr. Gu Ya meant.

If you want to form a unified cultivation alliance in the Dragon Kingdom before changing, it would be unthinkable.

But everything that spoke today gave Gu Yajun the best opportunity.

Immediately Cui Zilan led the representatives of the Nine Martial Arts and said in unison:

"I am waiting for the school, and I am willing to respond to the call of the ancient landlord and follow the ancient landlord's dispatch and command!"

The other sects saw that even the nine largest sects of the Long Kingdom had responded to the call of Gu Yajun, so they also said:

"We are also willing to respond to the orders of the ancient landlord!"

I didn't want to see the destruction of the human race, so at this moment, people finally united to resist the ancient gods!

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