Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 602: Shocking statement

Ling Tianyi intends to succeed in this earth defense plan, so he doesn't mind speaking.

He knows that his Wuwangjie's strength is not as good as Zhang Yi Fuxingmen, but his courage cannot be weaker than Zhang Yi.

So Ling Tianyi didn't mind talking about the powerful relationship, and tried his best to make this plan go smoothly.

When everyone heard Ling Tianyi's words, they couldn't help but talk again.

There are abundant resources in outer space, which is a consensus that all countries have recognized before the era of the earth's aura.

However, it was too difficult to enter space at that time, making these resources unexploitable.

Now that Fuxingmen is able to rent out the odd brachial speed car, this means that more schools will have the ability to enter outer space and exploit these rich resources.

Controlling resources is undoubtedly controlling a cornucopia.

In the past, people who controlled coal, oil, natural gas and other resources were able to make a lot of money one by one, and get rich overnight.

And with the arrival of the earth's spiritual energy recovery, whoever can master the spirit stone will be able to become a rich man.

Up to now, the resources in outer space are beginning to appear in front of people. Whoever can master these resources will have more power to speak.

After hearing so many benefits, more and more power leaders began to be unable to sit still, and they couldn't help but speak one after another:

"Master Zhang, Master Ling, I will participate!"

"We Tianshan faction also join!"

"Our Yaochi faction is not far behind, count us!"

"We, the United Kingdom, also participate!"


Suddenly, the entire conference hall was filled with the shouts of leaders of all major forces.

The disciples of Fuxingmen also began to sign contracts on the ground for leaders of the major forces who wanted to participate.

Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi looked at each other, and it seemed that the matter was done.

Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi called on the major forces of the earth to participate in this project, but they did not have to pay a penny, and the benefits of the major forces can only be derived from the process of the project and the acquisition of outer space resources.

If Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi were a little bit dark-hearted, they could even get a lot of benefits from them.

However, Zhang Yi couldn't appreciate this little profit, and Ling Tianyi would not lose to Zhang Yi in this kind of spirit.

The convening of this meeting can basically be regarded as going smoothly.

The next job is to count the sects who are willing to participate in this project, and then discuss and negotiate the specific details in detail.

There are too many bases, and production will start simultaneously all over the world.

Fuxingmen will also speed up the manufacturing and production of the odd brachio, and there are too many trivial things to worry about.

That's why Zhang Yi said to Feng Ziyan last night that he at least needs to be busy until Feng Ziyan recasts the moon.

After the list was counted, the sects who were unwilling to participate in the project began to leave, while the sects who were willing to participate in the project stopped one after another.

Then Zhang Yi led a group of sects, signed a joint statement, and officially released it to the public.

Suddenly, countless reporters waiting outside Fuxingmen finally got the news and immediately began to broadcast it to the world.

At this moment, there was a frantic discussion on this important news on the Internet:

"Fuck! The world's 951 forces have jointly announced that they will officially launch the Earth Defense Plan! This plan is expected to take three years to complete. Once completed, the Earth will be able to get rid of the trouble of alien invasion!"

"Nima! I have also seen this news! This time it is really a big game. Basically, the world's top 500 forces have joined this plan. In addition to this, many other forces have also joined! Really! It's global!"

"God! Great God Zhang Yi is awesome! The core of the "Global Defense Project" was actually proposed by Great God Zhang Yi alone! I heard that this will be the most massive formation in the history of the earth!"

"It's crazy! Fuxingmen is going to rent out the odd-brachial speed car! According to the description, this kind of odd-bristle speeding car is simply the spaceship in the science fiction movie! Fuxingmen even has such awesome things!"

"Great God Zhang Yi is too terrifying! Too mysterious! I really can't imagine what terrifying secrets are still in his mind!"


While hot discussions on this major topic were being held on the Internet, new topics emerged at this time.

Many departments for space research, such as the Astronomical Observatory, the Institute of Space Research, and the Aerospace Agency, announced a major discovery of theirs.

After three days of research and discussion, they finally determined an amazing fact.

The moon has disappeared!

At first people thought that the observational data was wrong, until people could no longer see the moon at night, they couldn't help but have all kinds of speculations.

Now, people have finally determined that the moon is gone.

After the moon disappeared, it immediately had various effects on the earth.

These effects will not cause a major reaction for the time being, but as time gets longer and longer, these effects will gradually deepen, and no one will know what will happen in the end.

