Rebirth of the City Immortal Emperor

Chapter 825: Different time

Yin Qingping was puzzled, but the people who ran downstairs apparently appeared from upstairs at this time.

At this time, Lu Lao San and others finally recognized Yin Qingping.

Before Yin Qingping was in the darkness, everyone could not see clearly at first glance, and almost thought that they were ambushing their criminals.

Therefore, the old man Lu raised his gun in a moment of terror and fired at Yin Qingping in the dark. Fortunately, Mr. Lu's shooting method was very stinky, and this shot did not hit anyone.

They couldn't help being surprised:

"It's you! Didn't you go to the second floor with that kid? Why did you get here? Also, shouldn't this be the first floor? Why did you appear on the first floor before us?"

People couldn't help getting more and more surprised, and for a while they couldn't help being far away from Yin Qingping.

After all, what happened was too weird.

Everyone watched Yin Qingping leave and return to the second floor, but at this time he actually went to the first floor before them, which was totally unreasonable.

Even Lu San again raised his gun and pointed it at Yin Qingping in horror and asked:

"You kid! Is it a man or a ghost?"

The people around them also have this expression. After experiencing the **** horror of tonight, people can't help but doubt the identity of Yin Qingping in front of them.

Yin Qingping hurriedly shouted:

"Don't shoot! Of course I am a human! Also, you are not on the first floor, but on the seventh floor!"

How can Lu San listen to this nonsense:

"I believe you a ghost!"

Yin Qingping hurriedly explained:

"It's true. If you don't believe me, go out the stairwell and take a look and see if it's the hall or the corridor on the seventh floor!"

Lu Lao San couldn't listen at all, and when he raised his gun, he wanted to give Yin Qingping a shot first.

However, one of his younger brothers said:

"Brother, it seems really wrong! If we have reached the first floor, the stairs will be at the bottom. But see, the stairs are not at the bottom, they are still extending down!"

Hearing this little brother's words, everyone couldn't help but look around.

This look really surprised everyone.

Obviously, the stairs were on the first floor, but now the stairs are still going down.

Someone shone a flashlight, and saw that the stairs continued down one after another until finally hidden in the darkness. He didn't know how many floors there were, let alone whether the stairs led to the darkness.

At this moment, everyone finally realized that something was wrong.

Immediately, Lu San hurriedly led the people out of the stairwell to see if they were in the lobby on the first floor or on the seventh floor where the massacre had taken place.

Soon, everyone who came out of the stairwell was immediately frightened by the scene in front of them.

What appeared in front of him was not the first floor lobby at all, but the seventh floor where many people died.

"What's going on... We obviously have reached the first floor, so why are we appearing on the seventh floor now?"

"Could it be that we really came down from the eighth floor just now? Did I have hallucinations? Or did all of us have hallucinations?"

"I don't believe it, I have to go down again! I don't believe it, I still can't get to the first floor!"


For a while, many people panicked.

Some people started to form a team and continued to walk downstairs.

But after a while, these people walked down from the eighth floor above everyone's head.

Some people did not believe in evil, so they continued to try. And this time, they have to explore one floor each time they go down to see if they are coming down one floor after another.

When this group of people came back, they soon brought new news.

It turned out that they could go down to the sixth and fifth floors smoothly, but when they continued to walk down, they finally failed to get down to the fourth floor, but went straight back to the seventh floor.

At this moment, people can finally be sure that they are trapped between five, six, seven, three floors by a strange force.

Immediately people began to use various methods to leave the hotel through the stairs, but they kept trying but were constantly disappointed, as if this kind of weird power was beyond their ability to crack.

With continuous failures, people's hearts become more and more panicked.

The hotel where the massacre took place was already scary enough, but at this time we encountered this kind of weird thing, and it scared everyone into a panic.

Many people have begun to think that ghosts and gods are at work. They bow to the corridor before going downstairs, and then burn some banknotes in an attempt to be effective.

In the end, however, they still failed.

At this time, Yin Qingping had already returned to Zhang Yi's side.

Yin Qingping admired Zhang Yi more and more. Zhang Yi didn't even have to walk the stairs to know what happened to them.

Although Yin Qingping did not understand what Zhang Yi said about the cycle of time and space, since Zhang Yi could say this, it means that he can see through the difficulties they are currently suffering, so there must be a solution.

It was with this thought that Yin Qingping followed Zhang Yi every step of the way.

However, at this time, Zhang Yi was standing at the elevator door.

