Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 328: I want to live, choose myself

The audience watching the live broadcast in front of the screen has already been intolerable by this time.

"Fuck, I thought there was a peerless master, who would have thought that he was actually a younger brother! Isn’t the new dragon gate envoy an embroidered pillow? His true strength must be very poor, he pretended that kind of powerful aura ?"

"That's right, at first I saw how strong he was when he was pretending to be forceful? But then he would be confessed with one move! Seeing that he was so scared by Zhang Yi that he was crying and crying. I pee my pants!"

"This is not the live broadcast that I want to watch! What I want to watch is 300 rounds of battle between the two people, killing them in darkness! But what is this? A five-person and six-person dragon's emissary will become a sacred envoy in an instant. Are you talking about it?"

"By the way, ask, what exactly did Zhang Yi do to the New Longmen Saint Envoy?"

"Tong beg! I only saw Zhang Yi's disappearance, and then he appeared behind the new Longmen envoy, and then the new Longmen envoy surrendered. What happened in this process?"

"It seems that Zhang Yi must have used a mysterious and extraordinary ancient mystery, making his speed incredible in a short time! Do you remember the battle between him and the golden winged **** Xia Peng? The golden winged god's The speed has reached the extreme, but Zhang Yi still took all the moves easily. This shows that Zhang Yi's speed is unfathomable!"

"Grandma! I originally wanted to see Zhang Yi being beaten by someone, but who would have thought that he would be the one who beat him? Zhang Yi surrendered without even taking a shot at the new Longmen envoy? I'm so embarrassed to see it!"


Many viewers screamed at their mothers, and even more seriously, they threw their phones with anger.

However, these audiences can't be blamed, the blame can only be blamed on this menacing incident, which ended in a farce.

At least, in the eyes of most people, this is a farce.

And only a few strong people saw something unusual from it.

The three super-awakened ones, the Ice Goddess, the Flame King, and Thor, have been in a state of semi-retreat since the golden-winged **** Xia Peng who was alongside them was beheaded by Zhang Yi.

Especially after the ice and snow goddess and Thor were defeated by the new generation of super-awakened Wang An, the three super-awakened people have disappeared and never came out to disturb the wind and rain.

It is so cruel in this age of recovery and awakening.

Rao is the top powerhouse of Mingdong, and he is likely to be defeated and replaced by the new generation of powerhouses in a short period of time.

Once falling from the top of the pyramid, it means that it has passed away quickly and no one pays attention.

Although the three super awakeners of Ice and Snow Goddess, Flame King, and Thor have passed away, it does not mean that they have given up their attention to the outside world. In their hearts, they are also looking forward to the day when they return to this river and lake.

For this reason, the three of them were equally concerned about the battle between the New Longmen Saint Envoy and Zhang Yi.

After watching the fighting video, the three behaved differently.

The Flame King was silent for a long time, shook his head, and then let out a long sigh, the fighting spirit in his eyes seemed to dissipate a lot at this moment.

After the ice and snow goddess watched the video, her face seemed to be covered with frost. She used to be curious about Zhang Yi, but now she can only look up to Zhang Yi. She knew in her heart that the two were no longer in the same world.

Thor sat alone by the lake for several hours, and finally sighed:

"Are we really outdated... Zhang Yi is a son of extraordinary magical powers, his sword is unparalleled in the world, his majestic strength is unparalleled, his swiftness and psychedelic spirits are unpredictable. In this world, he is the leader."

At the end, the thunder left the lake, leaving only one sentence in the end:

"In this new world full of miracles, the speed of the alternation between the old and the new is so fast that it is difficult to follow. Zhang Yi, although you are very popular now, who knows how long you will be popular? Maybe overnight, you are like We are just as dead..."

After speaking, Thor floated away and disappeared.

And some big sects also became interested in the video of Zhang Yi playing against the emissary of the new Longmen.

Many sects convened the strongest inside to study the video screens behind closed doors in an attempt to get some benefits from it.

However, a few days later, these strong men went out haggardly. Others asked if they had discovered anything, but they didn't say a word.

Some people speculated that they saw the distance between themselves and Zhang Yi too far, which caused them to feel hopeless to catch up, and thus became discouraged.

In any case, the video of Zhang Yi playing against the Saint Envoy of the New Longmen has indeed been on the Internet for a while, and has become the focus of competition in various Xiuxian forums.

No one knows that Zhang Yi is now doing a big deal.

If this major event is placed before the arrival of the new world of resuscitation, it will definitely stir the whole world and shock countless people.

Zhang Yi wants to destroy the extremely hot weapon launch base and carrier owned by Longmen!

After the Zhang family was hit by the extreme heat weapon last time, Zhang Yi had decided to eradicate this disaster.

And just as the new Longmen emissary was greedy for life and fear of death, Zhang Yi took advantage of the situation and hijacked the new Longmen emissary, threatening him to take Zhang Yi to the launch bases and launch vehicles of various extreme thermal weapons.