Subsequently, a more amazing picture immediately detonated the Internet.

This is a picture taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in outer space unintentionally. Through the picture taken by the Hubble Telescope, people are surprised to find that there are people in outer space!

It was a vague figure, but it was clearly a person, and this person seemed to be performing a magical spell.

After discussion by many scientists and practitioners Taishan Beidou, they agreed that this figure is planning to build a new moon in outer space!

Following the announcement of this news, the whole world was in an uproar again.

Countless people started to panic, they were afraid that aliens would invade the earth again.

After all, the ability to build the earth is horrifying in itself.

And maybe the destruction of the moon was also from this person.

Now that the top powerhouses on the earth, Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi, are in the Fuxingmen, it is naturally impossible to repair the moon in outer space.

Who can enter outer space at this time?

However, when the world was panicking, Fuxingmen issued an explanation for the news.

In the declaration of Fuxingmen, it was explained to the world that the destruction of the moon was caused by the battle with Xiexin Pavilion.

Now that the invaders of Xiexin Pavilion have been killed, they naturally cannot be responsible for this matter.

In order to ensure that the ecological environment of the earth is not affected, Fuxingmen invited experts to repair the moon.

That's why Fuxingmen issued a statement to avoid unnecessary panic on the earth.

And Fuxingmen also promised that the moon will be repaired within a month, so there is no need for the earth to take too many unnecessary measures against the impact of the disappearance of the moon.

Although this statement clearly explained the ins and outs of the matter, the specific details were vague, and it was not specifically announced to the world.

This also makes people still do not know who the mysterious master is? How did he repair the moon? Where was he invited by Fuxingmen? How exactly caused the destruction of the moon? Waiting for the topic, all is not clear.

This statement once again detonated the entire network.

For a while, people were full of various exclamations and speculations about this statement:

"Awesome! It turns out that in the battle between Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi against Xiexin Pavilion a few days ago, even the moon was broken! Is this the power of the earth's top power? It's so terrifying!"

"Yeah! And if the moon is broken, can you rebuild it? This sounds crazy!"

"If it weren't for this incident to be captured by Hubble Telescope and Fuxingmen issued a statement, we would dare to imagine that this kind of thing would happen! This is simply what happens in science fiction!"

"Fuxing Gate has such a powerful strength! Just announced to the world that it has an odd brachial speed car, and now it is possible to invite mysterious masters to build the moon, there are some great secrets in this Fuxing Gate!"

"I thought that the mysterious master was Zhang Yi or Ling Tianyi who could enter the outer space, but besides these two peerless experts, can anyone on Earth be able to enter the outer space?"

"This is out of date for you! The identity of the mysterious strong man has been confirmed on another forum! That is the beauty of Zhang Yi who fought Xiexin Pavilion together | Young | Girl! It was just that Zhang Yi and Ling Tianyi were in the limelight at the time. Too Sheng makes reporters take care of these two people, which makes that beautiful|young|female not many shots!"

"Yes, with the analysis of this video, people have been able to determine that the beautiful|young|girl can directly enter outer space! Now people all over the world want to find out any bit of intelligence about that beautiful|young|girl!"

"This beautiful|young|Jurzhen is my goddess! She is so beautiful and cute, so amazing! It would be great if I could marry such a wife!"


Just as the world was discussing this matter on the Internet and in reality, the work of the Earth Defense Project did not fall.

In Fuxingmen, the leaders of many forces gathered together for constant negotiation and discussion, and step by step confirmed the specific details of the Earth's defense plan.

Time passed day by day.

The progress of the discussion on the Earth Defense Program is also progressing.

Although in the course of the discussion, quarrels will inevitably occur because of some things, but fortunately things are moving in a smooth direction.

After continuous running-in and negotiation of many parties, each problem finally began to be resolved.

Finally, almost a full month later, all the issues have been roughly negotiated.

Next, it will finally enter the link of plan implementation!

The implementation of the plan will be roughly divided into three steps.

The first step is to build the bases allocated to each force among the various forces in the world. At the same time, Fuxingmen is responsible for the construction of the odd brachial speed car to ensure that the number is sufficient.

In the second step, the Odd Brake Speeder will transport these bases into outer space in batches. Most bases will be immediately put into the array layout, and those that cannot be deployed will be stacked with low gravity for easy flight. New moon.

In the third step, all the formations will be set in the prescribed positions, and then start to draw spells and replenish spiritual power, and finally start the entire formation to complete the layout of the formation!

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