Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1208: indifferent

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"Wait a minute, I'll find an acquaintance." Zhao Yuande watched this girl coming happily, but she didn't want to let her go back.

"Looking for someone? Hey, you can't find anyone. Today we are in Wanxianglou. Let's get out of our minds!" At this time, a young man in a red robe took several people to the front of them.

"Cao Zhi! You should speak with respect!" Fan Ying saw this person, suddenly showing angry colors in her eyes, even rushed directly to confront the other side!

"Yao Yao! Isn't this our Fan Shimei? Why did you want to come to Wanxiang Lou?" The young man in red robe called Cao Zhi, with a contemptuous smile on his lips, "I don't know if your sister Zhang is hurt better? !"

"You... Cao Zhi, you are not human!" Fan Ying looks like a kitten stepping on her tail, her face flushed red, which is annoying.

"What's going on?" Zhao Yuande saw that Fan Ying didn't seem to deal with this Cao Zhi, fearing that she would lose money, and hurriedly kept her behind.

"Who is your kid? Hurry and disappear from my face, otherwise I will kill you!" A powerful coercion pressed directly towards him.

There was no reason to say that this coercion was overbearing. If it came so vast, even Zhao Yuande couldn't help but change color.

All the tables and seats around the place made an unusually heavy clicking sound, and even the closer ones were directly crushed at this time!

In front of him, this man in red robe was obviously a disciple of Neimen. The disciple of Neimen needed the Emperor's realm.

An emperor realm is simply not able to cope with him!

But with Fan Ying behind him, he is absolutely impossible to retreat!

"Cao Zhi, a disciple of Xuanji Sect's inner disciples, a strong man in the early days of the Emperor..."


At this moment, a squeal came suddenly not far away, and a slim figure appeared in front of Cao Zhi, blocking this pressure at the last moment.

Zhao Yuande suddenly smelled a girl's unique body fragrance lingering between his noses. He couldn't help but touch his nose, and there was an embarrassment on his face, which made it really uncomfortable for a woman to stand in front of her.

"Sister Wen! Why are you here?" The pressure disappeared. Fan Ying saw the woman's face suddenly filled with joy, and ran directly to the woman, with a smile on her happy face.

"Sister, are you okay!" The woman's apricot eyes and peach cheeks, her eyebrows with shame, gave a very dangerous feeling. She gave Fan Ying a glance, and looked at her for a long time.

"It's okay!" Fan Ying shook her head and turned to look at Cao Zhi. "This guy is so hateful. Last time I hurt Sister Zhang, and..."

"Cao Zhi, don't go too far. My sister is the master's favorite disciple. If you really hurt her, I'm afraid the master won't spare you!" Sister Wen looked at Cao Zhi coldly and threatened. .

"Oh! It turned out to be Sister Wen, how dare I bully Sister Fan, but today is the day when Brother Gongsun feasted on Zongmen's friends. The idlers are not allowed to enter, I just remind them!" Cao Zhi saw this Sister Wen , The fierce image on the face suddenly disappeared, replaced by an unsmiling smiley face.

"It turns out so!" Sister Wen nodded, pulled Fan Ying to her side, and whispered to her, "Sister, several sisters today also accepted the invitation, it is better to follow us to meet the world! Brother Gongsun went out this time Li Lian also captured a mythical beast Chiyan Shilong Beast, it is said that everyone present can have a good time!"

"No! Sister, I'm not that rare. I feel sick to eat with this kind of person!" Fan Ying shook her head and glanced coldly at Cao Zhidao, "I'll be fine with a few seniors!"

"Humph! What a shame!" Cao Zhi said coldly when he heard Fan Ying's words.

"Okay! Sister, Cao Zhi is just doing her due diligence. You two say less!" Sister Wen shook her hand and motioned the two to shut up.

Zhao Yuande felt that since Fan Ying’s sister was here and was also attending the banquet, it should be resolved satisfactorily at this time, and she should have nothing to do with herself.

"You are Zhao Yuande?" At this moment, Sister Wen looked at Zhao Yuande, but his face sank.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Zhao Yuande heard that the other party's tone was not good, and all the slight feelings she had had for her had disappeared, and her tone became stiffer.

"If it is, stay away from Fan Shimei. Don't think that you can do whatever you want with Elder Zhong as a teacher. Your qualifications are not worthy of Fan Shimei." Sister Wen was obviously not good-tempered. Then he became angry and his voice became sharp.

"Sister! What are you talking about!" Fan Yingqiao's face suddenly turned red, and her face also showed an incredible look. Sister has always hurt herself, how can you say such words.

"Haha! What's the matter with me? It turns out that Toad wants to eat swan meat. Sister Wen, do you want me to help you teach this guy?" Cao Zhi on the side immediately understood that this kid was playing a hero in front of him. The bridge section to save the beauty, I am afraid that I want to touch this little girl who is not sensible through this matter, and then climb the high thigh.

Cao Zhi thought that he understood the whole story, the cause and effect, and deliberately hit Zhao Yuande's face.

This guy is a disciple of Elder Zhong. Who is Elder Zhong? He hasn’t heard it before. There are hundreds of elders of Xuanji Sect. It’s normal that he hasn’t heard of it. Probably an unknown elder!

And Cao Zhi's master is an elder with real power, controlling one-third of the power of Refiner Peak, and an elder would give him some face.

Even if he taught this kid, it should be fine!

"Oh! If Brother Cao can shoot, I'm naturally grateful!" Sister Wen gave a glance at Zhao Yuande, his eyes showing disdain.

Zhao Yuande was furious, and this literary sister was too self-righteous! If it wasn't for Fan Ying's relationship, he scolded her a few words.

Unexpectedly, this Cao Zhi also came out blindly. If he had already slapped it directly before the change, but now... he was really holding a fire in his heart!

"You have to try one lesson!" Zhao Yuande also got rid of it, he couldn't beat it, but he had a master!

"Sister, you... you are too much!" Fan Ying only reacted at this time, and looked at his sister with an angry face.

How could this sister, who always treated herself like a sister, say such things, and why she became so indifferent that she couldn't believe it.

"Sister, you don't know how dark this world is! Don't look at how he treats you well now, but who does he know who he really is? Now the master already knows what's going on between you and is furious about it. You know, the master has always been Hate these stinky men, you can let her old man save snacks!" Sister Wen's words passed into Fan Ying's ears, making her whole body tremble violently.

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