Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1724: Really weak

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"It's okay! I'm right now to seek a breakthrough. If I can get promoted under his pressure, it's his end!" Yu Rosa patted the other person's shoulders, his face lightened.

"Okay! His moves are similar to mine, and they are mainly based on defensive counterattacks. You have to be careful!" Zhou Ming reminded.

"Relax! It's not good, isn't he still there?" Yu Rosa turned her gaze to Zhao Yuande, her mouth slightly raised a charming smile.

"This is also true, he will not put you in danger!" Zhou Ming nodded, and finally let go of a heart.

"Garbage! Come out and lead to death!" Yu Rosa came to the crowd in one step, ticked her finger at Zhou Tian, ​​her face full of disdain.

"You will pay the price for your behavior today!" When Zhou Tian came up, there was no longer the warmth just now, but a face full of resentment.

"Really? Then come! Let the old lady see if you have that skill!" Yu Rosa's figure instantly turned into a shadow, and he punched towards Zhou Tian with a punch.

This move is extremely fast, and it seizes the opportunity to catch the opponent by surprise.

"You... so despicable!" Zhou Tianjian was behind him, originally because he looked so heroic and handsome, and set off his extraordinary temperament, but did not expect that now it became an obstacle for him to pull out his sword.

The opponent's punch was really too fast, and he quickly made him unable to respond, so as long as he still dared to draw his sword, then this punch would definitely get caught.

The flames carried on the fist and the sound of thunder coming from breaking through the void made him feel that if this fist was hit, at least a few bones must be broken!

Therefore, he had no choice but to use his hand as a sword, and instantly drawn a cumbersome and profound Taiji figure in the void.

However, no matter how fast he moves, he is not as fast as Rosa. The Tai Chi picture has just been formed, and the punch carrying Feng Lei hit the Tai Chi picture fiercely.

"Click!" The Tai Chi figure collapsed instantly.

Of course, it is not that Zhou Tian’s Taijitu defense is not strong, but because the battles in the Pure Sun Fairy Palace are dominated by swords. If they lose their swords, their fighting power will be reduced by at least 60%.

Although it is possible to draw a Tai Chi picture with a hand as a sword, that is only a next step.

"Haha! Is this the only way?" Yu Rosa was unreasonable, even more force under her feet, kicking dozens of legs in a row.

The strength without one leg is comparable to that of a mountain. Zhou Tian felt a crisis and couldn't help but change his face.

Now if I don’t pull the sword again, I am afraid I will really lose it!

His body was blocked repeatedly, and he was kicked on his lap by a hateful foot. He seemed to be hit by a mountain, and his body flew out.

At the moment of flying backwards, as soon as he reached out, the long sword fell into his hands.

As soon as the Long Sword started, he was suddenly energized, and he resisted the severe pain from his legs. After brushing a few swords, another Tai Chi figure appeared in front of him.

"Boom boom!"

A series of drum-like sounds came, and now Rosa had already chased her, and her fists bombarded the Tai Chi chart continuously.

She was already in an unusual excitement at this time, her combat power was even stronger than usual, and the power of each punch was like a falling star falling to the ground.


After blocking six punches in succession, the Tai Chi figure finally cracked, but at this time Zhou Tian had already taken the opportunity to swallow a restored panacea, and his figure flew out a few feet away.

"Where to go!"

As Rosa was out of favor, she was like a hurricane, and the power of tyranny and domineering poured down again with her arrival.


Zhou Tian had no choice but to turn out the Taiji figure to block again, he now feels the bitterness inside!

The opponent seemed to know his fighting style well, and was suddenly taken advantage of by the opponent. He was injured.

The other party's attack poured down like a storm, but he could only panic to defend.

In the panic, the Tai Chi picture he played was not complete at all, and he could not reach the maximum defense power!

You must know that their pure Yangxian palace is about being calm in battle, and is about static braking and constant change!

However, in this state of his life, he is simply panicking. There is no such kind of mood in his hurry. His fighting power is simply discounted.

"This woman is too perverted! It turns out that even ... Brother Zhou is not her opponent!" Zhuo Yi couldn't help but change his color slightly. Just now he wanted to tease the woman, but he didn't expect her to be so powerful.

He can't help but feel lucky!

"It's Brother Zhou's care! The other party has the upper hand! And the other party is very familiar with Brother Zhou's fighting style, and the moves are all targeted, otherwise Brother Zhou will not be so embarrassed!" Lin Dong beside him shook his head .

"Huh? Sure enough!" Zhuo Yi didn't pay attention to the battle just now. His only concern was Rosa's figure, which was constantly beating in the battle...

If you look closely now, it really is as Lin Dong said.

"Does your kid not like women!" Zhuo Yi looked at Lin Dong oddly. "Otherwise, how could you be so calm with such a woman in front!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Otherwise, you and I will turn your face." Lin Dong's face changed suddenly, and it turned red.

"Cut! When I'm afraid of you!" Zhuo Yi sneered indifferently, continuing to watch the battle on the field...shouldn't focus on Rosa's chest.

"Boom! Boom..."

He seemed to be a lost mouse chased by cats on the court, and the defensive power of Tai Chi was getting lower and lower.

Accidentally, he was hit in the chest again with a punch, and the whole person flew out all of a sudden, crashing to the ground with a bang!

Zhou Ming frowned slightly, and wanted to say something, but he finally shook his head and turned his head away.

"Hum! Is this the only strength? It's really weak!" Yu Rosa glanced slightly at the corner of her mouth, but her figure didn't stop at all. It fell like a shell to the place where Zhou Tian fell.

"You are going to die!" At this moment, Zhou Tian suddenly shouted, and a bright sword light rose from the place where he fell.

Suddenly, Rosa felt a crisis strike, and her body turned subconsciously in the void.


Jianguang flew across Rosa's body, although it was not cut on her body, but there was still a large piece of invisible sharply cut flesh on her back.

"Damn it!" Although Yu Rosa was injured, she was not able to live her life. Although this injury brought her great pain, it also brought her an inexplicable crazy power.

She even dodged the sword light and rushed down once.

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