Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1286: breakthrough

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"If so much of the power of the world, if I take it as my own!" Zhao Yuande's heart moved, and he began to madly urge the black vortex in his body.

Suddenly his body seemed to turn into a huge vortex, and he began to frantically absorb the power of the world around him.


Invisible wind blades cut his flesh, leaving only thin blood marks on his body.

"Well! No! I'm going to break through!"

Just as Zhao Yuande was absorbing the power of those worlds madly, there was a clicking sound in his body.

The power of those absorbed worlds actually lived in his body and evolved a chaotic world.

The power of the ten rules he controlled seemed to be ten hard-working workers who began to constantly transform his inner world.

Not good for you! According to the method of brother and professor's breakthrough in the world, let the world inside the body...

After the wind robbery, a sky of fire fell, but it fell on him, just ignited his clothes!

After the sky fire is endless black gravel, each gravel is like a big mountain, crazily rolling towards Zhao Yuande.

Then there is the monstrous black water...

Not knowing how long it took, Zhao Yuande finally opened his eyes.

At this time he has entered the world steadily, and as soon as he enters the world, he is directly in the later stage of the world!

He has regained the original world on the other side from the passage of Black Rock, and even cultivated the inner world into multiple worlds according to the cultivation method of the old man with white beard, and the inner world is like a drawer!

The other side of the world is naturally the first layer of the drawer, and the inner world that he has just been promoted to form is the second layer!

In the future, if you encounter a strong man, you will naturally pull out the drawer on the second floor to show the current inner world.

And if it is in battle, it is to inspire the powerful forces of the other side of the world, so that the bright and dark complement each other, and it can also confuse the opponent.

His combat power surged at this time, and if he met Lin Yuan's cultivator again, he could easily beheaded.

But he is not in a hurry to return to the other side of the world now, because Shi Xiaozhu's younger brother is still detained by him under the **** king's prison trip.

He was worried that a strong man would come and take away the **** king Zhen Yu Ding, which would be detrimental to his two disciples.

His figure flew directly into the air, and he returned to Vientiane City after only two or three breaths.

When he saw that God King Zhen Yu Ding was still there, his face was relieved.

But as soon as his figure fell, he felt something was wrong.

"Give me death!" Just when he had some doubts, a big hand that had been covering the sky suddenly appeared in the sky, and he slapped him hard at once.

Zhao Yuande felt that if this palm fell on himself, there might be no big problem, but if it fell on the **** king Zhenyu tripod, but he could give Shi Xiaozhu a younger brother to death!


He sneered and turned his palm, and a magnificent wild world appeared, and he greeted him directly towards this palm.

He is like an electric figure, sweeping his big sleeves and directly sweeping the God King Zhen Yu Ding into his own body world.

With the inner world, Zhao Yuande's scruples are also much less, and the two disciples will no longer be regarded as threats. He can display all his means.


The wild ancient world collided with the huge palm, and made a tremendous loud noise.

The big hand was bounced high, and the ancient world also made a sound of cracking, shattering in the void.

He could only feel the blood in his body, his legs were nailed into the ground with terrible power, and he didn't reach his knees.

Zhao Yuande suddenly felt the strength of the other party, and should be a strong man in the late stage of Divine Emperor Realm.

In terms of comprehensive strength, he is definitely not the opponent of this person, but at this time he already has the inner world, and he is not afraid of the other party by all means.


Suddenly there was a whine in the void.

An old man with a fiery red robe and a frost-covered face slowly appeared in the void not far from Zhao Yuande.

"Ling Tianba, the elder of the Temple of Wind, the late stage of Divine Emperor Realm..."

It turned out to be the person in the Temple of Wind, this person should come here to kill the two big men.

"Boy, who are you?" Although the old man had the upper hand just now, he did not exert his full strength.

However, when he saw that a young man like Zhao Yuande could shake his palms back, he knew that Zhao Yuande's combat power was not weaker than that of the mid-level emperor.

If you want such a young person to have this kind of fighting power, if you say that there is no powerful force behind him, the old man will never believe it.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of doing things for the time being, Zhao Yuande knew the other party's mind.

"Huh! Who are you? How dare you do it to me!" Zhao Yuande didn't answer the other party, but lifted his chin slightly and reprimanded coldly.

This up shows a domineering momentum, giving people a sense of superiority.

"You... I'm Ling Tianba, the elder of the Temple of Wind!"

Ling Tianba stayed for a while, he felt the irrationality and strength of the other party, the original toughness was suddenly much weaker.

"The Palace of Blast? Haven't heard, how is it better than Baidi Palace?" Zhao Yuande glanced at the other party, his eyes clearly showing disdain.

Zhao Yuande's performance so suddenly made Ling Tianba even more sure of his guess.

This person is definitely a genius disciple with the same power as the White Emperor Palace. If such a person can clean up and kill them at once, it will be fine if he can't kill him!

He felt the strength of the other party just now. In desperation, he can only serve now.

"How can a small place in the Temple of Wind be compared with the Baidi Palace. Just now everything was misunderstood and misunderstood, and I hope the son should never be angry."

This guy is definitely a head of grass. Seeing the wind makes the rudder a good hand!

Although Zhao Yuande hates him, now that the other party has no threats, he does not want to expose his power too much.

"Since it's all a misunderstanding, then forget it!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand, "You leave!"

"Yes!" The old man did not hesitate, turned around and left.

The old man's heart is also very depressed, do not hurry here to get angry?

My disciple was killed and came to seek revenge but I did not expect to encounter such a person. If it is not that his cleverness really conflicts with it, he will certainly not be able to keep it in the future!

It seems that in the future, if you accept students, you should have good eyes, and you should never accept such disciples who are provocative and provocative.

Seeing the old man leave, Zhao Yuande was also relieved and did not force him to a dead end. He didn't want to fight with a strong man of this level, because his current fighting power was not his opponent.

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