Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 805: Underground city

The gathering place for the living survivors in Romani mentioned by Andy is located in an old forest deep in the mountains.

There was originally no road here, but Andy was able to find a way out of the forest.

The lush forest here serves to block the sight of the vampires flying in the sky. In addition, it is inaccessible here, and the general vampires rarely fly to this area when patrolling.

The car went deeper and deeper in the forest, and in the end the surrounding sunlight was covered by the dense canopy, making the surrounding light dark.

Zhang Yi glanced at these dense canopies.

A tree canopy that is too dense can block the sight of vampires in the sky, but it can also block the sun and make the dark place a gathering place for vampires.

There are advantages and disadvantages to such a terrain, and it depends on how the people inside choose.

The car continued to drive for a while, and several armed men with guns suddenly jumped out in front of it.

These armed men are all human beings, and they seem to have been ambushing here, or they themselves are patrolling out here.

Andy seemed to know these armed men, and he stopped the car and shouted at them:

"As usual, I'm here to buy gasoline!"

An armed man said:

"Andy, we have told you a long time ago, if you are willing to trade Jenny, we are willing to provide you with one year of free use of gasoline... Hey, there is a more beautiful beauty in your car today! Never before! I haven't seen it! It's so beautiful... Andy, if you use her in exchange, we will provide you with free gasoline for life!"

Monica frowned when she heard this, her beautiful face showing displeasure.

She heard that these people actually exchanged women for commodities, which made her anxious to slap these people.

Andy didn't plan to entangle them on this topic at all, he said:

"Open the door, I have to go to the next safe stronghold before dark."

These armed men did not continue to say more.

One of the armed men took out a remote control and pressed it against a small hill in the distance.

I saw that two iron doors appeared on the hillside and slowly opened. The two iron doors were covered with a layer of vegetation. Obviously they were carefully camouflaged, so that if others did not carefully identify them, they would not be able to see the two doors hidden here. .

As the big iron door opened, a concrete road for vehicles was exposed inside.

As soon as Andy stepped on the gas pedal, he drove the car into the iron gate.

Entering the door, I saw that the road leads all the way to the underground. Obviously, people hide in the underground to avoid the smell and sound from being noticed by the vampires.

This kind of underground fortifications can be seen from a long time ago. It is not difficult to guess that these underground fortifications may have been left during the war years, and now they have been used for modification and have become gathering points for human survivors.

After the car went underground, a parking lot appeared.

Andy parked the car in the parking lot and said:

"I'm going to buy gasoline, do you want to go together or wait for me in the car?"

Jenny is naturally going to be with Andy, and Monica wants to see it out of curiosity. Zhang Yi naturally doesn't matter, he can go and stay.

So the group got out of the car and walked towards the depths of the underground parking lot together.

After walking out of the underground parking lot, what appeared in front of everyone could be called an underground city.

Walking along the main corridor, there are private houses on both sides.

Some houses are used by people, and some houses are used as shops. At the crossroads of the corridors, it became a small square, where many people gathered to listen to people's lectures.

The light in this dungeon is very dim, mostly relying on the lighting brought by the generator.

Hearing the faintly echoing sound of water around the dungeon, it can be roughly judged that there is an underground river underground, and the dungeon relies on hydropower to generate electricity.

However, the people in the dungeon turned pale one by one, mostly because of long-term hiding in the underground and poor nutrition.

Andy explained to Zhang Yi and Monica that there are at least a few hundred living people hiding here, which can be regarded as the largest known gathering place for living people found in Romani.

It's just that the materials here are very scarce, banknotes and paper money have long been useless, and the way people live and trade is to exchange goods.

Everything here has its value, and you can exchange a large amount of materials even if you take one person.

Since normal production is no longer possible here, most of the materials needed here need people to risk their lives to collect them in the wild or in towns. This has also become the work that people living here need to do every day.

Once anyone fails to return to this underground base before dark, then he will never come back.

And if you are unwilling to go out to find supplies, then you can't live here by begging, because most of the people here are already insufficient to eat. In the end, those who are unwilling to go to work can only starve to death.

In this scarce environment, being able to live is a luxury in itself.

After Andy and the others came here, many people immediately surrounded them, and they all wanted to use their materials to exchange food with Andy.

Here, food is the most precious material.

Andy brutally drove the people away and went straight to the place where there was a gasoline exchange.