"Prince Zhang, please forgive me! I have already told you the launch location of the extremely hot weapon! You can no longer hold me to help you, otherwise His Royal Highness will definitely get me rid of my skin! "

In the sky, the New Longmen Saint envoy begged Zhang Yi bitterly.

The Saint Envoy of the New Dragon Gate was frightened by Zhang Yi, and told Zhang Yi all the launch points of the extremely hot weapons.

However, Zhang Yi didn't let him go like this, and still threatened him to lead the way.

"Don't worry, I will release you after I destroy the launch points of all the extreme heat weapons."

Zhang Yi was not completely relieved of the new Longmen envoy, if his words were false, it would cause a lot of trouble.

In this way, the two began their journey to destroy the ultimate heat weapon.

Soon, they came to the sky over the mountains.

The New Dragon Gate envoy pointed to a mountain and said:

"Master Zhang, there is a silo in the belly of the mountain!"

There is no clue from the appearance of this mountain, obviously it has been carefully disguised.

However, Zhang Yi has the blessing of Taiji Heavenly Eyes, his eyesight has long been unusual. He quickly saw something else and felt the anger of someone in the belly of the mountain.

Despite being at a high altitude, Zhang Yi scanned the jungle with sharp eyes like an eagle, and finally found a hidden road in the dense forest. Following this road, he quickly found a hidden entrance at the end of the road.

"We're starting to do it now, you will open the way for me!"

Zhang Yi ordered the new Longmen emissary.

No matter where the Saint Envoy of the New Dragon Gate dared not follow, he could only rush into the secret entrance first, and Zhang Yi followed behind.

Most of this secret base is composed of mortals. How could they resist the two masters who suddenly rushed in, they were quickly killed and blood flowed into rivers.

In the end, only a few mortals were hugged and trembling, looking at Zhang Yi and the new Longmen emissary in horror.

Zhang Yi asked these mortals:

"How many extreme heat weapons are there?"

A mortal replied nervously: "Return to the immortal, there is only one."

"Can it still be used?" Zhang Yi continued to ask.

The mortal nodded hurriedly: "Yes! Yes! Even if you speak up, we will fight wherever you point!"

Since the dissolution of the country, this group of mortals who guard and use extreme heat weapons have lost their loyalty and faith.

Now they serve Longmen only to find a way out.

So when Zhang Yi threatened their lives, they wouldn't just die stupidly.

Zhang Yi gave a cruel smile:

"Good! Target Longmen Lair, the Forbidden City!"

As the so-called reciprocity, Longmen dared to bombard Zhang's house with extremely hot weapons, then Zhang Yi didn't mind returning this gift in full.


Zhang Yi's goal made those mortals and the new Longmen envoys shocked.

The Forbidden City is an ancient capital in many dynasties and a symbol of the kingship of the destiny.

Since the country was disbanded and Longmen took power, the Forbidden City has become the nest of Longmen forces.

Longmen's strength is unfathomable, and its background is terrifying. This concept has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts, especially in the hearts of the mortals and new Longmen sages who serve the Longmen.

However, today, they heard that someone tried to bombard the Longmen Lair with extremely hot weapons.

In this case, it's really...rebellious!

The mortal thought he had heard it wrong, so he could only ask again:

"Shangxian, the goal you said... is the dragon gate that commands the world's orthodox heroes? Are you really sure you want us to aim the ultimate hot weapon at the Forbidden City?"

The emissary of the New Dragon Gate also begged with a weeping face:

"I can't fight! Zhang Gongzi, the Forbidden City can't be hit! Once you hit the Forbidden City, you will be immortal with the Longmen! At that time, the Zhang family will not be able to bear it, even you and I will suffer disaster!"

In the hearts of the two, the Dragon Gate is sacred and inviolable.

The Forbidden City is also a symbol of Longmen's full strength, and has become a holy place in the hearts of everyone who fears the dragon.

They never dreamed that one day a lunatic would suddenly run out and attempt to bomb the Forbidden City with the most powerful bomb!

Zhang Yi sneered:

"Longmen and I are already endlessly dying! You don't want to talk nonsense! Life or death, bombing or not bombing, you choose!"

After speaking, Zhang Yi raised the sword in his hand.

Jian Feng is cold and bleak, killing intent to the bone.

The Saint Envoy of the New Dragon Gate and the mortal looked at each other, and both of them were ashamed.

Zhang Yi had already lost the choice to them, and they were about to decide their own destiny at this time.

In the end, the two dropped their heads weakly.

Life is the most precious thing in this world, and they dare not abandon it.

So the mortal got up in a hurry and came to the operating platform to control it.

He began to enter the password, then obtained the authority, followed by selecting the coordinates of the target, and finally gave the launch command.

As the order was given, a big hole suddenly opened in this mountain.

The black lacquered hole was just a silo, and thick smoke burst out of the silo, followed by a roar, and an extremely hot weapon slowly lifted into the sky.

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