Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1278: Ancient Sword Maru

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They are waiting for the strong man on the building ship to continue to quote!

"Okay! I'll pay 80,000!"

Unexpectedly, a cold voice came from the ship at the next moment.

There is already a killing intention in this voice.

"One hundred thousand!"

Zhao Yuande reported 100,000 without hesitation, as if 100,000 did not care about him at all.

To be honest, Zhao Yuande really does not care about 100,000. He now has more than 30 million high-grade fairy jade. I am afraid that even if all the family members of a strong fairyland are not necessarily rich in fairy jade.

"This..." Everyone was stupefied, even Ruyan, who presided over the auction, was stupefied, and the master of the city who secretly followed the auction situation was stupefied!

The city owner got the news that Xue Ba and Zhu Qiang were killed, and then the spirit of the **** was transmitted to prevent the tragedy from happening again.

Who is this man?

At this time, the mind of the city master was constantly thinking, is it the outside disciple of the White Emperor Palace? Or a disciple of an elder deacon in the White Emperor Palace?

"You... The kid is ruthless, but I won't let you go!" A cold and ruthless voice came from Lou Chuanzhi, "Give me good care of my sword, I will find you to get it! "

"Welcome to come to me at any time!" Zhao Yuande glanced at the building ship in the sky, a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"This broken piece of immortal treasure belongs to this son!" Ru Yan walked down personally and handed over the broken long knife with both hands.

"Well!" Zhao Yuande casually threw a storage ring to the other party.

Ruyan reached out and took it, the soul was swept away, and suddenly his eyes showed joy.

One hundred thousand pieces of top grade immortal jade, no more, no less!

This is simply a sky-high price, making her even a bit dreamy.

The next auction was a good piece of material, and Zhao Yuande was not interested in it.

"Master, this knife is really worth so much fairy jade?" Shi Xiaotian leaned up and curiously cut off a long knife with a sharp tip.

"In fact, it is an ordinary incomplete piece of fairy treasure for others, but it has a very great effect on you who practice the sword technique. I bought this broken sword for you!" Zhao Yuande smiled slightly and will Broken knife was handed to Shi Xiaotian.

"For...for me?" Shi Xiaotian seemed to be dreaming. He whispered, "This...this is a hundred thousand high-grade fairy jade...I..."

"Thank you, Master!" Shi Xiaozhu's eyes on the side showed gratitude, and he got up and bowed in a hurry.

"Okay! This is nothing!" Zhao Yuande waved her back to her seat at random, facing Shi Xiaotian, "Xiaotian, do you know why that person is fighting for this broken knife with me?"

"No... I don't know!" Shi Xiaotian's head shook like a rattle.

"You feel the blade carefully!" Zhao Yuande did not explain to him directly, but gave him a wake-up call!

Shi Xiaotian closed his eyes suspiciously and poured all his spirits to sense the broken knife.

"This... there seems to be a big mountain in it!" Shi Xiaotian suddenly opened his eyes, and an incredible look appeared in his eyes.

"Yes! There is a potential in this! The sword! The sword in the mountains!" Zhao Yuande's mouth smiled, and his face was full of satisfaction. This disciple did not disappoint him. "As long as you can understand the sword, you The combat effectiveness can be at least doubled!"

"Hmm!" Little Angel Shi nodded.

Shi Xiaozhu on the side was full of excitement, and his brother was really lucky to get this treasure!

She was more grateful and trustful to Zhao Yuande.

The following auction items did not attract Zhao Yuande until the fifth piece was a nine-pin elixir, which he photographed directly.

Everyone did not dare to bid with him, it seems that he was frightened by his generosity.

"Now is the last lot. This thing is very mysterious. According to the seller, it was obtained from the ruins of the Vientiane Fairyland. Even if it is a powerful presence in the fairyland, it is very useful." Dragging something, showing to everyone.

This is a thumb-sized bead, which exudes a touch of golden light, and there seems to be a slight breath of breath.

"This... this is just a bead, can it be useful for fairyland?"

"It has great benefits for fairyland, will this thing be an elixir?"

"Not an elixir, no fragrance, but a trace of murderousness!"

"How do I feel like a golden spirit bead, with a hint of golden rules in it."

"It's not the rule of gold, it's the rule of gold, it's wrong and it's like the golden road..."

"What a mess..."


Seeing the bead expressing their opinions, they could not see what this was.

"Ancient Jian Maru, unable to define the grade, possesses a powerful offensive power..."

Seeing this information, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but feel excited, even the appraisal technique could not define the level, this thing should be extraordinary.

"Everyone, this bead, after being appraised by our city lord, should contain the power of the source of gold. If the fairy realm powerful can refine it, especially the sword realm strong, it can greatly enhance its sword power. Ruyan looked at the people around and talked, and couldn't help but reveal a charming smile and explained.

"What... this kind of thing!"

"This thing not only has a huge effect on the fairyland, but can also be used to promote the realm of the **** emperor, absolutely the treasure!"

"Damn! I want this thing, who dares to grab me, I tear him alive!"

"Ruyan Girl, hurry to quote! Don't appease our appetite!"


"Okay! The reserve price is 50,000 high-grade fairy jade!" Ru Yan hand holding the orb, slowly quoted the reserve price.

As soon as this price came out, ninety-nine of the practitioners in the courtyard were dumb.

"I'm out of 60,000!" A slow voice came from a window on the building ship, "You give me Yun Shaofeng a face!"

"What! Yun Shaofeng... The Young Palace Master of Yuntian Palace, a powerful genius at the pinnacle of the world?"

"The Master Yun Shao Gong is here, it seems that we have no drama this time!"

"The young palace lord must want to shoot it back to his father, the cloud palace lord! The cloud palace lord is the fairyland, and it happens to be a strong sword cultivator, it is better for us to complete the loyalty of the young palace lord!"


Upon hearing the name Yun Shaofeng, many people on the scene began to deliberately please.

It is important to know that Yuntian Palace is more powerful than the Palace of Windwind. Among them, the Taishang elders with several fairy lands are one of the most powerful forces under the Baidi Palace.

"Yun Shaofeng, it's not that I don't give you a face, it's just that I want this thing too! I'm out of 70,000!" Suddenly a dissonant voice came from the building ship.

"Long Jingyun! You Real Dragons have fallen, don't ask for fun!" Yun Shaofeng's voice is full of cold killers, "Even if you bought it, you Real Dragons can't keep it!"

"This will not bother you Yun Shaofeng!" The voice was hard and there was no compromise.

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