Soon when a few people exchanged gasoline and were about to leave, a loud noise suddenly came.

It turned out that I saw a large number of civilians at the crossroads.

I saw a woman nailed to a cross, and a lot of firewood was piled under the cross.

The civilians around shouted angrily at the woman:

"Burn her to death! Burn this vampire to death! Burn her to death!"

"She betrayed our companion! She is the vampire who sneaked into us!"

"Can't let her live! We can't live if she lives!"


Amidst people's wanton shouts, a frenzied mood gradually spread.

The woman who was nailed to the cross was screaming frantically, begging people around her for mercy in horror, but no one paid any attention to her begging for mercy.

Monica could not help asking when seeing this scene:

"Is that woman really a vampire?"

Zhang Yi shook his head and said no.

In this woman, there is no vampire breath.

Andy even said:

"If it's really a vampire, how could it be so easy to be nailed to the cross by these people? If it's a real vampire, it would have broken free from the four nails in its limbs!"

Monica heard this and said in surprise:

"Then why do they say that she is a vampire and burn her to death?"

Andy replied:

"It's just a carnival caused by excessive fear. They need such a carnival to vent their fear and great pressure. Unfortunately, that woman was chosen as a victim."

Monica's big blue eyes were full of puzzlement.

Andy then went on to explain:

"Have you heard of the witch hunting movement? The medieval Western world can be said to be one of the darkest eras in human history. It is full of **** killings between people, especially men against women. Killing | Killing. During this time, an activity called the "witch hunting movement" took place. About 200,000 "witches" were killed in various ways. However, after our investigation by the Witch Hunter Guild at the time, this Among the 200,000 witches killed, there are only less than 200 true witches. The rest are all innocent women who were tortured and brutally killed!"

Monica has heard of this history.

This dark and **** history once made her very uncomfortable.

Andy continued:

“At that time, the Western world in the Middle Ages was shrouded by the Black Death. The Black Death was rampant in the Western world and killed countless people. The whole society was in panic. But the source of the disease was still rampant, and people still did not realize the source of the disease. So they attributed everything to the witches. Under the fear of the Black Death, people began to madly capture some innocent women, slander them as witches and then kill them! Just like this, more than two hundred thousand. Innocent women were killed! The same is true in Romani today. People are overwhelmed by the fear of vampires, and they tend to go to extremes. Once ignited, the evil fire in the human body will spread and become uncontrollable. ."

Jenny also said:

"That's why we don't like to come to the dungeon. Even if we come, we won't stay for long. It's depressing here. It's not just because it is underground, but also because of the people."

Monica couldn't help feeling lost when she heard this.

Even Zhang Yi was in deep thought.

Human nature is a mixture of good and evil.

In an orderly and stable environment, the good side of human nature is easily stimulated.

Once in a chaotic and disorderly environment, the evil side of human nature will continue to emerge.

In this world, there are always very few good people or bad people, and most people are just ordinary people.

When good people have the upper hand, these ordinary people can be transformed into good people. And when the bad guys have the upper hand, these ordinary people can easily turn into bad guys.

The transformation between good and evil can be determined by the general trend, or it can be only between the first line.

All this is like the two rituals of Tai Chi. The interdependence and integration of Yin and Yang can also transform each other.

Zhang Yi thought about this, only to feel that his perception of breakthrough opportunities had gone a step further.

At this time, someone had already come to the cross with a torch, and the civilians who were watching were also very excited at this time.

Obviously, they were already preparing to burn the woman to death.

Andy shook his head and said:

"Let's go, it's none of our business. If you want to continue to buy gasoline here, you can't break the rules here. If we take care of their nostalgia, they will treat us as enemies in the future."

This is not the first time Andy has seen such a thing, but he knows that he can't manage this kind of thing.

Because he couldn't control his own life and death, maybe one day he would die outside under the fangs of a vampire. And the life and death of others, he couldn't even take care of it.

Jenny's eyes are full of pity, but her thoughts are the same as Andy.

However, there were people and their thoughts to the left.

Seeing Monica's eyes firm, she stepped towards the cross:

"No! I'm going to save that woman!"

As a glorious knight, her chivalry made her unable to die for that innocent woman, and it made her unable to bear seeing someone being subjected to such cruel punishment.

As for the consequences, Monica never considered it.

She knew that the more she considered, the more she would look forward and backward. As a knight, she should be brave and brave enough to break through all obstacles!

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