Rebirth of the Comic Queen

Chapter 64: : Rem Blue

   Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! ! ! ! re; The traversing method of the male protagonist who lives in another world from scratch is relatively rare. He almost came to the other world in the blink of an eye. Listening to the cat Nanako also changed the name of Pleiades Nayuki to Pleiades Liu in the text.

   is also an otaku from the Dragon Kingdom in the setting.

  Actually, the protagonist who likes to hi-he type like Nayuki Suba is indeed a little biased towards the style of, and readers will certainly not be surprised.

In addition, the Longguo Internet article is compared with the super-long length of the neon light novel, even if the Pleiades gains power later [contract with Betty to become a wizard], the later will not arouse the anger of the readers, and the readers are completely You can think of re:0 as a normal Western fantasy theme.

   I heard that Cat Nanako did not intend to weaken Emilia's sense of existence in order to set Rem as the heroine.

   Listening to the cat Nanako is to create a more gentle and considerate, silly and sweet Emilia, so that when Leim's popularity completely surpasses her, a kind of brilliance called Leim will appear.

   At that time, Lem would also make readers even more incredible, what color is true love, and I have to ask a multiple-choice question when it comes to this question.

   Are you willing to choose the person you love deeply, or the person who loves you deeply.

   Hearing that the cat Nanako didn't make too much entanglement on this issue, and then started to drew Emilia's persona after the first curl of hair. After all, the theme of the first volume is still her.

  The only change that Nanako Neko made to re;0 is to make the style of writing more dragon-like, and to set Rem as the heroine of the novel.

  ; It's over, Ms. Miaomei is really going to die suddenly this time, what kind of reincarnation story is written, you should go and enjoy the reincarnation first.

  ; Teacher Miaomei is actually six open, and may not see the sun tomorrow.

  ; I suspect that this person is a writing team, and he drew four comics and wrote two novels at the same time. Is it something normal people can do?

  That's what I said, most of the fans still went in for the first time; living in another world from scratch.

  ——This is really bad.

  'S face tasted the touch of the hard ground, and then he knew that he was lying on the ground.

   The whole body can't use strength, even the fingers lose sensation, only "heat" dominates the whole body.

  -so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot!

   Coughing ceaselessly, coughing until what is regarded as the source of life is about to gush out of my throat. Coughing and coughing began to cough up blood, blood blisters filled the corners of his mouth. In the dim vision, only the ground that was dyed bright red was seen.

  ——Ah, is this all my blood?

   fell into the illusion of blood flowing in his body, and at the same time stretched out his trembling hands to search for the source of the "heat" that was about to burn his body. He understood when his finger touched the laceration in his abdomen.

   No wonder it feels hot. It turns out that "pain" was mistaken for "heat". The strong laceration almost split the body in half, leaving only a layer of skin barely connected together.

   In other words, I am now facing the "dead end" of life.

   The moment I understood this, my consciousness quickly moved away.

   The ground covered with the blood carpet in front of her eyes was rippled by black leather boots.

   Someone is here, and this person's eight accomplishments is to kill his own murderer.

   However, he didn't want to see the respect of this person. That kind of thing doesn't matter at all.

  ——The only hope is that she will be safe.


   came the sound like a silver bell. Hearing that voice, being able to hear that voice, can be said to be his greatest salvation. so--


   With a short wailing, the blood carpet greeted someone again.

  'S lying body is next to him, and there is his embarrassingly stretched arm.

   The snow-white hand that fell powerlessly, slightly clasped his blood-stained hand.

   The slightly moving fingers seemed to want to hold his hand back.

"……You wait."

   grasped the end of the consciousness that was about to go away, and he just turned around to buy time.

   "I must--"

  ——I will save you!

   In the next second, Liu Subaru [has changed to Chinese name] died.

   After reading the first chapter, most readers understand that this is a protagonist with the ability to look back in time, and they can't help but feel extremely novel.

   The protagonist has a name for his abilities; death returns.

   As the saying goes, it’s back to the apple stand at the beginning of the story.

  ; Damn, isn't it invincible with this ability? Directly use death to fight for victory!

  ; my save ability, isn’t this as easy as playing games?

  ; It’s amazing, my teacher Miaomei, the brain hole won’t be made by aliens.

  ; I really like Emilia! ! Ask someone to design a picture.

  ; Yes, teacher Miaomei, hurry up and draw us the heroine's person! !

   Listening to the cat Nanako did not disappoint, and drew a beautiful illustration of Emilia within an hour. She was sitting on the bed with silver hair and blue-purple pupils.

   Miaomei; the Emilia set you want, and she is not the heroine.

   After listening to the cat Nanako's death, she closed Weibo. She had already filled up the uproar in the comment area.

  ; Fuck, Teacher Miaomei, you came out to me, and actually said that this is not the heroine? It's hard to write her to death.

  ; Teacher Miaomei is really inhuman! !

  ; dissatisfied! Emilia is so beautiful, even the protagonist has worked so hard for her, it is sweet to me, how could it not be the heroine! !

   Listening to Cat Nanako proudly turning off Weibo, she looked around. Su Mo was facing the code word, but the ghost Nanako didn't know where he went.

  : Nanako, are you there? Hearing the cat Nanako asked in a low voice, she was afraid of being heard by Su Mo.

  ; Nanako, here I am! The voice came from listening to the cat Nanako's cell phone.

   picked up the phone and took a look, only to see a small Nanako sitting in the phone.

;so cute! Listening to the cat Nanako took a picture without hesitation.

  ; Nanako, you are really almighty! Anything can be done. Listening to the cat Nanako set this picture as the desktop.

   The cat Nanako, who is already very in line with the aesthetics of the second dimension, even if he forcibly enters the second dimension, it is estimated that the audience will not have any opinions.

   So even if you see this mobile wallpaper, you might think it was painted by Cat Nanako himself!

  ; Hee hee, it's so fun, you have everything in your phone. Ghost Nanako wandered happily.

   After hearing the cat Nanako hesitated for a while, she looked firm and decisively searched for a picture on the Internet.

   Ghost Nanako looked at the background switch around her in amazement, she was curious to hear what the cat Nanako was doing.

   The ferocious female ghost suddenly appeared in the dark, and the horrible background of the mobile phone instantly enveloped the entire mobile phone.

  ; ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

   Ghost Nanako ran out of the phone in fright.

  ; Let you scare me, let you scare me. Listening to the cat Nanako was punched by the ghost Nanako.

  ; hahaha... Listening to the cat Nanako almost laughed and cried.

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