Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1762: Overall promotion

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He grasped the hilt with both hands, and his body Meng Fan exerted force.


There was a fierce rumbling sound under the earth.

With the continuous extraction of the giant sword, the surrounding ground continued to collapse, and the originally calm grassland seemed to suddenly become a horror picture of the end of the world.

"What happened?" Zhou Fei and Jiao Xiao, who were fighting with a blood beast in the distance, couldn't help turning their heads to look.

Suddenly they saw a giant giant, and pulled out a giant sword from the ground.

The more terrifying power alone made both bodies tremble.

"That seems to be Brother Zhao... He even pulled out the giant sword. What does he want to do? Is it necessary to carry the giant sword to fight?" Zhou Fei was stunned and also saw clearly that the giant is Zhao Yuande's appearance , Can't help but open his mouth!

"This... this is too powerful!" Jiao Xiao's lips shuddered, and he squeezed out the sentence for a long time.

At this time, the blood beast fighting them seemed to feel something terrible and turned away.

"This sword is good!" Zhao Yuande's changed giant held the giant sword. Although the giant sword was too big for him, he still felt very excited.

If you become a true high, use this great sword to fight, it is simply...

Zhao Yuande couldn't imagine what kind of picture it was. It must be as easy to cut the grass as it is to kill the strong in the fairy land.

"This sword is good for everything, but it is too big! But it is not impossible to make it smaller..." Zhao Yuande's soul dived into the giant sword and began to become familiar with the various magic circles within the giant sword. .

Soon the giant sword in his hand shrank and shrunk, and finally turned into a three-foot-long giant sword, but this has shrunk to the limit, and can no longer continue to shrink.

The three-foot-long giant sword, although still a bit long, can already be used!

Zhao Yuande looked at the giant sword in his hand and couldn't help showing a satisfied look.

However, such a long sword, if you use that kind of water way again, it would be a bit nonchalant. I should change direction first, delve into the mysteries of the earth, and use the sword of the mountain!

He made a decision and directly notified Zhao Liu and Zhao Xie, who were ascending in the Time Immortal Palace, to let them study the way of the earth and the sword of the mountain!

Zhao Yuande had already understood the sword intent, but now it is only a process of familiarization and change from the water to the ground. It is not difficult for him!

The acceleration of 200 times, let Zhao Yuande get the sword of the mountain after half an hour!

"It's convenient and fast! If I have three real avatars, the speed will definitely be faster!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but yearn for the three avatars to replace himself in the time fairy palace, so that his cultivation speed can reach a limit.

Even if the two are practicing now, after so many days, the mid-term achievement of fairyland is already in sight!

"Okay! I'm in a good mood today, and it's time to fulfill my promise. Give you meals!" Zhao Yuande looked at the returning Zhou Fei and Jiao Xiao, as well as Du Xin'er and Yu Rosa's two daughters.

In addition to Jiao Xiao, the other three people were all excited when they heard the word "add meal", and Zhou Fei rubbed his hands constantly, an expression he couldn't wait for.

"Brother! What is the extra meal?" Jiao Xiao looked at the three people with excitement and couldn't help but feel their heads full of doubts.

"Haha! You will know in a moment!" Zhou Fei did not tell him much, but smiled mysteriously at him.


Jiao Xiao gave a long sigh and looked at Zhao Yuande with expectation.

Zhao Yuande took a piece of fairy beast that had been slain in the fairy world from the space, and then took out a large number of various immortal elixir.

Jiao Xiao could hardly believe his eyes, these things...the value is simply incalculable!

Even if their ancestors want to take out these things, they have to hurt their bones, especially there is a second-grade fairy medicine among those fairy medicines...

Once again, he once saw the introduction of this fairy medicine in the Zongmen Zangjing Pavilion, but this can only be obtained in the fairy world. How could he have it?

"What are you dumbfounded, come and help immediately!" Zhao Yuande waved at the four.

"You two help me to clean this fairy beast, you two help me to classify these elixir first..." Zhao Yuande directed everyone, but his face smiled happily.

After half a day, they were all satisfied and began to practice with their eyes closed!

"Haha... Hmm!" Jiao Xiao immediately opened his eyes, and immediately felt his own strength. Not only his body, his strength, even his own weak spirit, he was strengthened at this time, and his cultivation practice was even achieved. The critical point of the peak of Divine Emperor Realm, as long as you are going through several battles, you will be promoted to Immortal Realm in three or five days.

He just shouted in excitement, but his mouth was directly covered by a big hand!

"Hush! They are still practicing!" Zhao Yuande's voice came from his ear.

"Ah! I'm too excited!" Jiao Xiao looked embarrassedly at Zhao Yuande, unable to hide his excitement in his eyes, and grateful!

"I'm strong again..." Zhou Fei also committed this problem at this time, and was suddenly covered with his mouth again!

"Jiao Xiao, you guard him, but he ascended to the peak of God Emperor as soon as possible, but it is better to stay away from here!" Zhao Yuande knew at a glance that Zhou Fei was about to break through!

"Brother, don't worry!" Jiao Xiao nodded and took Zhou Fei to play the faraway escape!

"Brother! Who is Brother Jiang?" Jiao Xiao asked curiously.

"Hey! Can't you guess now?" Zhou Fei didn't answer, but looked at the other party with a smile.

Although these large gates in the void do not communicate with the outside world, their news is not blocked.

"He wouldn't be the owner of the world's first food in the world," Jiao Xiao's eyes widened incredulously.

"Yes! It is him, and only he can turn decay into magic! Only he can have this wonderful ability!" Zhou Fei nodded.

"It's here! They are thousands of miles away from them, and the Sky Tribulation should not reach them!"


At this time, Du Xin'er also opened her eyes, her face showed an excited expression, got the help of food, and she got the feeling of Kendo again, at this time she had mastered the sword.

At this time she had an urge to find a strong enemy.

"Hey!" Yu Rosa sighed slightly, although all aspects of her have been enhanced, but she could hardly suppress her own cultivation.

At this time, without the help of Zhao Yuande, she will be directly promoted!

"It would be nice if there were a lot of fairy jade! I can break through the realm by absorbing the spirit of fairy fairy!" Yu Rosa sighed.

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