Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1764: Dong Guofu

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Xiaobai Xiaohei's sneak attack was also unsuccessful. Instead, a long stick in Jiao Xiao's hand beat a **** dragon with a stick.

"It's not impossible to fight! We can definitely defeat it with all our strength!" Jiao Xiao's face was full of warfare, and when he talked about the stick, he was killed together with the **** dragon.

"You give me!" Zhou Fei also joined the music group with his halberd and three-headed beast pet.

Although this **** dragon was very powerful, it could not stand their siege, and soon fell into a disadvantage.

After hundreds of breaths, the Scarlet Dragon was finally hit by Jiao Xiao's stick on the top of his head, and turned into a ball of blood and exploded directly.

"Wahaha! Seventy-two blood essences burst out! Fully developed, well developed!" Zhou Fei excitedly took all blood essences into his hands.

"You two are divided!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but see a satisfied smile on his face.

The two have now been able to kill a blood beast at the beginning of the fairyland, which is something they dare not dream about.

When they first entered here, their fighting power stayed at the level of the God Emperor's Peak, not to mention that it is only a small gap from the early stage of the God Emperor's Peak and the Immortal Realm, but the fighting power is not only ten times different!

"Hey! Then we are welcome! This is your thirty-six brothers!" Zhou Fei sent thirty-six to Jiao Xiao's hands.

"Haha!" Jiao Xiao laughed excitedly.

At this time, Du Xin'er not only rejoiced in his heart, but nodded secretly.

"Go ahead! I feel like someone is fighting in front of me, wouldn't it be the team that took the first few shots!" Zhao Yuande was a little excited in his eyes, and he wanted to see the strength of those people. Well, I don’t know what their current combat effectiveness is?

It would be best if Zhang Fan could be seen. I don’t know if the other party can let himself go all out now.

Everyone was advancing at a rapid pace, and Zhao Yuande felt a little eager in his heart.

In a passage not far ahead, four people are fighting with three powerful blood beasts.

These three blood beasts are all the fighting power of the early fairyland, which is equivalent to a first-class fairy beast, and of the four people fighting against them, two of them are the peak of the **** emperor, and the two of them are the early stage of the fairyland.

However, one of the strongest of the emperor's peak is facing a blood beast alone, and it has not fallen.

The other three are also at ease with two blood beasts.

"Dong Guofu, what are you still rubbing, and haven't slashed this blood beast yet!" Among the three, there was a big man with a fierce face like black paint, and the beard on this guy's face was like a thick wild grass Not only the jaw and two temples, but also almost all eyes are covered, it is a boar essence!

A wild and domineering breath emerged from this person's body. His eyes looked at Dong Guofu, with jealousy in his eyes, and a somewhat terrible murderous opportunity.

"Boss Feng, this guy is a cheap breed. After a while we cleaned up these two blood beasts and turned our heads to clean up him. If you know that his people are in our hands, I don’t believe this guy would dare to give the old men. Sell ​​your life!" Another strong man at the peak of the Divine Emperor is a weak young man, looking at Boss Feng, who is like a boar, and the words in his mouth are very flattering!

"Okay! Isn't it too much for you to do this!" The remaining strong in the fairy realm is a woman in Tsing Yi. Although her appearance is not as beautiful as that of other female practitioners, she is still beautiful, but her eyes are Cold and ruthless, but there is also a bit of intolerance in the words, "Is he able to do all this for friends, is it not worthy of our respect?"

"Respect! You can talk to Master Ming, and we can't talk to us!" Mr. Feng glanced uncomfortably at the Tsing Yi woman, and said uncomfortably, "Qing Nu, you're doing nothing against me, is this interesting? Lao Tzu? Not interested in you!"

"Feng Tu! Are you looking for death?" The woman called Qing Nu flashed in her eyes, staring at Feng Tu deadly.

"Oh! Do you fear me? Believe me or not, I will kill you today!" Feng Tu eyes suddenly stood up, and a fierce air suddenly poured out of his body.

"Humph! When I'm afraid of you!" At this time, the green girl's hands also had a flaming blue sword.

"Don't make trouble for both of them! I will be torn by the blood beast!" At this time the two faced off and had forgotten to fight with the blood beast. It really hurt the thin young man.

And thanks to the incredible speed of this thin young man, he practiced several times to dodge the pinch of two blood beasts, but there were several deep scars on his body at this time.

"Humph! You remember it for me, young girl! One day I will kill you!" Feng Tu was called the elder by the thin young man, and he could not ignore the younger brother. He grunted and took it again. The attack of a blood beast solved the crisis of the thin and weak youth.

"I just wanted to say this, you will definitely die!" The green goddess sword directly pierced the blood beast's head.


The blood beast exploded directly and turned into a blood essence on the ground.

"His!" The thin young man took a breath, and the power of this sword was too powerful!

Even Feng Tu's heart is constantly beating, this girl is really terrifying!

But Lao Tzu has the cards. If you can't kill Lao Tzu with a sword, Lao Tzu can directly kill you!

Not far away, Dong Guofu, who is at war with the blood beast, has bruised his face at this time!

At this time, he was so depressed that his friend fell into the hands of the enemy, and he became the beater of the other party. Is there anything more tragic than this?

The other party firmly grasped his weakness of emphasizing affection and threatened himself not to break through the fairyland, otherwise he must slash his friend!

This is simply no solution!

Although the friend did not meet in the lower realm, they met from the Fifth Fairy City. Both of them were in the same state, and they all rose to the peak of the Divine Emperor along the way.

Until he entered the seventh fairyland world, followed by a strong fairyland into here, everything changed.

This fairyland powerhouse was beheaded by his opponents in an encounter, and those who came in with them became lonely ghosts and began wandering aimlessly here to find a way out.

As a result, after a blood beast war, his friend was injured, and he exposed his true strength.

The prison body is strong enough to make up for the gap in the realm, and leapfrogged a blood beast in the fairy realm.

But all this was seen by the caring person, and he naturally caught his injured friend and successfully controlled Dong Guofu.

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