His eyes became dark and deep, and there were two Tai Chi patterns floating in the faintly.

Tai Chi Sky Eye!

Using Tai Chi Tian Eyes, you can see through all the falsehoods in the world.

Although the cyclical space-time is not a illusion or illusion in the strict sense, it also reveals some clues under the eyes of Taijitian, so Zhang Yi can see some things that are invisible to the naked eye by using Taijitian eyes. thing.

In Zhang Yi's sight, he quickly saw some traces of time and space distortion.

The traces of these time-space distortions are very subtle, but he followed them to the elevator door.

Yin Qingping followed Zhang Yi to the elevator door and couldn't help asking:

"Benefactor, can we take the elevator directly to the first floor?"

Zhang Yi answered:


"Huh?" Yin Qingping was taken aback when he heard Zhang Yi's answer, "So easy?"

Yin Qingping feels mysterious and unpredictable just by the corridor that never ends.

With such a weird power, Yin Qingping felt that he would not be able to crack it just by being an elevator, but at this time he didn't dare to confirm it after hearing Zhang Yi say this.

In the past, for safety, everyone unanimously decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

At this time, can I really go down to the first floor by taking the elevator?

In this case, everyone would have to take the stairs and take the elevator directly.

Zhang Yi continued:

"There are many traces of space-time distortion in this cycle of time and space, which shows that this is a key node. But don't worry, let me take a closer look."

After speaking, Zhang Yi left the elevator directly.

This made Yin Qingping puzzled.

Since this elevator is the key point, don't start the elevator to test it?

Doubts turned to doubts, Yin Qingping continued to follow Zhang Yi's side.

The two of them went straight to the window in the corridor.

Zhang Yi opened the window and looked out.

What you see before you is the night view of Nanshi.

I have to say that the night view of Nanshi is very beautiful, but at this moment it presents a strange feeling.

Yin Qingping soon discovered this weird feeling:

"Nothing! The cars on the street outside, why are they all motionless? God! There are also the lights of the planes in the sky, which completely hover in the night sky and won't move! What is going on? How do I feel that the world outside seems to be moving? This moment is still!"

Everyone is on the seventh floor at this time, and you can clearly see the downstairs from the upstairs.

I saw the pedestrians, night cats, cars and so on downstairs all remained still, and even all the sounds disappeared, and the world was quiet.

Such a scene is too weird.

Zhang Yi said:

"It's not that the outside world has stopped, but the time and space in our hotel has been distorted. The situation here is worse than I thought."

Having said that, Zhang Yi took out a disposable lighter from the hotel and threw the lighter out of the window.

After seeing the lighter leaving the window, Yin Qingping thought that the lighter would fall onto the street downstairs.

But what is weird is that the moment the lighter left the window, it suddenly hovered in the air.

At this time, the lighter is suspended in the air as if it is not affected by gravity, and there is no tendency to fall or move. It just hovering quietly like a freeze-frame photo.

Such a scene made Yin Qingping's eyes widened in surprise.

Zhang Yi said lightly:

"It seems that it is no longer realistic to want to leave this hotel through the window. Once you leave the hotel area, such as jumping out of the window, you will be trapped by the distorted time and space and become relatively static relative to this hotel. state."

Once out of the hotel, to the people outside, they will not feel that they have entered a relatively static state. However, the world inside the hotel can undergo weird changes that people outside can never imagine.

Yin Qingping did not understand after listening for a long time, so he couldn't help but ask:

"Benefactor, what is causing this?"

Zhang Yi answered:

"This is because the speed of time passing inside and outside the hotel is not consistent."

Yin Qingping was even more bewildered after hearing this.

Isn't this time passing by the whole world in the same way? Can there be places faster? Some places are slow?

Zhang Yi continued to explain:

"In fact, the passage of time in each place is different. For example, the speed of the passage of time in the orbit of the earth is different from that on the earth. It is also true that in the space about 20,000 kilometers from the ground, GPS satellites require It is about thirty-eight microseconds faster than on the ground. If it is not corrected, the GPS system will accumulate a positioning error of about ten kilometers every day. This is just an example. In daily life, people cannot feel the time in each place. The difference does not affect normal life. But the environment we are in now makes this difference infinitely wide, so..."

Zhang Yi hadn't finished speaking, but suddenly he heard the sound of an elevator.

It turned out that other residents tried to use the elevator to escape after many unsuccessful attempts, regardless of whether they had it or not.

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